Crystal Wimes-Anderson Is Pushing The White Powers That Be Agenda

So Crystal Wimes-Anderson is pushing the White Powers That Be Agenda. She didn’t call Rev. Richard Joyner name but he is the councilman for Ward 3. Damn Crystal you lost got the least votes. Go somewhere and sit down and shut the hell up because you are just their face. Sad! You come here from Florida and think you are the one when you have not established yourself. There is so much more I could say however enough said. Continue on in ignance. Somebody share this with her because she has me blocked. Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens does too! LMBAO!


Crystal 1

So I Wonder What White Friend Shared This With Crystal Wimes-Anderson?

Somebody just shared this with me and I wonder which White friend shared this with Crystal Wimes-Anderson? It is sad that you have Black folk like Crystal who don’t stand for anything but mad with folk who speak up. Crystal show me one thing that Andre has called out that was not race related. I know damn well Andre like myself has called out all folk. But since she is new here and has teamed up with the White Powers That Be, she comes only around 3 years ago via Florida and she knows us. I’ll wait! Somebody share this with her because she has me blocked.

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Crystal Wimes-Anderson You Are Poisoning Ward 3 With Your Ignance On The Campaign Trail

Crystal Wimes-Anderson Rocky Mount City Council Ward 3 Candidate

What’s really killing our communities? Our mouths i.e words. For the power of life and death lies within our tongue. If we keep killing folks vision because it doesn’t align with our own, we’ll never grow as a unit. Start speaking life over your community because we see enough death with our naked eyes. Add a "y" to the equation and you’ll get "unity". Try it sometimes.

The DCN News Blog Online TV response:

Wow! Can Ray Page and Adrienne Copland vote for you because they liked this ignant post? I am asking for a friend. That be The Political Agitator.

Your ignance along with those you are listening to are not killing the communities but y’all are poisoning it.

Talk about what you can do that can be measured because this right here is only ignant words playing upon folk intelligence.

In the famous words of Sam Rock you need to "Get!" Get somewhere and sit down and shut up.

Don’t get mad because when you sent me the request to join this page I told you before I accepted it I was going to respond to you and you said okay. So I would not be here on your page if you didn’t invite me, I would just respond on my page.

Continue on! I got time!

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on YouTube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Crystal Wimes-Anderson You Need To Remove The Glasses Along With The Makeup Because You Are A Total Embarrassment On This Campaign Trail

Crystal Wimes-Anderson Rocky Mount City Council Ward 3 Candidate

What does community wealth building really mean? Aren’t you tired of hearing the same thing but no true direction on how we get there? How can we jump to building wealth without address real issues? Stop letting folks sell you dreams without reading the fine print. The past few days I’ve had to question whether or not I actually lived in Ward 3.

This is why we have to have community conversations within our neighborhoods because not everyone see things the same and how can you help me if you can’t understand me.

I’m thankful I can have these type conversations with Mr. Williams without the makeup.

The DCN News Blog Online TV response:

How ignant! No true direction how to get there? Really! It has been explained time and time again so you must not be paying attention.

Why don’t you read the fine print to us. This is nothing but you playing upon folk intelligence with your ignant words.

Folk probably asked do you live in the Ward because you have only been here a little over a year from Florida and folk don’t know you. Valid question.

They can’t understand you because you have no clue about what is going on and that is why you keep saying like Bronson Williams said. To keep talking about what Bronson Williams said and you both are running against Richard Joyner makes you an embarrassment to campaigning.

How ignant, "I’m thankful I can have these type conversations with Mr. Williams without the makeup." So just what good is that? Hell you can’t get his vote? Do you not understand you need Votes?

I am that Noise from Pinetops. Again goes to show you don’t know how politics work. I am a Precinct Chair in Edgecombe County. I am on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee and the State NC Democratic Party Executive Committee so it is important to me that Richard Joyner stays in the seat.

You don’t know the Political Culture of Edgecombe County side of Rocky Mount.

It was me who told you about the getting involved in the Edgecombe County Democratic Party and meetings around the county that you started attending such as the one my Pastor has every 2 weeks about COVID/Community Prayer, Sheriff Academy, County Meetings and etc. But you see you should have done all of this before you filed because nobody knows you.

Anybody that support you any little bit ought to be embarrassed that everything you say is like Bronson Williams who you are running against said. Who does that? But when you have no clue, that is what you do!

Not only not only the Noise from Pinetops who have been working in Rocky Mount for the past 35 years, Life Member of the Rocky Mount NAACP joined in 1992, served in the Edgecombe County Democratic Party since the early 80’s, former 1st Vice Chair N.E.E.D. Inc. Rocky Mount NC in the 90’s, member of Black Workers For Justice in the 80’s headquarters was right across from where the White Church is that is where the Rocky Mount Event Center is.

I have put in the time, know the culture, know the folk local, statewide and more.

I am 59 years old and probably old enough to be the 2 of you daddy. I been around. It is documented.

I tried to be nice to you but you continue to cater to Racist White Folk and Ignant Safe Negro Black Folk. Continue on but again I am a force to be reckon with and I will challenge you and any want a be elected official.

You are at total embarrassment to politics and it is documented. I was trying to educate you and hope you would be receptive so I was going to give you a break because you are ignant to politics. But since you keep calling me out with these Racist White Folk, I will go ahead and keep some real Noise. I was hoping you would just let your campaign be a learning process without being ignant but you continue to mislead folk and I will not allow you to do so.

So let’s go!

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on YouTube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Rocky Mount City Council Ward 3 Candidate Crystal Wimes-Anderson Black Folk Here Don’t Even Know You But You Feel Comfortable Joining The White Haters In The Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens Group


I tried to work with some young folk but there are some that I just can’t no more and can’t begin to. If I don’t know young folk who want to get into politics I am going to thoroughly check them out to see if they meet the qualifications which is age and residency. Then I will go into experience if any and their track record.

This chick is dangerous to the Black Community! What did she do in Florida? Oh so she woke up when she got to Rocky Mount? This is just totally ignorance.

Crystal Wimes-Anderson when the race is over I’ll wait to see the same energy you are receiving from White haters in the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens group that are supporting you. I have not seen any Black supporters as of yet but then again I have not been on your page and I have missed them. I think I know of one Black female that you got their ear.

I reached out to you and you wanted to meet face to face and we met in Tarboro at the Coffee House a place I had never been. 

I tried to work with you even though I told you I was supporting Councilman Richard Joyner the incumbent. I told you you need to get to know the Black Community, the Culture of Politics, who all of the Elected Officials are locally and those on the local and state level that you can vote for and/or represent you directly.

I also told you about key meetings such as one that my Pastor has every other week on Tuesdays Community Prayer and COVID Update whereby we have someone from the Department of Health & Human Services on the ZOOM Call. I told you to attend community meetings, your precinct meeting, County Democratic Party meetings and other. I heard you attended the meeting this past week that the Edgecombe County Manager/Commissioners are having for the next 2 months every other Tuesday and I bet you seen that on my page.

I never told you not to run but I told you just moved here a little over a year ago. You told me about your meeting with that you attended with the pastor of East End and his wife as you put it. Wow! You must don’t know their names. LOL! What you don’t know is I was asked to attend the meeting but I chose not to because. If I had been there hell you would be over there on Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens telling them what I said because it would not have been pretty. You see I would have asked some questions that they probably didn’t. I also would have shared our conversation when I first met you at the Board Of Elections Office before Richard and his campaign manager Elaine Burnette Williams arrived.

I just can’t believe somebody that suppose to be as intelligent as she claims to be is catering to White Racists On Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens who can not vote for her but can only pump money into her campaign.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens Spokesperson Steve Cederberg Is Trying To Get Crystal Wimes-Anderson Elected To Rocky Mount City Council


You can’t make this stuff up oh but they make up stuff all the time.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

The White Folk Have Got To Her Crystal Wimes-Anderson She Is Running Against Incumbent Councilman Richard Joyner Ward 3

Crystal PodcastThis is interesting but I seen it heading in this direction.

I tried to educate her but she chose to follow the noise.

But the sad part the only somebody she really knew was Councilman Richard Joyner. She told me how her son worked with him on his farm in Conetoe during this past summer. I met her on the 1st day of filing in January when I walked in the Board of Elections Office and she was the only one in there. We had a conversation that I have posted earlier. Again confirmation to what I thought I heard her say on that day about Concerned Citizens.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Somebody Told Me Crystal Wimes-Anderson Has Unfriended Me, But Why She Didn’t Block Me? Oh So She Can Still Follow Me!

Crystal DonationSad! I tried to be as nice as I could to this young lady. I know more about her than she think I know but that she will be okay. I guess when she gave me a donation that I would not challenge her. I don’t operate like that. I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I can imagine the conversation going on behind closed doors between her and them.

Thank you again for the Donation.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Crystal Wimes-Anderson Wow! So You Are Sharing What Happened In A Meeting With Black Folk To Steve Cederberg

clip_image001See this is what I am talking about you say one thing then come right back and do what you said you ain’t going to do. You are dangerous.

Wow they got you fooled over there on Concerned Citizens you pouring your soul out to them and you don’t know them and they don’t know you. Fact.

You don’t know the system and that is what I told you to do to learn but that was after you filed so since you filed you may as well go all the way out for them haters. Join the club.

Wow! Steve Cederberg knows how to bring out the best in you because he was talking about you didn’t have to get my approval and you brought up Pastor Mac Battle’s wife Deborah Battle. Now they didn’t have anything to do with this conversation I didn’t think but then again I have not seen the entire conversation.

I tried with you but I see where you are going.

Oh now it is confirmation that you mentioned Concerned Citizens that day at the Board of Elections when you filed. I told somebody to check to see if you were on the page and you were. But after I posted you were a part of the Concerned Citizens you responded saying that was not what you said. I have not mentioned that up til now because I didn’t care about you being a part of it but it was good to know and now I see what is going on.

Oh I am not into intimidation and campaign smearing. One thing about it is you are the one keeping the noise and I am just responding. That part!

Continue on! I deal in facts!

Now Run & Tell That!

Steve Cederberg You Have Me Confused With Those Whom Raised You

Steve Cederberg About CrystalI have never wanted for anything ignant. I have never begged for anything because never have had to.

Where have I said anything about she or anyone has to get an approval from me to do anything? Copy and paste that part ignant! I work a real job and has been on the last job for 35 years as of January 27, 2022.

Don’t worry about who I voted for.

I have not made any choices for anyone because I have never been in a voting booth and voted for anyone. Also I tell folk who I support and it is up to them who they support ignant!

Obviously you care because if you didn’t why respond to me writing an open letter to another Black person. All in Black folk business. You got me confused with Sam Rock and Gregb and now Crystal.

Crystal nor you can run me anywhere. Now Run & Tell That!

Oh just like somebody shared this with me, somebody had to share it with you because I blocked you some time ago when I seen you my page when I had it Public. I thought I had already blocked you along with your Ignant Racist White Friends on Concerned Citizens, Fighting Crime, Love Rocky Mount and other. However Concerned Citizens blocked me years ago because I was wearing them out and they couldn’t stand it. Fighting Crime had blocked me but unblocked me a couple of years ago so they could read my page since it was Public. However they have their page so I can read it but I can respond to the comments. That was because I told her that I could use a scanner and report what she was doing.

These Ignant Racist White Folk Social Media Pages blocked me because they can’t handle me a Black man responding to their ignant mess because other Black folk let y’all say mess and don’t respond because they are scared.

Continue on with y’all ignance.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

In Response To Crystal Wimes-Anderson About Steve Cederberg

Let me clear up any misinformation or feelings. This is not political.

How in the hell is this not political if you are talking politics and an elected official?

I have not come for you I told you where I stood and if you call that coming for you, you are more ignant than I see.

You need to change your narrative because I am going to continue to be a community and political advocate as I have been since the late 80’s. And you just getting here, oh no can’t go with that.

What I will say about him is that he told me I needed to get more involved, and I have done that to the point my life seems to evolve around meetings.

Yeah but getting involved after filed to run against an incumbent is ignant as hell for me. Not speaking for others.

You talking about the community must come together but you are running against the incumbent so why are you trying to play with words trying to play upon the community feelings?

How do you plan to develop processes and functioning systems?

Nope I don’t know you and I will reserve my comments for the moment as I have been trying to do but you keep on with the noise and as I have stated I will respond to the noise.

Why are you bringing up Steve Cederberg name to me? The hell with Steve Cederberg. Do he live in your Ward? Do he have a relationship with those who live in your Ward of does he have a relationship with the Black haters? No response needed because I already know.

I am not going to have a conversation with you about Steve who is ir re the hell re le vant to me.

So who is your Pastor suppose to be because believe who folk are the first time you see them is ignant as hell to me, but maybe it is true if you have only met 1 or 2 people.

That is what you call being transparent? Really!

I would love to hear more from you and the relationship you had with Richard Joyner who you are running against because that is what matters the most for me.

Wow! I can’t believe you tagged me in this mess.

But as I told you to continue on, Run Crystal Wimes-Anderson Run but I also told you to leave out the B.S. but you continue on with the noise.

All I tried to do is to help you since you have only been here a little over a year what you needed to do but you have chose otherwise. If you like it, I love it!

I will remind you again, I ain’t nobody but I am actively engaged and will tell you to your face while others will be silent and/or talk about you behind your back.


Curmilus Dancy II (Butch)

Let me clear up any misinformation or feelings. This is not political. Curmilus Butch Dancy II has been a very loud voice within the Edgecombe Community, and he has let me know where he stands. I was at first taken back by how he came at me but after some time realized that he loves his community and loves being engaged. Everything that he speaks I may not agree with especially the tone but I’m opened to listen because differing opinions doesn’t mean we can’t hear each other out. I don’t know what the history is behind the past just tidbits but I’m asking that we all change the narrative moving forward. I can’t change the past, but I’d hope I can be that calming figure to evoke cohesiveness. What I will say about him is that he told me I needed to get more involved, and I have done that to the point my life seems to evolve around meetings. That is not the candidate I want to be that I’m so tied up in meetings nothing actually gets done or I’m too tired to hear what’s going on to effect change or I don’t have energy to be present for my family. This is why the community has to come together and develop processes and functioning systems so everyone can still have a life outside of the public eyes. If you know me, you know I’m about peace and peace doesn’t mean that we are conforming it’s that we are agreeing there’s a better way to handle our differences.

On another note Steve Cederberg, this guy has been awesome. Never once did he attack me or allow my appearance to sway him to not help. He has been instrumental in helping me navigate through some challenges I’ve had in my Ward when I couldn’t get the help from those representing my Ward, no low blows. I love that Steve doesn’t let up and you can see his passion in his words. I can say that he has been the first that has reached out without a hidden agenda and hasn’t asked for anything in return. Folks can say what they want about him but a lot of things that folks won’t say out openly Steve will even though it may not be their exact wording. I appreciate him because even when we don’t agree, he doesn’t change. And No, he’s not bankrolling me.

This is being transparent. Be mindful first impressions have lasting effects. I have this thing my Pastor always tells me: Believe who they are the first time. Not that I don’t believe; it’s just harder to rebuild when things are on rocky foundations. Solution: tear it down and restart but not everyone is willing to do that so we will continue to patch it up.

Much love and respect to all.

Crystal Wimes-Anderson

Open Letter To Crystal Wimes-Anderson Running Against Incumbent Richard Joyner For Rocky Mount City Council Ward 3

When I hear folk talking about young folk getting involved politically I have supported young folk and the reason why is because I feel if young folk get involved just maybe they could bring in more young folk. However just because you are young don’t make you the one.

The last time I checked Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman, Cleveland Atkinson Sheriff Edgecombe County, Robin Williams Braswell just to name a few I have supported over the years so when folk talking about older folk supporting young folk, I just shake my head.

I no longer look at WNCR TV Bronson Williams host/candidate for Ward 3 and Nehemiah Smith Co-host show so I am only going by what I heard. I also heard you were on Independent Thinkers with Tarrick Pittman.

I heard you said that current councilman Richard Joyner encouraged you to run. Well what I do know is that on Election Filing day 1 at 12 noon I was the 1st to arrive. I had been to the Board of Elections Office and captured several folk as they filed. Joyner told me he would be coming in the afternoon. I went down stairs and paid my property taxes and then went to Bojanglos and got me something to eat. I called Joyner and he said they were on the way.

When I came back to the Board of Elections Office you were there. You asked me was I the county photographer and I said no. I said I do this on my own. I told you I had a blog and post photos/videos on my page. You went to my page and immediately sent me a Friend Request. You told me you and your son had worked on Joyner’s farm in Conetoe during the summer. You told me you came to Rocky Mount from Florida on an assignment around a year ago and said you decided to stay. I thought you said you were a member of Concerned Citizens the Facebook page but after I did a post about our conversation you said you were just a concerned citizens.

When Richard Joyner walked in he was shocked to see you there. He asked what were you doing there and you said to file to fun for Ward 3. Later after we left the BOE Office I asked Richard did he know you and he told me how he knew you. I found that to be interesting.

We have been in touch and I have tried to tell you what you needed to do to get involved in politics. We have even met in person on one occasion in Tarboro. We have been communicating via Facebook and via phone. I thought you were listening to me as you would always say thank you for that bit of information especially when I continued to stress that you need to get involved in the party, in the community, learn the people and the culture of politics.

Recently you sent me an Invite to your Campaign page. I sent you a Messenger and told you you know I am supporting Richard Joyner and if you say something that I feel I want to address I am and you said okay.

I have addressed some things you have said publicly like at the Rocky Mount City Council meeting but I called you about your comments too. I have responded on your pages.

I have been receiving messages about your conversations on your page, City Council meeting and this week with your appearance on WNCR TV Independent Thinkers with Tarrick Pittman. Somebody sent me the appearance with Pittman again today. Nope I have not looked at it and don’t plan to. I understand that you were called out on a morning show on WNCR TV. I seen you have done a response on your page about your appearance on WNCR TV but I have not looked at it and don’t plan to.

I am really amazed at how you say one thing and then do another.

I am amazed at all the noise you are keeping and you have not been here but a little over a year. Just because you have volunteered at the recreation center, picked up trash in your neighborhood and have begun to attend meetings especially online don’t make you know what is really going on and definitely do not make folk know anything about you.

I bet you don’t even know who your precinct chair is nor who all of your elected officials that you can vote for during the upcoming election especially since I believe you registered and filed to run for Ward 3 on the same day.

I have told you about the meetings my pastor have the COVID Update and Community Prayer every other Tuesday, Eastern NC Civic Group monthly and other meetings. You have been attending these virtual meetings. I have tried to be nice to you but my patience is wearing thin because I told you if you are going to run just run and stop with the mess about folk told you it ain’t your time, that you need to wait and etc. You keep saying mess half trues and anybody that know me know I have a problem with folk who put out half trues, lies and misleading folk. I believe you said that Richard was not into politics. I told you he has been actively engaged in politics since the early 90’s because we were at political meetings.

I have never told you not to run against Richard Joyner but I remind you that I am supporting him.

It is obvious that you have joined the noise that is telling half trues and misleading folk and I can’t support someone that does that. This is why I have tuned some noise out and will continue to tune out more. However I am going to respond to some of the noise that is important to me that I feel need to be addressed when folk make me aware of it.

Continue on and like I have told many don’t commit political suicide because when folk are keeping a lot of messy noise that ain’t good.

Run Crystal Run!

But again I am supporting Richard Joyner and with that being said, I support my candidates and I hold their opposition accountable for how they come for them.