Public Comments During Rocky Mount City Council Meeting Monday January 24, 2022

Because folk are afraid to speak out we will continue to have the noise we have that is directed toward the Black Community coming from White and Black folk.

Only 2 White Speakers but used to be more attending the meetings. But now they don’t have to because they have some Special Black folk who speak for them. They also stay home now and post their racist mess on the council page, Concerned Citizens, Fighting Crime and other pages that allow mess be it coming from White folk and Black folk.

I ain’t mad with anybody. But I will be responding to mess when folk come for me and also folk around me when I know they are telling half-trues.

Tom Harris – Requesting that the vetting process do not start for a city manager until the 2 city council members are replaced but he says it could me a possible 3rd new councilmember. I wonder who is the 3rd seat he is talking about. But actually 4 seats are up so why didn’t he say it could possibly be 4 new council members. Interesting.

My response: Yes there will be 2 new council members because 2 Whites Chris Miller and WB Bullock are not seeking re-election. Fact! Yes there are 2 more seats that are up and they are Reuben Blackwell and Richard Joyner. So when Harris say a possible 3 new councilmembers I guess he is saying that either Blackwell or Joyner will not be re-elected. I don’t think anyone had filed during the filing period to run against Blackwell but the filing period will reopen. I think that Crystal Anderson is the only one that filed to run against Joyner but Bronson Williams is on his TV Station almost daily talking about he is running against Joyner. Since Harris is running for office it appears he wants to be a part of the process when hiring the next manager.

I sure hope Linwood Williams replace Chris Miller. I hope a Black person will file to run against Harris. I hope that Blackwell is re-elected as well as Joyner. I know there are controversial conversations in the media but all I can go by is what is at face value that that I can see versus the noise.

What do you think about his request for revamping the grant process for granting loans?

Go to Video at 14:25 to hear Harris requests.

Sam Battle – Wow! He talked about Ward 2 councilmen said it was crazy that he talked about Jay Z and mentioning OJ. Sam said it is crazy to talk about 2 Black men against a Black man. Well what is he doing differently when he comes to the city council meeting to talk about Black Men?

My response: Sam attends the monthly meetings talking about Black men with half trues. This guy and his friend Gregb from Word On The Street are during weekly podcasts about the council almost weekly from what I am screenshot because I don’t watch them half-trues. I don’t understand why good citizens don’t challenge these guys.

Go to Video – 16:50

Ashton Haughton – President Birkshire Community Association – Rehabilitation getting rid of slum lords and bringing in ownership. Bought a home rehabbed and a family living there. Working on another house now.

Go to Video 21:20

Monica Puddy BlandJaquay Bland Housing Grant – They are both Realtors retired from the military and Mrs. Bland wanted to move back home. Wow! They said they have been targeted because of lies that has been printed in the Spring Hope Enterprise about drugs.

My response: Before this meeting I have heard much noise in the media and from the critics who are voicing their concerns about the city. I read the noise and seen the noise before the meeting but it appeared that one of the critics Adrienne Copeland didn’t speak the same tone she did before the meeting about the Puddy family.

Go to Video 23:56

Rev. Mack Battle – Thanked council for being a blessing to East End MBC for Grant for the Neighborhood. Area need a lot of revitalization. Holly Street still need a lot more work. Asked the council work together.

Go to Video 29:13

Adrienne Copeland – Housing Incentive Grant – Her issue is about the amount of money they are spending they could help more folk by spending less money with certain people. That they are turning down certain people. Focus on more bang for our bucks. She act as if the council is doing some illegal activities.

She says she is spending money in impoverished areas.

My response: Copeland is doing series of videos and addressing the City Council during every meeting. That is fine however I question is what she is presenting is all trues. She says some folk are getting too much and some folk ain’t getting enough. Well that is interesting because there are always going to be people that fall in those categories.

Go to Video 31:30

Tamara Puddy – Sister of Monica Puddy Bland – Said her daddy’s name has been mud. Talking about the article in the Puddy family and professionals from all walks of life.

Go to Video 33:55

Rev. Nehemiah Smith – Puddys are some of the best people he know. Said he is confused. Talked about how previous white folk did mess within the city but nothing was said.

Go to Video 36:50

Bronson Williams – Said the council need an updated plan of transparency and not one that is in a back room so developers from all over would be ready to come.

My response: Interesting the transparency thing. I am had a hard time trying to follow him before I quit watching his show because he was all over the place. I worked with him on his campaign for Mayor. I didn’t know he did not live where the address he has been using for his residency. I was shocked and mad as hell when his residency was challenged. The sad part is this is coming up on the 3rd appearance as it relates to wanting to serve on the City Council 1st being the appointment for Ward 3, next when he ran for Mayor although as long as you live anywhere in the city of Rocky Mount you can run for Mayor but you must use a legit residency at the Board of Elections Office. It appears he is using his TV Show to go after the council and that is okay as long as facts are presented from him and the callers and not half trues. When half-trues are allowed that is a problem. He knows I am supporting Joyner. I was embarrassed after the residency issue and especially after I did my own homework. The TV show dedicated a whole damn week trying to discredit me and also some other time. The other part to that is how many folk spoke out when they were doing that mess. I have folk calling and sending messages to me but when folk do stuff publicly it need to be responded to publicly. But don’t take this as I need anyone to validate me but I look at folk different when folk allow folk to do mess if it is done to me and/or others and folk be silent.

Go to Video 39:34

Kyia Darden (Spelling of name problem incorrect) – Sudden issue that comes up whenever communities that has been passed by begin to do some things some folk have a problem. Area over by Princess Mart looks bad. Don’t understand why Hilsdale illegal activity has a bearing on trying to do something with buildings that are vacant.

Go to Video 41:14

Pastor Antionette Cutler – President of Hilsdale Community – Talked about grant for fixing up a building in the area for the community to have a place to meet.

Go to Video 44:40

Mary Warren – Active in Ward 3 for 35 years. Thanked the council for the work they have done in Southeast Rocky Mount. Said she was hoping she would be alive when the community would get some things done. Asked if anyone don’t know the story to ask come and talk to them.

My response: I have been knowing Mrs. Warren all of these years. I too am glad she got to see some of the things she wanted to see done that she has been working so hard for.

Go to Video 48:36

Troy Davis – Thanks for ending his nightmare about Small-Toney. Said there is 8 million dollars in back taxes that the city need to go after.

My response: Now that his nightmare is over I am going to see how he move forward. The city has been good to him and given him a chance to show that in spite of his past he is doing some good things.

Go to Video 51:08

Crystal Anderson – Tired of being discredited told to wait her time. Said she has issues that she has experienced.

My response: Anderson whom I met on filing day in Tarboro when she came to run against Richard Joyner I was shocked because I had never heard of her. I learned that she had been in Edgecombe County for about a year. I told her she is new to Rocky Mount and she need to learn all she can and to get involved politically before trying to run. I told her she need to learn the political climate. Her comments at the meeting was somewhat confusing to me. I told her that some folk mentioned to me about her concern with the city was valid but then didn’t understand the other. I told her to run if she want to run and forget about being discredited. She know I am supporting Joyner.

Go to Video 52:53

Councilman Blackwell gave a great summary of the public comments and the atmosphere around the city council. Damn someone hollered out that Blackwell was out of order and wanted to put a time on him. It is sad that racist white folk want to tell Black folk when to speak, how to speak and how long they can speak. No damn respect and we have Black folk who say nothing. We have one Black TV Station, several Black folk with podcasts and none are fact checking mess but appears to have their own motives. Their motives are because they want to take over the city especially with this talk about elected Officials giving up their seats to young folk. Well name the young folk who should just be handed over power. What have they done to deserve a seat at the table? I’ll wait!

Click here to watch entire Video.

Where Are You Men? Somebody Don’t Want To Hear Them Trues!

Where Are The MenThis is good right here! Where are the men? Somebody don’t want to hear them trues!

Click On Photo Or The Word Video To Watch Video.

Fitting Ready To Dedicate My Time To Responding To The Noise In Black Community

I am about to take my blog to a whole new level responding to issues and folk be they Black, White, elected officials, want a be elected officials, so called community leaders, church/religious leaders, media outlets and other. I am going to Fact Check what I can get information on.

I am sick of what I am seeing and hearing and folk are not saying anything for whatever reason. 

So if you don’t want to hear what I am bout to say about your family and friends, you may want to Block Me not Unfriend Me because since my page is Public you will still be able to follow me. Feel free to respond. I only suggest you stay on topic and respond with facts and not b.s. because that is when I will Block you. I am not wasting any time responding to mess.

I have sacrificed too much time and resources over the years and I will not be silent when it comes to issues and folk that affect my livelihood and others.

I have had a WNCR TV to spend a week talking about me because I suggested that they change their format. I have had Sam Rock & Gregb Word On The Street to come for me with lies and Racist White folk on their personal page and Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens/Other to come for me because I ain’t scared to call them out. I don’t look at WNCR TV nor Word On The Street and Concerned Citizens and the racists have me blocked from their pages but always talking about me. Well now I am going to blog about them when their mess come across my page and when my sources screenshot me stuff. I act on facts as presented so get ready.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against! I am Unbought and Unbossed! I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest! If you don’t know that then you have not been paying attention or you are ignant to that fact!

Let’s go!

Condolences Goes Out To The Family Of The Late Amos Johnson Pinetops NC

Condolences goes out to the family of the late Amos Johnson Pinetops NC.

I have been knowing Amos for many, many years. He was the same from the 1st time I met him. He has done much work for my family over the years and he was good at what he did. When folk called me about a handy man, it was Amos that I referred them to.

Visit Willoughby Funeral Homes Inc. for more information.