Over 90% of job switchers said they quit because the pandemic made them feel like ‘life is too short to stay in a job they weren’t passionate about’

The Political Agitator’s response: I work a real job and I listen to the mess about folk don’t want to work and I see why and talk to folk so I don’t buy into that Republicans mess.

At this point, it’s an understatement to say that the pandemic has reshaped the economy — and the workers who keep it going.

Some workers retired early over fears of coronavirus; others lost their jobs early on in the pandemic. Some left the labor force completely for different reasons, like childcare issues or fears of getting sick.

And then, for six months in a row, workers quit at near-record highs. Tales of labor shortages abound as employers scramble to get back workers who seem to be in pursuit of more — more flexibility, pay, benefits, safety measures, or fulfillment.

A new Indeed survey sheds some light on why Americans are leaving, and participating in what has been termed the "Great Resignation", "Great Reshuffle," or even the "Great Realization." (Read more)

Rocky Mount NC Teens’ home movie to get Amazon Prime treatment :: WRAL.com

Rocky Mount NC

Reporter: Bryan Mims

Source: Teens’ home movie to get Amazon Prime treatment :: WRAL.com

State officials urge local school districts to reopen classrooms

The Political Agitator’s response: I totally disagree with the Governor Cooper, Dr. Mandy Cohen, State Superintendent and Board Chair along with anyone who are saying that it is safe for teachers and children to open school safely. I strongly believe the numbers are low because children have been doing virtual learning and very few children have been in schools. However are the numbers really matching the real numbers of reported cases in the school systems. I challenge that by the numbers of Nash and Edgecombe County alone especially Edgecombe when the numbers from sources say they have not been truly reported. Well I’ll wait to see how Edgecombe County numbers continue to go unreported and see what the end will be. We have around 5 months to do so I’ll wait! And to compare schools with other folk working, really? I know others including myself that has questioned working in these time of the pandemic.

Nash County Public Schools will remain closed to in-person instruction until March 22, though Gov. Roy Cooper and new State Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt are urging school districts to reopen classrooms now.

Nash County Public Schools Superintendent Steve Ellis and his staff recommended in January that schools open to in-person instruction on Jan. 25, but the Nash County Board of Education voted last month in a 6-5 decision to delay opening until March 22 and to keep students learning remotely at home until then.

At a meeting of the Nash County Board of Education held Monday night, two parents expressed their desire for schools to reopen sooner than March 22. Parent Brandon Ward spoke using Zoom to read a letter that he already had sent to Ellis after the school board voted to delay the opening.

“Many parents feel that their voices are not being heard in this matter,” Ward said. “Roughly 66 percent of parents signed up for their students to receive in-person instruction. That is a majority. Students are failing. The CDC states that it is safer for students to be in school than out of school, but fear seemed to dominate the school board decision. We want the students to be back in school as soon as possible.”

Marci Cooke, a parent who has a junior student attending Northern Nash High School, had her letter read Monday to the school board. She also said she felt the decision to delay was driven by teachers’ fears.

“How do you think other professions have felt over the past few months? They have been working all along,” Cooke said. “Students are failing, and this cannot continue. Our children are our future, and we are doing them a disservice by not providing them with every opportunity to learn and be successful.” (Read more)

During This Pandemic I Am Grateful

I am grateful today I celebrate my 58th birthday.

I have been blessed with a good job for the past 34 years (started January 27, 1987) and never been laid off even when work was slow I was able to work in another department.

I have lived to see all of my children get grown. Nashonda Lavette Dancy (Sherrod) Shonda was born April 1, 1987, India Matita Dancy was born February 20, 1991 and baby boy Curmilus Dancy III (CJ) was born August 24, 1998.

My wife has not worked since we been married and we have maintained to basic necessities. All of the children have been to college and my girls have more than one degree and baby boy only need a couple of hours and he will be able to obtain a 2nd degree.

My dad is 86 years old and will be 87 on February 13, 2020. He is doing great driving and doing whatever he wants do and most recently have been picking up pecans.

Some folk are worried about they can’t spend time with their family well I am good. My wife and baby boy is here at the house. My dad is at his house, Shonda lives in Maryland and India lives in Durham. To be able to pick up the phone and talk to my dad daily is enough for me however I go to his house almost several days a week to drop of some food or supplies. I go in and take whatever I am dropping off and head right back out the door and we talk on the porch.

Last Saturday we went to Durham to see India and we didn’t go in her place.

Wednesday we went to Newbern NC to visit my mother in law. We didn’t go in her place. My wife talk to her moma and sister everyday.

During the pandemic we have to be very careful in our comings and goings.

I would rather be able to continue to talk to family than to gather and we possibly exchange the COVID among ourselves and somebody gets sick and/or die.

What the pandemic has done or should I say has done is made us look at life differently.

I leave you with this question, is it worth risking your life and your love ones life by gathering versus doing a short visit and talking to your love ones on the phone or connecting on social media.

I choose to do the short visits and communicate through phone call and social media.


McConnell says Obama administration ‘did leave behind’ pandemic plan

The Political Agitator’s response: Well we have known that they just lie, lie, lie.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday walked back comments made earlier this week that the Obama administration didn’t leave behind a “game plan” for a pandemic.

“I was wrong,” McConnell said when asked about his comments during a Fox News interview.

“They did leave behind a plan. I clearly made a mistake in that regard,” he said.

“As to whether or not the plan was followed and who is the critic and all the rest, I don’t have any observation about that because I don’t know enough about the details of that … to comment on it in any detail,” he added.

McConnell’s comments come after he appeared to blame the Obama administration for not leaving guidelines behind for the Trump White House during the transition in 2017. President Trump and his allies have made similar remarks. (Read more)