Philadelphia – Williams earns Democratic nomination for Philadelphia DA, would be city’s 1st black DA

Williams wins DA race, looks ahead to November

In a decisive victory that his supporters heralded as "historic," R. Seth Williams won the Democratic primary for Philadelphia District Attorney last night taking more than 41 percent of the votes in five-man field.

"I’ve been running and walking for district attorney for about five years," Williams said in his victory speech to joyous supporters at a West Philadelphia function hall. "My feet are tired, but my soul, my soul is rested, because together, we will work to make the system better." (Philadelphia Daily News)

Primary Endorsements

On Tuesday, Pennsylvania’s primary election will mark the first step toward choosing a district attorney, city controller, and 11 judges for Philadelphia, along with judges on three suburban benches and three statewide appeals courts.

Given the city’s decidedly Democratic tilt, winners in that party’s primary will become favorites to win in the fall, while the county and statewide contests will set up the Nov. 3 judicial face-offs. (Philadelphia Enquirer)

Seth Williams hopes to improve on his 05’ D.A. effort

IN A CANDID moment in Mount Airy several weeks ago, Seth Williams flashed some of the self-confidence that has driven his campaign for district attorney for the last six years.

"Having been there [in the D.A.’s office] for 10 1/2 years, I knew, or I thought, that I could do a better job than the boss," Williams told 40 people at the Lutheran Seminary, on Germantown Avenue. (Philadelphia Daily News)