Was Trying To Get A Nap But Calls, Texts, Messengers And Emails About Sam Battle Woke Me Up

I have worked 21 days straight 9-10 hours a day with 1 day off on my real job. Something that some folk need to get, a real job. However I have been going to in person/virtual, videoing meetings and events during these days as well. But that is what a real community and political activist does.

I woke up to some talk about some White folk accepting donations for Sam Rock. But I was sent a screenshot of his most recent podcast with him and Gregb earlier today still talking about folk. Really?

Well I just can’t get into this thing so I will not be donating to these White Supremacists.

I hate it but I am not promoting these White Supremacists Racial Social Media pages. I will not support anyone who should be focusing on their personal being but still carrying out the mission of the White Supremacist who are trying to discredit Black Leadership.

Thanks to all of the folk (resources) that keep me informed about some of the mess folk post on these Racist Social Media Pages that have me blocked and/or like Fighting Crime that allow me to read but I can’t post. But the only time I read it is when somebody send me something and it takes me to the actual page.

Folk you better start paying attention to the Noise that is going on around you. You may be buying into some folk who are working against you.

I hope Sam Rock treatments go well but I just can’t deal with all of the other drama.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on YouTube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

(252) 314-5484


Rocky Mount Finest Samuel (Rock) Battle From (Word On The Streets Sam & Gregb) Court Dates Begin Tomorrow Thursday January 27, 2022

See Counties in Purple, Court Dates In Red and Click on Case Numbers In Blue to see what the charges are.










Rocky Mount NC – Samuel Glendell Battle aka “Sam Rock” Star Of “Word On The Street” Now Git!

Wow! Have you heard about Samuel Glendell Battle aka “Sam Rock” star of “Word On The Street” who is always putting out videos of half trues? Ain’t nobody sent me the video talking about this some news I received today.

I get messages regularly about mess he be saying about me and the last mess I heard was he said I live in a singlewide trailer and that my wife and I having marriage problems. Negative for both. I didn’t look at it and I didn’t respond to him and his co-host Gregory Brake aka “Gregb.” They are the male version of Diamond & Silk what about that part?

Well today one of my sources sent me a message about Sam Rock. I thought it was something about me again.

Well when I heard the news today, I always fact check to make sure it is legit. I contacted one of my sources to check into it for me because I check behind my sources as well. I also tell my sources to check behind me when I bring things to them.

The DCN News Blog Online TV bring to you some Real News You Can Use about your boy. I would say this is the moment you been waiting for but instead this is the moment that I been waiting to share. Visit NC Courts to see the upcoming court dates. Click here!

Now Git! Off the damn road!

Sam Roc & Gregb Let Me Set The Record Straight About Not Living In A Town, Ward, District Or Etc.

I love it when folk like the male version of Diamond & Silk “Word On The Street With Sam Roc and Gregb” say I can’t vote for anyone in Rocky Mount. Hell they can’t vote for all the Rocky Mount City Council members either. So what are they doing but keeping a bunch of noise about all of the Black council members because they are trying to discredit them.

Hell I can’t vote for everybody in Edgecombe County.

I live in the county and my physical address is Tarboro NC.

I can only vote for 1 school board member out of 7 and 1 county commissioner out of 7. However I can support and campaign for all of those whom I want to.

My point is I can’t vote for any Rocky Mount City Council members however I can support all of those whom I want to. I have done that for years. I have supported other candidates from other towns as well.

I am a Democratic Party Precinct Chair and that covers some folk in the county that has a Tarboro and Rocky Mount address. However I am on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee which is a make up of Rocky Mount and all towns in Edgecombe County so I represent the county at-large. I also serve on the State Democratic Party Executive Committee.

I have supported statewide candidates across the state but even some in neighboring towns but not limited to.

I am the Vice President of the Rocky Mount NAACP which covers all of Edgecombe County which is a non-partisan organization.

I am The Political Agitator, The Watch Dog of the East, founder of Dancy Communications Network The DCN News Blog Online TV and I have been a longtime Community and Political Activist since the 80’s.

Word On The Street is based on half-trues and lies and mislead folk regularly. They are right I can’t vote for any Rocky Mount City Council members but I damn sure can support the ones I choose to. I support all of the current Black Councilmen and if I could vote in the upcoming election I would vote for Reuben Blackwell and Richard Joyner. I support them based on their record as I know it and not based on the noise from folk who are jealous, mad and got their own personal agenda and not looking at what they are doing. Oh hell no I don’t agree with them on every issue but I agree with them on more than I disagree with them.

Sam Roc & Gregb because I am actively engaged in Rocky Mount Politics I will challenge you when it comes to politics. I have been actively engaged since the 80’s and will continue to be engaged til the end.

Play the entire audio of the conversation that we had at Bojangols that you played what you wanted to play on your podcast last week. I own up to what I say so own up to what you said. Oh that ain’t how y’all operate, y’all operate on half-trues and lies. That is that Trump mentality and that is the reason y’all are registered Unaffiliated. So Democrats don’t allow these guys in your meetings.


Sam Roc & Gregb “Word On The Street” Played A Recording Of Sam & I Conversation At Bojangols On September 8, 2021

Sam Rock thank you for the recording because you did just what I wanted you to do. I couldn’t wait until you talked about our conversation on September 8 when you approached me at Bojangols.

So how can the Andre Knights and others have a serious conversation with you about politics?

Yes I said it that Andre Knight needed to come back to the NAACP because I have been running the NAACP for months since he was going through the audit.

Yes I said that about Higgs. I posted the pictures 2 – 3 years ago to show that Higgs do not live in Edgecombe County. But play the message what you said before I responded to you about Higgs. And now since his son sent him to the hospital it is evident that he lives at that address.

I said Bronson backed out of the mess with you at IHOP, I said Bronson still was going there and went to an IHOP in Paris or wherever he went out of the country and you can hear that on the audio. Bronson talked about it on News You Can Use when he went out of the country about the IHOP I responded to Sam when he said he wanted to so sue IHOP and I said how you going to do that. Tell Sam to play the conversation because I was responding to what he said. I also said that they got the guy fired at Ihop for no reason. I said I know who called IHOP Corporate.

Funny how you told me about the issue that you brought up on the TV show with Nehemiah about a car accident but you didn’t play my response to that.

Play the conversation about you supporting Jae Taylor and other. I stand behind anything I say.

Bring the lady on about me showing her a photo of me.

Play the entire audio of what you said.

Really so you guys got off on half trues.

You guys are comical and that is why I don’t look at your podcast with them half trues.

These guys are dangerous.

Look at these ignants for yourself on Word On The Street with Sam Roc and Gregb.

Samuel Battle Sam Rock Approached Me In Bojangols In Tarboro NC

Samuel Battle Sam Rock approached me in Bojangols Tarboro.

I was in line somebody said Mr. Dancy and I turned around although I recognized the voice, it was Sam Battle.

I spoke and he just stood there.

I said I hear you were on the show. He said yeah I called your name because I had called his. I said Bro. I was responding to you calling in talking about me because I had not been calling in. This is Bronson Williams show “News You Can Use.”

But I was talking about him being on that racist WHIG TV.

Back to Sam. He said the City Manager got to go because of lack of Police Officers and the Public Works not being treated fairly. I said she ain’t going anywhere because they can get that right. I said I have issues with that too but you have to address things in the right way.

I said I don’t look at your show “Word On The Street” nor when you on WHIG TV because what you be talking about is irrelevant.

I said I heard Jacqueline Barnes called WHIG TV while you were on this morning and asked you to support her. I said get the Policy and Procedures and then talk to me.

He said there you go you always talking about Policy and Procedures but these women out her are being mistreated on these jobs. I said but you have to address it by the Policy and Procedures. He said she should have talked to NAACP and I said it is not a NAACP issue because there was no racial discrimination. He said but.

He said she talked to Councilman Andre Knight and he didn’t do anything. I said Andre is not the guys boss that she had to file a complaint with her supervisor, manager or HR. In addition she could go to EEOC.

I said I could believe he did what she claimed but until she prove it, that is just my opinion. But the main thing is she says what she has talked about on WRAL, Bronson Show “News You Can Use” and WHIG TV makes no sense because it is not a part of her EEOC complaint.

I told Sam that Bro. I ain’t mad with nobody you can talk about me all you want but just don’t lie on me. I said the only problem I have with is you say a woman said I sent her a photo of my penis but today on Bronson Show you said women. Really!

I said Bro. prove what the woman said about me. Tell her to show it to you. He said how I know it is you, you could have 12 inches. I said if it is on her phone it will show who sent it. I told him when he and GregB talked about it on his show “Word On The Street” to tell her to call the police because the last time I checked sending photos like that was illegal.

He said his show is called "Word On The Street" so he is just saying what he heard. I said you can’t just do that you need facts because you  can mess around and someone take you to court.

He said man leave Rev. Roosevelt Higgs alone because he like him. I said he is a fool. I told him that I don’t fool with him and I told him why.

We talked about much more.

I said all of that to say this.

Over a year ago I was at the EXXON on Fairview Road when they were remodeling it and McDonald’s and they were closed. However you could use your card to get gas.

Sam came and he and I were the only 2 at the store. We talked then for about 20 minutes.

Today we talked for about 20 minutes. We did not argue either time and we had a civil discussion.

I told him again I love his passion but he is going about it the wrong way. I told him again to call me anytime and I will discuss issues he have.

So for anyone that thought that when Sam and I came into contact it was going to be a fight or an argument, we ain’t there yet. I don’t argue and I don’t fight.

Oh bout to forget, when he called in to Bronson Show and said he was down by Honeywell where I work to come to gas station and talk to him. I told him I laughed because I was at home.

Sam had called Bronson show around 2 months ago and said I don’t call in to the show because they were monitoring my calls at work. I called in recently and said the place I work can’t do anything about me calling in to the show on my break time and lunch time. I call in on my cell phone and they can’t monitor that.

Back in April of this year corporate HR for my job called me asking did I call in to media (TV, Radio, Newspaper) while I was working and I said please. However he said he had to just talk to me because a complaint was made. I said I don’t roll like that. I said just like you are doing now an investigation that is what I do with the NAACP I am the Legal Redress Chair. I said I ain’t that crazy to do something like that. I said I have challenged management here so why would I want to give them the a reason to come for me. He has not called me back because he know that mess was crazy after I gave him some history of what I have to deal with as it relates to calling in to Bronson show “News You Can Use,” Politics and etc.

If Sam would learn how to advocate in the right way he could be a great asset to the community but right now he is dangerous because he is misleading folk.

Folk that know me know I don’t play when it comes to politics because we are talking about folk lives.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 10/7/2021

Sam Rock & GregB Male Version Of Diamond & Silk

A female sent me a message saying “Word on the Street” with Sam Rock and Gregb is the male version of Diamond & Silk. I don’t look at it unless I get a message that they are talking about me. You can’t make this stuff up! They be funny to me! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 10/6/2021