Voter ID trial ends; decision is now up to federal judge – Winston-Salem Journal

The Watch Dog response: This is why I am a Life Fully Paid Member of the NAACP.

In closing arguments Monday, North Carolina’s photo ID requirement was described by attorneys for the North Carolina NAACP as a racially discriminatory law that places unconstitutional burdens on blacks and Hispanics.

Attorneys representing Gov. Pat McCrory and state elections officials called the change in the law a mere inconvenience, saying it would affect a small group of people.

Penda Hair, an attorney for the N.C. NAACP, said evidence presented during the trial clearly shows that the photo ID requirement would make it harder for blacks and Hispanics to cast ballots in this year’s election. It’s undisputed, she said, that blacks disproportionately lack the kinds of photo IDs that they would need to show when they come to the polls. (Source: Read more)

Voter ID trial ends; decision is now up to federal judge – Winston-Salem Journal

The Watch Dog response: This is why I am a Life Fully Paid Member of the NAACP.

In closing arguments Monday, North Carolina’s photo ID requirement was described by attorneys for the North Carolina NAACP as a racially discriminatory law that places unconstitutional burdens on blacks and Hispanics.

Attorneys representing Gov. Pat McCrory and state elections officials called the change in the law a mere inconvenience, saying it would affect a small group of people.

Penda Hair, an attorney for the N.C. NAACP, said evidence presented during the trial clearly shows that the photo ID requirement would make it harder for blacks and Hispanics to cast ballots in this year’s election. It’s undisputed, she said, that blacks disproportionately lack the kinds of photo IDs that they would need to show when they come to the polls. (Source: Read more)

Post-Trial Statements | North Carolina Voter Suppression Trial

The Watch Dog response: This is why I am a Life Fully Paid Member of the NAACP. Don’t tell me you are about what is good for black folk and all folk if you ain’t a part of the solution. You see some of you just celebrated Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Holiday and now beginning today you are going to celebrate Black History Month. The fight goes beyond January and February. So when you say I am acting like I am ignant, well I am because I get ignant around folk who are not about what is good and just for all people. Trust me I know who you are.

***NEW VIDEO: Post-Trial Statements | North Carolina Voter Suppression Trial

February 1st, 2016 – Joined by Plaintiffs, Attorneys and members of the Forward …Together Moral Movement, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II makes a statement following the close of arguments for the Voter ID portion of the North Carolina Voting Rights Trial.
Click On Photo To Watch Video


Voter ID: Show your cards – Plain Talk Politics

Every poll that comes out shows North Carolinians support voter id with pretty convincing numbers. Why? It is a simple concept to grasp on a poll because the majority of people have photo identification. Some folks just cannot fathom a world without id. But the facts: there are those without ids and those without who simply don’t need an id to function in life, those who can’t afford one, those who can’t get to a place to get one. Just because the polls say “do it” doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do, the easy thing to do or a win for either Party. Easy to tweet, hard to look a constituent in the eyes and say. (More)

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Voter ID

Sick And Tired Of Ignance When It Comes To The Presidential Election Voter PHOTO ID, Commercials And The Debates

I get so sick and tired of ignant Black Folks who say that Black Folks and Democrats should not have a problem with Voter Photo ID. Damn I don’t along with some others that I have spoken to do not have a problem with it because we have Photo IDs. What we do have a problem with is why the Republicans want to do it and the timing. They want to do it in the last hour which would have kept many folks elderly and younger folks who have no Photo ID.

Why were they pushing Voter Photo ID during the Presidential Election? Because Republicans don’t want Black folks to vote because they are afraid that they can’t win on all the lies they have been telling. Pointing my finger, “Hell yeah ya’ll are liars!”

I get so sick and tired of the tv commercials talking about how good Big Rummy and Little Rummy did during the debates. It is a damn shame that folks will get on national tv and mislead folks to think that the debates should not be about the facts and the truth. Many has said that America is built on lies because the Black man has never gotten the credit they should have for helping to make this country what it is.

It is so funny that the real voter fraud has been on the Republican side.

All I want is for the truth to be made known because I am for justice no matter who it is for or against.

I just don’t understand how the educated, intelligent, smart and people of good will will promote untruth in order for self gain. I am so glad I am concerned about the least of these, those who are afraid to speak for themselves for whatever reasons and etc. I speak for those who allow me to speak for them however I recognize and understand that others benefits as well.

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Voter Fraud

Mitt Romney

President Barack Obama