William Solomon And Race In Rocky Mount, I Get So Sick And Tired Of Safe Negroes

The following is in response to calling out racist white folks such as those on WHIG TV Sandra and other racist whom host talk shows daily. This conversation began on my Facebook page.

William Solomon

dancy, that is an issue that really fasinates me about this country and this city and always has. The issue of race. Of all of the other places I have lived and spent time no where do I see race as big an issues as I do in this city ( now I’m sure its as big and an even bigger issue in some places I have yet to travel) I hate to see it because I believe that it really short changes our ability to grow.

(You damn right it has shortchanged this city and Edgecombe County from growing because when only white folks were in charge many of them didn’t want to see black folks come off the farm. Damn Negro please.

They didn’t want to sell their land to businesses. Why? Because they wanted to keep black folks on the farm.

They didn’t want to see ECU come to Tarboro. Why? Because they knew that when black folks became educated they would want more but if you keep them on the level they would be satisfied with where they were.)

I cross over both sides of the fence in this community.

(What? Hell I have been working with white folks since I was around 10 years old beginning on the farm not because I had to but because I wanted to. My mom and dad worked a public job and we farmed and I helped others white and black folks on their farms.)

I respect and appreciate your contribution the same way I respect Herb and Sandras contribution to our community.

(Actually I don’t give a damn if you respect my contribution because it ain’t about you. You are an attorney so I represent those who allow me to speak for them that are on my level.

I used to deal with Herb and WHIG and when he wanted me to video the town of Princeville meetings so he could show them on his station and told me that a white person was paying him to do it. But he didn’t want to show the other meetings going on in the county that I videoed so I told him the hell with him. I know Herb and Sandra for myself so don’t go there with me.)

If either of you needed it id give you a kidney to keep you with us longer. If there are naysayers, then let them see Edgecombe County graduate 100% of the black men who start highschool this year, not because the government helped them do it but because other black men in the community stand up and make sure that these boys learn. Let’s empty the county jail and put my law practice out of business by comming together and marching as a community to the front door of every boy who commits a crime with the same gusto we had when tryvon martin was shot.

(Negro you are pathetic. I have been doing what I do since the early 90’s and I have seen you come out and go back in as it relates to politics and since you have ran for city council and NC House seat you seem to be talking something. I ain’t even trying to figure you out. Obviously you are trying to accomplish something.)

Let us as black men change the narritive.

(Speak for your damn self I am going to continue to do what I have been doing.)

I believe that sometimes you have to be on offense and tell other people what’s going to happen and make it happen irrespective of what others may think, like my vision for princeville. If there are naysayers shut them down with action.

(Shut them down? How in the hell can you do that sir when they hide behind code names and say bullmanure. If I knew who they were I could call them out. But I do stand up to those whom make themselves known.)

I personally just put my feet on the ground and knocked on over 750 doors so if you need help call me. I’m not scared to work, but only we can change the narative.

(Sir no thank you, do what you do and I will continue to do what I do. When you came to the Democratic Party and became the Young Democrats chair several years ago Andre Knight and myself reached out to you but never heard from you until you came back and wanted to run for a political office. Sir not now maybe in the future but it is best for me that I do what I do and work with those whom I trust in.

Sir I ain’t mad with you do you and I am going to continue to do me.

And sir I don’t need anyone to validate nor support what I do. I am my brothers and sisters keeper and I will promote at my expense what they do if I feel it is good for all people. Hell I don’t even have to like the person on a personal level. I will call them out on the good and the bad.

“I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest.”)

Read more:

William Solomon

A DCN Reader Responds To Open Letters From The DCN To Candidates Solomon And Armstrong

I really liked your open letter to both Solomon and Armstrong. Although I graduated w/Florence,I often wonder where her head is. I don’t know Solomon but did have the opportunity to hear and see him at the Democratic Convention @ ECC in Tarboro and was not impressed at all. It’s strange how people like to come out of the woodwork when they have their own agenda…and not one that will benefit everyone. Keep the faith brother and keep on letting the truth be known to all.

Message received via Facebook Chat

See related:

Rocky Mount NC – Open Letter To William Solomon Candidate For NC House District 23 

Tarboro NC – An Open Letter To Dr. Florence A. Armstrong Candidate For NC Senate District 3

Rocky Mount NC – Open Letter To William Solomon Candidate For NC House District 23

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Open Letter To William Solomon

Since I am well known across the state of North Carolina, I have been receiving calls and etc. wanting to know where I stand on the NC House 23 election. So since some of my faithful followers reach out to me from time to time to get my opinion on issues and people I do my homework so that I can be well informed on issues and people so I can respond to the best of my knowledge.

First of all I respect you being a young black male several years younger than I and I am glad you are somewhat interested in politics. However I have some concerns.

I met you at a Democratic Party meeting and over the years you once took on the role as the Young Democrats Chair in Edgecombe County. Andre Knight Rocky Mount Councilman and Vice Chair of Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee at that time and I reached out to you. We told you that we would work with you. We never heard from you. And then later you stopped coming to the Democratic Party meetings.

Later you showed up for something that you were interested in and then I missed you at the meetings again. And then recently you showed back up and then I heard you were going to file for the NC House District 23 seat. Well I didn’t hear anything from you before you filed nor have I heard anything from you since you filed.

You ran against Andre Knight for Rocky Mount City Council during the last election. I had asked you had you ever thought about running for the Edgecombe County Public Schools Board of Education?

I am glad you asked just who am I? You don’t need my permission to run for anything and that is rightfully so. But let me remind you who I am. I am one of the most active if not the most active Democrat in Edgecombe County as far as attending meetings and educating the county, state and nation about what is going on politically almost daily. I have been disrespected and not supported financially however you and others have benefitted. I will not promote you and others whom do not support me.

If you do not respect my work now why in the hell should I expect you to respect me if you were to become my next House Representative? Oh but you did acknowledge me in a meeting that we were in recently that I was the computer guru. Well sir I didn’t take that as a compliment but as an insult knowing that you have not supported me as it relates to the Democratic Party.

Since you did not ask for my support before you filed then I guess I suppose to just vote for you just because you are black. Not! Well my friend I have changed the way I do things. I take many things in consideration.

So now sir why should I vote for you?

NC House District 23 – William Solomon Wants To Unseat Rep. Joe Pat Tolson

Rumor was for a while that Rep. Joe Pat Tolson was not going to seek re-election but I had not heard it from anyone that I felt I could really think much of it. I didn’t think much of it.

The NC House 23 seat consist of all of Edgecombe and all of Martin Counties during the 2012 election. The current district consist of some of Wilson and some of Edgecombe.

I don’t know the racial make up of the district however I believe it should be close to a 50 – 50 black to white majority.

I would like to hear from the folks in the House District 23 what are your thoughts about this race?

See related:

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner