Condolences Goes Out To Tim Weeks, The Entire Hanchuck & Weeks Families Of The Late Nikki Weeks South Carolina

I was shocked to learn about my former co-worker at Honeywell Rocky Mount NC. She was a people person and although I never worked directly under her, I had much communication with her and Tim. I was shocked when they left us to move on to another location.

Condolences goes out to the entire family of Nikki Weeks.

Visit Thomas McAfee Funeral Homes for more information.

Note: I had heard about the transition but I have been out of work for around 2 weeks and just got the information about the services.


COVID is real and we have to be cautious.

We want to support our families and others as they go through but we need to make sure we stay safe and not put others lives at risk.

I really didn’t go to folk house before the Pandemic and we had no visitors s

When I go to my dad’s I take stuff in and then we go on the porch, However he has had his shots and booster. I just got to wait to get my booster in February.

Folk we must recognize and understand COVID is real so we must do our part to stay safe.

Condolences Goes Out To Class Of 1981 Shirley Draughn & The Entire Wooten & Draughn Families Of The Late Mother Catherine Wooten Draughn Fountain NC

Catherine Wooten - DraughnCondolences goes out to the entire family of the late Mother Catherine Wooten Draughn Fountain NC. I have known Mother Draughn for years during high school and then later in the 90’s I joined Crisp Chapel where she was a Mother of the church. She was a sweet humble lady when I visited the home during school days and the same in church.

Visit Willoughby Funeral Homes Inc. for more info.