Fauci Suggests ‘It Would Be Better’ to Begin Working With Biden Team, Says Trump Hasn’t Attended Task Force Meeting in Months

The Political Agitator response: So this validates that Trump don’t give a damn about the COVID since he has not been attending the meetings. Enough said!

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said coronavirus pandemic issues would be much easier to deal with if current federal government employees like himself were able to communicate with President-elect Joe Biden‘s transition team.

Fauci told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday that an easing of the tense transition between President Donald Trump‘s administration and Biden’s “would be better if we could start working with them” immediately.

“Just as a public health measure, you think it would be a good idea if your team would be able to work with the Biden-Harris transition team right now just in terms of what’s best for the public health of the American people?” Tapper asked Fauci on CNN’s State of the Union.

“Of course, Jake, that’s obvious, of course, it would be better if we could start working with them,” Fauci replied, also noting Trump has not attended a coronavirus task force meeting in months. He highlighted how he’s been through numerous transitions of power given he’s served under six different presidents as an infectious disease expert. (Read more)

Friendship, Money & Religion Plays A Role In Elections

I am a die hard Democrat and know how the process works. I like the Democratic Platform. Do I agree with everything? No! Do I agree with all Democrats? No! I hold folk accountable especially those who are making decisions that affect my livelihood.

I am actively engaged in the Democratic Party because my parents were Democrats. However they were not engaged in politics at the level I have been. When I turned 18 I began to vote. A few years later I got active in my precinct and on the county level. Because the precinct and the county party Plan of Organization stated that one of the officers had to be under 30 and since I was the youngest person to attend the meetings, I basically got the office by default. I served as the 3rd Vice chair in my precinct and also on the county level over the years. I have been putting in the work every since then and I am still a precinct chair and serve on the county executive committee today.

It is human nature that folk support their friends when it comes to politics. However I don’t support friends if I don’t think they are the one and I let them know it unlike so many folk.

Some Black folk only get involved in politics working for candidates because of money. During election time there are a lot of money on the ground. Some don’t give a damn about who the candidate is but will just take money to put in their pocket. But what these folk don’t understand is that they may be working against their own best interest.

I have followed the money over the years so I know why and how elections are influenced by voters. Most folk don’t know the candidates so they go by what they see is popular. I tell folk all the time that if they don’t know the candidates then follow someone who they can trust in to see who they are voting for. But I also tell them to do their own homework even when they ask me who to vote for. I tell them this is who I am voting for.

Some folk are using religion to play upon folk intelligence. But I dare those who are using religion to share their faults because we all have our shortcomings. Enough said!

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From The Office Of Representative James D. Gailliard November Newsletter

November Newsletter

From the Office of

Representative James D. Gailliard

District 25

Volume 1, Issue 21








Advocating for inclusive policies for Constituents in Nash County-Rocky Mount

General Assembly – Committee Updates

There are no updates on Committees for the month of October.

To follow up on daily updates on General Assembly News, visit ncleg.gov where you can learn more about proposed bills or new committees developed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Case Updates


As of November 12th, 2020, we have 300,561 confirmed cases in North Carolina. There are 1,246 people hospitalized with COVID-19. Nash County has 3,829 cases and Edgecombe County has 2,199 cases. We have confirmed 4,698 deaths for

North Carolina, with 86 reported in Nash County and 66 reported in Edgecombe County

You can visit the DHHS Dashboard for updates:


Continue Prevention Measures to slow the spread of COVID-19:

NC Remains in Phase 3

Continuation of Phase 3 and Reduction of Indoor Mass Gathering Limit

Governor Roy Cooper announced this week that North Carolina’s indoor mass gathering limit will be lowered to 10 people in an effort to drive down North Carolina’s key COVID-19 metrics. Executive Order 176 will go into effect on Friday, November 13th and will be in place through Friday, December 4th.

As the weather gets colder, more people will be gathering indoors. Science has shown that indoor gatherings increase risk of transmission of COVID-19, and this Executive Order seeks to limit indoor gatherings that could rapidly and dangerously spread the virus.

The Order does not change the reduced capacity limits for certain businesses that have already been laid out. For more on this, read the Frequently Asked Questions document.

Governor Cooper and NC DHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen also underscored the need for people to wear a mask anytime they gather with people outside of their immediate household. As the holiday season approaches, NCDHHS released health guidance to help people celebrate as safely as possible without spreading the virus.

Dr. Cohen also provided an update on North Carolina’s data and trends.

Trajectory in COVID-Like Illness (CLI) Surveillance Over 14 Days

· North Carolina’s syndromic surveillance trend for COVID-like illness is decreasing but still elevated.

Trajectory of Confirmed Cases Over 14 Days

· ·North Carolina’s trajectory of cases is increasing.

Trajectory in Percent of Tests Returning Positive Over 14 Days

· North Carolina’s trajectory in percent of tests returning positive is level but above 5 percent.

Trajectory in Hospitalizations Over 14 Days

· North Carolina’s trajectory of hospitalizations is level but high.

In addition to these metrics, the state continues building capacity to adequately respond to an increase in virus spread in testing, tracing and prevention.


· Testing capacity is high

Tracing Capability

· The state is continuing to hire contact tracers to bolster the efforts of local health departments.

· There have been almost 350,000 downloads of the exposure notification app, SlowCOVIDNC.

Personal Protective Equipment

· North Carolina’s personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies are stable.

Read Executive Order 176.

Read a Frequently Asked Questions document about the Order.

COVID-19: Additional Orders

Governor Cooper Signs Executive Order to Strengthen Eviction Prevention and Help Renters Stay in Their Homes

Governor Roy Cooper issued Executive Order No. 171 to strengthen eviction protections to help North Carolina renters stay in their homes. With COVID-19 case counts increasing and many people continuing to work and learn remotely, preventing evictions is critical to the state’s fight against this virus.

The economic toll of COVID-19 has left thousands of families struggling to make ends meet. According to a report from the National Council of State Housing Agencies, approximately 300,000 – 410,000 households across North Carolina are currently unable to pay rent.

Last month, the Center for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) put a temporary residential eviction moratorium into effect nationwide from September 4 through December 31, 2020. The CDC order protects residential tenants from eviction for nonpayment of rent. However, confusion over who this order protects has caused inconsistent enforcement and unwarranted evictions in some parts of the state.

Executive Order No. 171 requires landlords to make residential tenants aware of their rights under the CDC Order. For eviction actions commencing after Executive Order No. 171, landlords must give residents the option to fill out a declaration form before starting any eviction action.

The Order also sets forth procedures to ensure protection for residential tenants once they provide the required declaration form to the court or to the landlord.

Read a FAQ about Executive Order No. 171.


Gov. Roy Cooper signs executive order preventing N.C. evictions for those unable to pay rent, WBTV: https://www.wbtv.com/2020/10/28/gov-roy-cooper-signs-executive-order-preventing-nc-evictions-those-unable-pay-rent/

Cooper: NC Will Stay In Phase 3 For 3 More Weeks, WSOCTV, https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/cooper-nc-will-stay-paused-phase-3-three-more-weeks/2LYEW5RJYFHXTPKKWS245ZQP6I/

Daily coronavirus cases, hospitalizations reach new highs in NC, WRAL: https://www.newsbreak.com/north-carolina/raleigh/news/2091347732559/daily-coronavirus-cases-hospitalizations-reach-new-highs-in-nc

COVID-19 vaccine to be limited at first. How many may be available in each NC county? Charlotte Observer, https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/coronavirus/article246753891.html

Get Your Flu Shot!

The first and most important step in protecting you and your family from the flu virus is to get a flu vaccine each year. Yet many North Carolinians don’t get vaccinated.

Contact your health care provider or visit https://vaccinefinder.org/ to find a convenient location to get a flu vaccination near you.

Representative James D. Gailliard

committed to:

The People of Nash County-Rocky Mount

Progressive solutions for Rural Issues

Principles that foster Common Sense Legislation