In Philadelphia, police clash with supporters of Baltimore protests – CNN

(CNN) Across the world, demonstrators are taking to the streets to support Baltimore protesters and to complain about police brutality in their own towns. In the United States, the protests took place Thursday in Philadelphia and Cincinnati.

The protests will probably continue, at least into the weekend.

Demonstrations in Seattle; Portland, Oregon; and Oakland, California, are scheduled for Friday, which is also May Day, or International Workers Day — often used to call attention to issues affecting the working class and minorities.

45 Baltimore CVS workers still getting paid after riots shut down stores


A protest started Thursday afternoon in front of city hall. Aerial video showed several hundred people gathered. As the crowd swelled, it moved toward Rittenhouse Square. (Source: Read more)

Second man in police transport van speaks out – WBALTV

The Political Agitator response: Again I like I said,Baltimore Maryland: When We Get To The Root Cause Then The Reaction Can And Will Be Understandable!Like I said,  When they announce what really happened to Freddie Gray hell I think that the reactions from the angry could be far worse than what we have seen up until now.

A Baltimore man has come forward to talk about his April 12 ride in a police van with Freddie Gray, saying in an interview that he heard his fellow prisoner briefly making noise on the other side of a metal barrier.

“All I heard was a little banging for like four seconds,” 22-year-old Donte Allen told local NBC affiliate WBAL. “I just heard a little banging.”

Gray suffered spinal injuries while in custody, and died a week later. His death sparked citywide protests that devolved into rioting and looting Monday. (Source: Read more)

Cop Who Arrested Freddie Gray Had Guns Confiscated Over Mental Health – TPM

The Political Agitator response: So they want to bring up Gray’s record, so let’s talk about this cop’s record.

BALTIMORE (AP) — The highest-ranking Baltimore police officer in the arrest that led to Freddie Gray’s death was hospitalized in April 2012 over mental health concerns for an unknown duration and had his guns confiscated by local sheriff’s deputies, according to records from the sheriff’s office and court obtained by The Associated Press.

Lt. Brian Rice, who initially pursued Gray on a Baltimore street when Gray fled after Rice made eye contact April 12, declared three years ago that he “could not continue to go on like this” and threatened to commit an act that was censored in the public version of a report obtained by the AP from the Carroll County, Maryland, Sheriff’s Office. Rice lived in the county, about 35 miles northwest of Baltimore. At the time, deputies were responding to a request to check on his welfare by a fellow Baltimore police officer who is the mother of Rice’s son. (Source: Read more)

An update: Lies, Videos and Police malfeasance in Baltimore

The Political Agitator response: Yesterday I posted the following: Baltimore Maryland: When We Get To The Root Cause Then The Reaction Can And Will Be Understandable! Like I said,  When they announce what really happened to Freddie Gray hell I think that the reactions from the angry could be far worse than what we have seen up until now.

Are we to believe that “police rough rides” alone can break bones and crush voice boxes?

A definition of Malfeasance: The commission of an act that is unequivocally illegal or completely wrongful.

Update: According to a Washington Post article, an “anonymous prisoner” is quoted by an “anonymous police investigator” stating, “Freddie Gray was intentionally trying to injure himself in van”. Really…we’re all supposed to believe that Freddie Gray broke his own neck and almost severed his own spine while trashing around in the van semi-conscious, …in light of the fact that he couldn’t even enter the van under his own power?

http://Prisoner in van thought Gray was ‘trying to injure himself’

But wait a minute evidently the anonymous “police-leaker” didn’t know that the “anonymous prisoner” can be seen on video stating that he “only heard a little banging in the van and that the ride was “smooth”. So exactly who is mysterious “police-leaker who leaked these “tall tales” to the Washington Post? (Source: Read more)

Baltimore police complete investigation into Freddie Gray death – Eyewitness News ABC

Racism Is Real: The Real Reason Behind Baltimore Uprising – HuffingtonPost

The Political Agitator response: When we talk about the root cause and then the reactions we will understand it all by and by. But as long as folks don’t want to deal with the truth nothing will change. When the angry ones stop destroying property and move on to something that is much worse, this world is going to wake up. I hope that don’t be the case but since tearing up property ain’t bringing about change, they may at some point look to something different. Just my ignant opinion!

The death of Freddie Gray at the hands of Baltimore police sparked outrage and protests by thousands of Baltimore residents and people of color around the world. It seems that almost daily, the headline “Unarmed Black Man Killed By Police” has pulled back the veil on what many white Americans, liberal and conservative alike, have been blinded to by privilege: racism is real in American society. Our new film, which we have shared here, highlights it. (Source: Read more)

Citizen videographer says police folded Freddie Gray like a "piece of origami" – The Baltimore Sun

Kevin Moore was asleep in his home the morning of April 12, when his uncle yelled to him: “The police are tazing Freddie.”

Moore, 28, ran out of his home in the same Gilmor Homes complex where Freddie Gray was arrested and sprinted across the street to get a view of what was happening.

“Once I got around to see where Freddie was, I instantly started recording,” Moore said.

Moore shot one of the two cell phone videos of the Gray arrest that morning that have since ignited protests and raised questions about whether the police arrested him “without force or incident as cited in an officer’s report. (Source: Read more)

Baltimore Maryland – Why They Have Got To Have A Title? Damn Just Call Them Black Males/Females, By Their Name And/Or Criminals

Why they got to have a title? Why they can’t be called a black male, a black female and or by their name? Because that is what one chooses to do?

Why is putting a title on them more important than the root cause and the reaction?

Hell the best title for me would be just to call them criminals but that would not be putting a face with the title.

Oh but that is like other folks embezzle and black folks steal.

Just my ignant opinion!

“Just Call Them Ni**ers:” Watch Powerful Moment Baltimore Councilman Shut Down CNN Host Who Tried To Justify “Thug”

The Political Agitator response: I love it, this Councilman gets it. This has always been my definition of the word “Thug” because I know what “they” have been saying but hiding the real word Nigger behind the code word “Thug.” I read into code words because I deal with them all the time here in Edgecombe/Nash Counties all the time.

“Just Call Them Ni**ers:” Watch Powerful Moment Baltimore Councilman Shut Down CNN Host Who Tried To Justify “Thug”

It’s no secret.

The word “thug” in the media has long been a euphemism for Black people, often used by those who fail to consider the marginalization and disenfranchisement of Black communities in the face of unrest, as seen in Baltimore as of late.

So when CNN host Erin Burnett tried to justify the use of the word to describe young teenagers who clashed with Baltimore police Monday, Baltimore City Councilman Carl Stokes kept it 100 percent real.

“Just call them niggers,” he said, obviously exasperated by Burnett’s insistence that this was the right term for 13-18 year-old kids.

Burnett, citing both Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and President Obama‘s use of the term as justification, tried, unsuccessfully, to appeal to Stokes that it was appropriate, no matter the age of the children. (Source: Read more)

Dear white Facebook friends: I need you to respect what Black America is feeling right now – Salon

The Political Agitator response: Very well stated. In other words let black folks tell their own story and listen. You don’t have to agree or disagree but just listen. I think that is more than fair enough.

Dear White America,

It is somewhat strange to address this to you, given that I strongly identify with many aspects of your culture and am half-white myself. Yet, today is another day you have forced me to decide what race I am — and, as always when you force me — I fall decidedly into “Person of Color.”

Every comment or post I have read today voicing some version of disdain for the people of Baltimore — “I can’t understand” or “They’re destroying their own community” or “Destruction of Property!” or “Thugs” — tells me that many of you are not listening. I am not asking you to condone or agree with violence. I just need you to listen. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, but instead of forming an opinion or drawing a conclusion, please let me tell you what I hear: (Source: Read more)

Baltimore Maryland: Funny As Hell That Any Other Time This Mother Would Have Been Looked At As Child Abuse!


We get so caught up in what others say but do we think for ourselves?

Any other time this would have been considered child abuse!

Ya’ll keep on allowing folks to mislead, misinform and to take your eyes off the real issue at hand because “they” seize the moment to make the situation what they want it to be when they want it to be.

I tell you I don’t know why all conscious folks are not angry about what is going on around us locally and nationwide. Until all of us recognize that “Black Lives Matter” we will continue to deal with these ignant situations that involved law enforcement.

Because of all of this ignant mess going on involving law enforcement that seems to leave so much room for doubt that the truth is being made known, “I Can’t Breathe!”

I continue to ask the Lord To Keep Me Day By Day (click to listen to song) because we are not our mind keepers and he holds our future.

Baltimore Maryland: When We Get To The Root Cause Then The Reaction Can And Will Be Understandable!

When we get to the root cause then the reaction can and will be understandable.

Nobody want to talk about the root cause but only the reaction.

When they announce what really happened to Freddie Gray hell I think that the reactions from the angry could be far worse than what we have seen up until now.

Waiting and watching!

In Response To My Brother Response In Regards To The Mother Who Disciplined Her Son In Baltimore When He Was In The Ignant Moment Where The Rioting Was Happening

I tried to respond to this while at the car repair shop but didn’t save it.

Click on photo to watch this mother do the right thing!
imageAlot of folks applauded that mother for publicly “attempting” to discipline her son for I guess participating in the looting. But see that’s the problem: (not criticizing her)
1. Where was his father
2. When you discipline your kids privately, they want embarrass you publicly

My response: I will discipline my child publicly and privately. I tell my son all the time that he is gonna get it if he publicly embarass me so until the time comes he is good but if and when he should do it, publicly
I applaud her because I would have done the same thing! You lost me when you say, “she attempted to discipline her son for what you guess participating in the looting.” Well she was successful in getting him out of the area where there was an ignant moment going on and it appeared to me that he was involved since he had his face covered up.

So why should I criticize her for that?

You say where is the father? Why did that matter at that moment? Irrelevant! So if the father had been there, would one ask where was the mother? Irrelevant! The main thang is that the mother was there and did what I would have done be man or woman.

How could one not discipline the child at the time and location where they were acting out? First of all he was trying to hide his face but his mom recognized him and for that it let me know that she knows her child and I commend her for that.

I will discipline my child publicly and privately. I tell my son all the time that he is gonna get it if he publicly embarass me so until the time comes he is good but if and when he should do it, publicly and privately I am going to deal with him.

Point:When Godly fathers take their rightful place and raise there sons the right way, they will understand the difference b/w a protest and looting. Me and my sister were not perfect, and neither was our mother, but we NEVER would think about embarrassing her in public b/c of the discipline she has instilled in us in our home. Sorry my mind is just set up different. #realist #nosugarcoat

My response: I totally agree fathers need to take their rightful place and raise their sons but I want to add and daughters. I tried to take my rightfjul place to help raise my daughter but her mother moved 4 hours away trying to keep me from her. So I take these kinds of conversations very serious and get very emotional on the fact that I have been there done that. Now unfortunately my wife and I have raised our son all of his 16 years so I am in his life. However I recognize and understand that some fathers are not in position to be in their children lives because he chooses not to because he just don’t want to be, because he is married to another woman and in a relationship with another woman and the mother knows it but still chooses to have sex with him knowing that she could possibly get pregnant. The woman don’t want him to be involved because she get ignant. Well the child suffers in all situations but for me it is never the child’s fault but the mother and the father.

I don’t know where this young man’s father is and I don’t care. What I do care about is this mother took it upon herself to do what she did not knowing how he would respond. She was brave because so many children will fight and even kill their parents.

My friend I agree with you on a lot of things but I am not the one who will talk about a person behind their backs when I don’t agree with them and will make it known publicly. We have had a conversation about growing up without a father however I grew up with a father and been out of work almost a month without pay taking care of him since he has been in a car wreck.

I took time off work when my mom was terminally ill and I stayed in the hospital with her every night for nearly 2 months and went to work the next morning. And then when the doctors say that had done all they could do, we had to take her home. We took her to her sister’s house and set up a room for her. I stayed there every night for about 2 months and I went to work the next day until she expired.

So when it comes to family I can relate and I encourage men to be in their children lives and I don’t associate with deadbeat dads unless we are going to talk about what they need to do. However like I said I recognize and understand that some women don’t want the fathers in their children lives, they just want the money. Well I encourage them to pay child support and don’t get caught up in her mess.

Today my daughter has been brain-washed by her mother and step-father because they were successful for keeping me from having a relationship with my daughter. Well I turned it over to the Goodmaster and as long as I know I have done all I can do, it hurts but it is well with my soul.

I could go on but again I applaud, commend, love this woman for doing the right thing at the right time. I will not criticize her for doing what was right. However the only thing anyone that knows me know that I would not be going on the TV talking about it. I would write about it.

My brother again I love you and I know your heart but I can’t agree with you on this one.

Dang wish I had saved it when I tried to respond on my phone because it would have been short, but like I tell folks my video camera, my phone and my laptop is my weapons and my camera and my laptop is more powerful than my phone.

What’s Happening In Baltimore Didn’t Just Start With Freddie Gray – Huffington Post

The Political Agitator response: Any conscious person that is keep up with what is going on shoujd know this.

This week’s chaos on the streets of Baltimore has been decades in the making.

Violence erupted in the city on Monday after days of largely peaceful protests over the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who recently died of injuries he sustained while in police custody. But Gray’s death was just the latest point on a timeline stretching back generations, one that encompasses all manner of racial inequity and human indignity.

On April 6, 1968, just two days after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., riots broke out in Baltimore. When the dust settled on April 7, three people were dead, 70 were injured and more than 100 had been arrested, and numerous buildings were burned and destroyed, according to Baltimore magazine.

The Maryland Crime Investigating Commission Report of the Baltimore Civil Disturbance of April 6 to April 11, 1968 later summed up the event in a few sentences that could have easily been written yesterday: (Source: Read more)

Jesse Williams sums up the outrage to Baltimore’s ‘riots’ in one tweet – The Grio

The Political Agitator response: That is because they consider us as property and not as people so they think they have the right to kill us. Damn shame nothing but modern day slavery! But just my ignant opinion!

Jesse Williams, never change.

The Grey’s Anatomy actor is at it again, posting a series of scathing tweets aimed at the national media’s coverage of the protests in Baltimore. Williams, 33, also isn’t pleased with the sweeping criticism of the mostly young black men who have participated in rioting, looting and or destruction of property.

Monday, the outspoken Williams began posting both thought-provoking questions and bold statements calling for a more critical look at the real issues surrounding the death of Freddie Gray.

Then Williams dropped a gem: (Source: Read more)