When I Thanked The Person For The Screenshots Of Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens This Was Their Reply

You’re welcome keep coming for that Crystal girl she’s is being bought and persuaded by stupid black people like GregB, Sam Rock, and RM Concerned Citizens. They find a weak black person to do their dirty work trying to unseat incumbent’s. Bronson will learn Sam Rock is not out in the community supporting him he’s just making a fool of him.

The DCN News Blog Online TV 

Folk just don’t get it, I know a hell of a lot more than what folk think I know. I just don’t say anything and allow a fool to be a fool.

What they don’t understand is I ain’t running for anything, I hold folk accountable for what they say and does.

Crystal Wimes-Anderson Wow! So You Are Sharing What Happened In A Meeting With Black Folk To Steve Cederberg

clip_image001See this is what I am talking about you say one thing then come right back and do what you said you ain’t going to do. You are dangerous.

Wow they got you fooled over there on Concerned Citizens you pouring your soul out to them and you don’t know them and they don’t know you. Fact.

You don’t know the system and that is what I told you to do to learn but that was after you filed so since you filed you may as well go all the way out for them haters. Join the club.

Wow! Steve Cederberg knows how to bring out the best in you because he was talking about you didn’t have to get my approval and you brought up Pastor Mac Battle’s wife Deborah Battle. Now they didn’t have anything to do with this conversation I didn’t think but then again I have not seen the entire conversation.

I tried with you but I see where you are going.

Oh now it is confirmation that you mentioned Concerned Citizens that day at the Board of Elections when you filed. I told somebody to check to see if you were on the page and you were. But after I posted you were a part of the Concerned Citizens you responded saying that was not what you said. I have not mentioned that up til now because I didn’t care about you being a part of it but it was good to know and now I see what is going on.

Oh I am not into intimidation and campaign smearing. One thing about it is you are the one keeping the noise and I am just responding. That part!

Continue on! I deal in facts!

Now Run & Tell That!

Steve Cederberg You Have Me Confused With Those Whom Raised You

Steve Cederberg About CrystalI have never wanted for anything ignant. I have never begged for anything because never have had to.

Where have I said anything about she or anyone has to get an approval from me to do anything? Copy and paste that part ignant! I work a real job and has been on the last job for 35 years as of January 27, 2022.

Don’t worry about who I voted for.

I have not made any choices for anyone because I have never been in a voting booth and voted for anyone. Also I tell folk who I support and it is up to them who they support ignant!

Obviously you care because if you didn’t why respond to me writing an open letter to another Black person. All in Black folk business. You got me confused with Sam Rock and Gregb and now Crystal.

Crystal nor you can run me anywhere. Now Run & Tell That!

Oh just like somebody shared this with me, somebody had to share it with you because I blocked you some time ago when I seen you my page when I had it Public. I thought I had already blocked you along with your Ignant Racist White Friends on Concerned Citizens, Fighting Crime, Love Rocky Mount and other. However Concerned Citizens blocked me years ago because I was wearing them out and they couldn’t stand it. Fighting Crime had blocked me but unblocked me a couple of years ago so they could read my page since it was Public. However they have their page so I can read it but I can respond to the comments. That was because I told her that I could use a scanner and report what she was doing.

These Ignant Racist White Folk Social Media Pages blocked me because they can’t handle me a Black man responding to their ignant mess because other Black folk let y’all say mess and don’t respond because they are scared.

Continue on with y’all ignance.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

In Response To Crystal Wimes-Anderson About Steve Cederberg

Let me clear up any misinformation or feelings. This is not political.

How in the hell is this not political if you are talking politics and an elected official?

I have not come for you I told you where I stood and if you call that coming for you, you are more ignant than I see.

You need to change your narrative because I am going to continue to be a community and political advocate as I have been since the late 80’s. And you just getting here, oh no can’t go with that.

What I will say about him is that he told me I needed to get more involved, and I have done that to the point my life seems to evolve around meetings.

Yeah but getting involved after filed to run against an incumbent is ignant as hell for me. Not speaking for others.

You talking about the community must come together but you are running against the incumbent so why are you trying to play with words trying to play upon the community feelings?

How do you plan to develop processes and functioning systems?

Nope I don’t know you and I will reserve my comments for the moment as I have been trying to do but you keep on with the noise and as I have stated I will respond to the noise.

Why are you bringing up Steve Cederberg name to me? The hell with Steve Cederberg. Do he live in your Ward? Do he have a relationship with those who live in your Ward of does he have a relationship with the Black haters? No response needed because I already know.

I am not going to have a conversation with you about Steve who is ir re the hell re le vant to me.

So who is your Pastor suppose to be because believe who folk are the first time you see them is ignant as hell to me, but maybe it is true if you have only met 1 or 2 people.

That is what you call being transparent? Really!

I would love to hear more from you and the relationship you had with Richard Joyner who you are running against because that is what matters the most for me.

Wow! I can’t believe you tagged me in this mess.

But as I told you to continue on, Run Crystal Wimes-Anderson Run but I also told you to leave out the B.S. but you continue on with the noise.

All I tried to do is to help you since you have only been here a little over a year what you needed to do but you have chose otherwise. If you like it, I love it!

I will remind you again, I ain’t nobody but I am actively engaged and will tell you to your face while others will be silent and/or talk about you behind your back.


Curmilus Dancy II (Butch)

Let me clear up any misinformation or feelings. This is not political. Curmilus Butch Dancy II has been a very loud voice within the Edgecombe Community, and he has let me know where he stands. I was at first taken back by how he came at me but after some time realized that he loves his community and loves being engaged. Everything that he speaks I may not agree with especially the tone but I’m opened to listen because differing opinions doesn’t mean we can’t hear each other out. I don’t know what the history is behind the past just tidbits but I’m asking that we all change the narrative moving forward. I can’t change the past, but I’d hope I can be that calming figure to evoke cohesiveness. What I will say about him is that he told me I needed to get more involved, and I have done that to the point my life seems to evolve around meetings. That is not the candidate I want to be that I’m so tied up in meetings nothing actually gets done or I’m too tired to hear what’s going on to effect change or I don’t have energy to be present for my family. This is why the community has to come together and develop processes and functioning systems so everyone can still have a life outside of the public eyes. If you know me, you know I’m about peace and peace doesn’t mean that we are conforming it’s that we are agreeing there’s a better way to handle our differences.

On another note Steve Cederberg, this guy has been awesome. Never once did he attack me or allow my appearance to sway him to not help. He has been instrumental in helping me navigate through some challenges I’ve had in my Ward when I couldn’t get the help from those representing my Ward, no low blows. I love that Steve doesn’t let up and you can see his passion in his words. I can say that he has been the first that has reached out without a hidden agenda and hasn’t asked for anything in return. Folks can say what they want about him but a lot of things that folks won’t say out openly Steve will even though it may not be their exact wording. I appreciate him because even when we don’t agree, he doesn’t change. And No, he’s not bankrolling me.

This is being transparent. Be mindful first impressions have lasting effects. I have this thing my Pastor always tells me: Believe who they are the first time. Not that I don’t believe; it’s just harder to rebuild when things are on rocky foundations. Solution: tear it down and restart but not everyone is willing to do that so we will continue to patch it up.

Much love and respect to all.

Crystal Wimes-Anderson

Video – St. Stephens MBC Goldsboro Pastor Malcom E. Lewis Invite You To Sunday School & Morning Service Sunday February 13, 2022 10:15 AM & 11:00 AM

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Pastor Malcom E. & Mother Lois Lewis along with the church congregation invite you to St. Stephens MBC Sunday School Morning Service Sunday February 13, 2022 Sunday School 10:15 AM & 11:00 AM morning Service with Pastor Malcom E. Lewis bringing forth the message.

You can also join the live service by clicking on the following Zoom Video Link.
Meeting ID: 810 6032 8160 Passcode: 538587

Free Conference Call: 701-801-6982

You can also join in person 206 Pearson St Goldsboro, NC 27530. CDC guidelines followed.

Note: On your phone or other devices click on the Zoom link or dial the Free Conference Call around 10 minutes before so you will not forget. If you can’t connect via ZOOM please call in.

Please come back to the page later today and/or in the future to see the recording of the program.

Pastor Malcom Emmanuel Lewis
St. Stephens MBC Goldsboro NC
Anderson Chapel MBC Macclesfield NC