Skeet ‘was one of a kind’– Source: The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Sally Moseley said she wept when she saw the death notice for Skeet in the newspaper.
George “Skeet” Hagans died Christmas Day. He was 69.

Sally had known Skeet for about 10 years. They met when she went to the Braswell Center to work out in the fitness room.

Skeet was the center’s custodian who kept the fitness room – the center – clean. (Read more)

Note: I totally agree with all has been said about Skeet. I have been knowing Skeet just about all of my life. He was a good friend of the family and he and my mom worked cleaning up banks.

I used to run into Skeet from time to time in Walmart and we always held a short conversation. He always talked about how he appreciated the things I did and especially when I videoed his daughter’s wedding. He love his daughter and grand children.

I was totally shocked to received the phone call on my birthday (Christmas Day) that Skeet had passed.

Skeet will truly be missed. C. Dancy II DCN Publisher

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