Tennessee Police Officer Who Was Fired After Reporting Racism In the Department to BLM Organizers Files Lawsuit Against Police Chief: ‘Standing Up for What’s Right’

A Tennessee police officer who was fired last year after he reported racism within the Millersville Police Department to Black Lives Matter organizers has filed a lawsuit against the police chief and the suburban Nashville city.

In the suit, Robert Black, who is white and has a biracial son, alleges he was bullied and intimidated by defendant police chief Mark Palmer. The suit also names Sgt. Josh Barnes, who is Black, as a plaintiff and claims city officials were involved in a conspiracy to cover up systemic racism and wrongdoing by other officers.

Black suspected Palmer has Ku Klux Klan ties, the suit says. The Millersville Police Department was previously sued for Klan-related intimidation within its ranks. In 2013, Palmer placed a KKK magazine called “The Klansman’s Voice” into the locker of an African American police officer, Anthony Hayes. The paper is not for sale and is only given to Klan members.

During his time with the department, “Barnes witnessed Chief Palmer use racial
to describe African-Americans. For example, he frequently used the word “Nig**r” in front of Barnes and has referred to African Americans as “animals” numerous times in Barnes’ presence,” according to a copy of the lawsuit obtained by Atlanta Black Star. (Read more)

Viral TikTok star draws inspiration for hit character from Rocky Mount school administrator

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, it changed a local man’s career path.

A lot of people are laughing at him now — and that’s making him famous.

Put Tony Puddy in a wig with a handful of keys and a walkie-talkie, and he becomes the administrator of a fictitious high school setting students straight at school assemblies.

"Now, I don’t know what you have been paying attention to on your social grams and media books," Puddy says in a TikTok video.

Puddy runs lockdown drills and checks up on the school band in his social media videos.

"I think y’all should do Earth, Wind and Fire. Let this groove," Puddy tells the fictitious students.

In real life, Puddy attended Rocky Mount High School.

"Everything I have done is from my memory in high school," explained Puddy. (Read more)

Historic Black cemetery buried below parking lot at center of legal dispute

In the shadow of a 15-story apartment complex overlooking a suburb of Washington, D.C., an asphalt-paved parking lot is at the heart of a development dispute.

The conflict is over what community members in Montgomery County, Maryland, say lie inconspicuously below: potentially hundreds of bodies of freed slaves and their descendants, buried in what was once a cemetery in the early 20th century.

"These are people who were so oppressed and so discarded and so disrespected in life, and now, even in death, they meet the same fate," said Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, president of the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition, which formed in 2019 and whose members are seeking to preserve what is known as the Moses African Cemetery.

A lawsuit filed last month by the coalition seeks to block the county’s pending $50 million sale of the apartment complex property, Westwood Tower, to the investment firm Charger Ventures. The suit alleges that Montgomery County’s Housing Opportunities Commission is violating state law by failing to get court approval for the sale, which is required when cemetery property is involved.

The coalition was victorious this month when a Montgomery County judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking the sale until at least Monday, when another hearing is scheduled. A judge will decide whether to grant an injunction, which would further prevent the sale until the lawsuit is resolved. Otherwise, the deal could move forward. (Read more)

N.C. Health Department announces availability of Pfizer COVID-19 booster shot for eligible residents


The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced that Pfizer COVID-19 booster shots are now available for citizens that are considered high-risk for contraction of the virus.

In a media release sent out on Friday, officials said that the Pfizer-BioNTech (COMIRNATY) COVID-19 booster shot is recommended and available for N.C. individuals who identify as one or more of the following:

  • Have been fully vaccinated for six months or more with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
  • 65 years or older
  • 18 years or older with underlying medical conditions
  • Work in a high-risk setting (healthcare workers, teachers, childcare providers or food workers)

"Pfizer boosters are now authorized for certain groups of individuals to extend the protection of vaccines against severe illness," said NCDHHS Secretary Mandy K. Cohen, M.D. "If you are eligible, get your booster. If you aren’t vaccinated yet, don’t wait. The COVID-19 virus is more contagious than ever and we are seeing it attack the unvaccinated and make them very sick at an alarming rate."  (Read more)

Trump on what would prevent 2024 bid: ‘I guess a bad call from a doctor’

Fool1Former President Trump suggested in an interview Friday night that only a "bad call from a doctor" would prevent him from seeking another White House bid.

Trump, who has openly flirted with launching another presidential campaign while so far declining to reveal his plans for 2024, was asked by television host David Brody what might prevent him from running again.

"Well, I don’t — I guess a bad call from a doctor or something, right?" Trump said on "The Water Cooler" show on Real America’s Voice.

"Things happen. Through God, they happen," he added. "But I feel so good."

Trump, now 75, was previously the oldest president to enter office in 2017 until President Biden earlier this year. (Read more)

“You Act White” This Speaks Volume

May be an image of text that says '"You Act White" When Black people display their intelligence they are NOT mitating Whiteness because intelligence is not an inherently White trait. Black excellence is real and has nothing to do with White proximity.'

They Came & Conquered Now Cautiously Guarding The Borders

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'You came and conquered never seeking our permission. And now you cautiously guard your borders, fearing others will enter your nation and try to harm you. Your fear betrays your character. Rather than trusting the abundance of nature and the goodness of the human spirit, you find it difficult to trust because you know yourselves to be untrustworthy. HUMAN REFORM POLITICS aforce for positive change'
Brian L. Jenkins

Aug. 9

So deeply profound!

He Politely declined: “My mommy told me not to.”

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'A school photographer told a first-grader he could shed his mask He politely declined: "My mommy told me not to." (Û.2 Washington ustration;©'
On the day of his first-grade school photos, 6-year-old Mason told his mom he was excited to show the camera his new “big boy” smile. He recently lost four teeth.

But when the photographer asked Mason to take off his navy mask before snapping his picture, Mason politely declined, his mom Nicole Peoples told The Washington Post.

“My mommy told me not to take my mask off,” Mason replied.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take it off?” the photographer asked.

“No, my mommy seriously told me to keep it on unless I’m eating and far away from everybody,” Mason said. https://wapo.st/3o6z6co

Help Me Understand! Guys That Want To Be Girls

Help me understand guys that want to be girls that pay good money to have girls features but what about monies toward removing he facial hair? I am just trying to see something a girls hairdo and a girls butt but the facial hair? Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/25/2021

Students held walkout in support of Colleyville Heritage HS principal sidelined amid critical race theory complaints

COLLEYVILLE, Texas — The embattled principal of Colleyville Heritage High School is expected to learn his employment fate this coming Monday. But on Friday morning, students marched out of school to protest his treatment by Grapevine-Colleyville ISD administration, and to demand that their beloved principal be brought back to the campus. COLLEYVILLE, Texas — The embattled principal of Colleyville Heritage High School is expected to learn his employment fate this coming Monday. But on Friday morning, students marched out of school to protest his treatment by Grapevine-Colleyville ISD administration, and to demand that their beloved principal be brought back to the campus.

"They’re here to show their voice. That they will no longer give into that culture of forcing to assimilate and being ashamed of their identity," said student Sunehra Cowdhury.

Dr. James Whitfield has been promoted several times in the Grapevine-Colleyville ISD system. But he said trouble began as far back as 2019 when someone complained to administrators he was setting a "bad example" by posting pictures of himself kissing his wife on Facebook. The photos were from an anniversary trip. He said he agreed to take some of the photos down.

Then on July 26 of this year, a former school board candidate named Stetson Clark stepped up to the microphone during a public comment period to accuse Whitfield of being an advocate for critical race theory: the idea that racism runs deep and continues to shape American society today.

"Because of his extreme views I ask that a full review of Mr. Whitfield’s tenure in our district be examined and that his contract be terminated effective immediately," said Clark, who lost a recent campaign to join the Grapevine-Colleyville ISD school board.

Other people in the audience shouted in support and cheered when Clark made his remarks.

In a July 31 post on his personal Facebook page, Whitfield responded: (Read more)

Keep The Same Energy When It Comes To Black & White Criminals

Keep the same energy when it comes to when you see something going on in the news with Black and White criminals. I hate it when I see some folk post and like some posts when it comes to Black folk but never White folk and especially when some folk question me about Black criminals but never talk about White criminals. I talk about them all the same because a criminal is a criminal. But don’t make it look like only Black folk are criminals. Oh somebody don’t get this! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/25/2021