House Speaker Nancy Pelosi your speech was so full of lies it sickens me! You even have the gaw to say your first and foremost goal is to protect our serviceman and children!!! If you really cared you wouldn’t cover up all the dirty little secrets!!!!

So what happened to this post?

I asked a few questions since they were talking about Pelosi and never got an answer. But look how the conversation went.

Damn just promote your Republicans but don’t say mess about Democrats and then run when questioned.

I thought I was being nice but look at how it became about me being a racist. SMDH!

Brenda F Ward

2h ·

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi your speech was so full of lies it sickens me! You even have the gaw to say your first and foremost goal is to protect our serviceman and children!!! If you really cared you wouldn’t cover up all the dirty little secrets!!!!






  • Mae Nichols

    Mae Nichols Amen


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  • LuLu Britt Eberle

    LuLu Britt Eberle She is one evil woman!


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  • Christi Bryant

    Christi Bryant She is the one in the beginning that said it was not serious and to go everywhere you wanted no problem here .. now she is a turn about and flipping the script .. geez.. people do see what she is doing I pray!


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  • Terry Owens Walker

    Terry Owens Walker Girl!!! That’s a big amen!!!


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  • Bob Anti-racist

    Bob Anti-racist It has been predicted the mail
    In voting will delay counts and she will become president until counts are finalized. She has as much said she has been preparing for the moment.
    All of this mail voting is being pushed by democrats to a reason.


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    • Bob Anti-racist

      Bob Anti-racist Check out the videos of her saying he will be out of office even if he doesn’t leave the White House he won’t be president.


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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Bob Anti-racist people see and hear what they want to hear…but God fearing people listen to his word. It’s all laid out for us in the Bible.


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    • Bob Anti-racist

      Bob Anti-racist Brenda F Ward
      See the hidden message here. Consider mail in ballot will not be finished counting. Some perditions are March of next year.
      Some say her hidden message is she step up as president until counts are completed
      Watch this let me know your thoughts. Remember this is what some on left and right are saying. Not me I’m just passing it along

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      Pelosi: The President ‘Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC


      Pelosi: The President ‘Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About’ |…

      Pelosi: The President ‘Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Bob Anti-racist I tell ya it’s hard to watch her Bob I swear she is so full of it! When she talks about the virus but yet they paraded three funerals for GF a felon that wasn’t a problem…as long as they can use it to bash our President. They way they let these people riot and cause mayhem in our states, they can’t possibly care about the virus spreading. So I can see through the facade and I’m not gonna even gonna talk about the whole virus and science behind that time will tell on that! And I can’t believe Americans would want a leader that is all for crushing our economy and bankrupting people “white privileged may I add and black privileged too because there are many successful black citizens, defunding the police and killing American citizens and this she is okay with.

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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Bob Anti-racist Yes I see her message

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    Curmilus Butch Dancy II

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  • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

    Curmilus Butch Dancy II What dirty little secrets?
    Can’t be no evil than the Trump.
    How does mail in voting delay counts?
    Mail in voting Absentee Ballots have been around for years.
    So glad I know how it works been at the Board of Elections meetings when they counted Absentee Ballots.

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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Curmilus Butch Dancy II things are not as they use to be. All of this is a plan to get to mail in voting and she is wanting socialism is that what you want? Their PLAN IS…They send you how much money they want you to have and track every dime you spend. It’s no since I’m rattling on.


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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Brenda F Ward Absentee Voting is not new so don’t know what you are talking about.
      Don’t get the socializing part.
      What are you talking about now because I didn’t see anything about money in the previous post and comments?
      Rattling on? Oh I am just asking questions to what you and your friend said.

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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Curmilus Butch Dancy II all you have to do is your research and listen what’s going on around you especially since the virus started.

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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Curmilus Butch Dancy II

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      Image may contain: cloud, sky, ocean, outdoor, nature and water, text that says 'A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone. 2 TIMOTHY 2:24 NLT PASTOR STOR RICK'S DAILY HOPE'


    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Brenda F Ward Wow! I am aware of the virus but what I ain’t aware of is what you said.


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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Curmilus Butch Dancy II it’s all a part of her and her parties plan on how they intend to get the presidency and they will do whatever it takes.

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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Curmilus Butch Dancy II
      Okay, I understand we all follow our parties and we trust what they say. Sometimes we don’t see things we should and this is true for all of us I’m sure.

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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Brenda F Ward you say: “Curmilus Butch Dancy II it’s all a part of her and her parties plan on how they intend to get the presidency and they will do whatever it takes.”
      I don’t know what you do but I challenge folk in my party when I disagree with them.
      Absentee Ballot is the way the go because of the Pandemic but some folk will attempt to twist the narrative. Again Absentee Voting is not new.
      So you mad because she is talking about something that is legal?

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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Brenda F Ward you say, “Curmilus Butch Dancy II
      Okay, I understand we all fall our parties and we trust what they say.”
      I listen to what they say and I can think for myself.

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    • Peggy L Winstead

      Peggy L Winstead Brenda F Ward I know he went to school with us! He was my friend on fb at one time. I deleted him, because he is racist! I for one will not not deal with, such childness!!! I love all color that our God make in his own image!!! I was not raised that way!!! Thank God for God fearing parents!!! I’m still praying for the ones left behind and spend eternity in a devils fire!!!


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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Curmilus Butch Dancy II
      I’m out I will not debate you okay.

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    • Peggy L Winstead

      Peggy L Winstead Brenda F Ward Read my comment above!!! He is Racist!!!


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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Peggy L Winstead Oh I know how he sees things and I’m not gonna get into a debate.

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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward Peggy L Winstead I have never had a racist bone in my body….they have tried to divide this nation and change everything about it. Disgusting and feel it’s okay to murder innocent people NO that’s not okay with me because one man died breaking the law! Fix the problem in the PD but not defund whose gonna protest those people when they are the ones that need it the most!


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    • Brenda F WardActive Now

      Brenda F Ward I tell ya it is like it’s the twilight zone! It’s just a taste of what’s to come but I know I’m a child of God and I plan to not be living here in hell!

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    • Peggy L Winstead

      Peggy L Winstead Brenda F Ward me either girl!!!


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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Brenda F Ward you say: Curmilus Butch Dancy II
      I’m out I will not debate you okay.
      I don’t debate. I just ask questions and folk can’t answer them.

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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Peggy L Winstead you say, “Brenda F Ward I know he went to school with us! He was my friend on fb at one time. I deleted him, because he is racist! I for one will not not deal with, such childness!!! I love all color that our God make in his own image!!! I was not raised that way!!! Thank God for God fearing parents!!! I’m still praying for the ones left behind and spend eternity in a devils fire!!!”
      I don’t remember either one of you.
      Wow you had to had sent me a Friend Request because I don’t remember you.
      Racist? Really! Because you don’t want to hear these trues.
      Childness? Really!
      God fearing parents my Black Parents are too!
      So I hope you understand just because you deleted me I am still on Facebook and do not need you to operate.

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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Brenda F Ward you say, “Peggy L Winstead I have never had a racist bone in my body….they have tried to divide this nation and change everything about it. Disgusting and feel it’s okay to murder innocent people NO that’s not okay with me because one man died breaking the law! Fix the problem in the PD but not defund whose gonna protest those people when they are the ones that need it the most!”
      I don’t have the power to divide a nation.
      I have not murdered anybody.
      One man died breaking the law. Really! But y’all want to talk about being Racist hell Black Folk have been killed by White Folk all of my life and I don’t have to remind you and you don’t have to research it because you already know.
      Obviously you don’t know what defunding the police department mean.
      Who are those people who need to protest when they need them most?
      But why am I still asking questions, because have not gotten answers to the other things you said.

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    • Peggy L Winstead

      Peggy L Winstead Curmilus Butch Dancy II What year did you graduate! I 1981! Southwest! You are in the year book! Duh! If you want to live your last days in a control country, then all means Vote Demonic rat!!! I will pray for you!!! Heaven or Hell for Eternity??? God gave us a free will!!! Only you can make that choice!!!

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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Peggy L Winstead you say, ” Curmilus Butch Dancy II What year did you graduate! I 1981! Southwest! You are in the year book! Duh! If you want to live your last days in a control country, then all means Vote Demonic rat!!! I will pray for you!!! Heaven or Hell for Eternity??? God gave us a free will!!! Only you can make that choice!!!”
      You ought to know since you say you went to school with me.
      I don’t have a year book lost it in the flood of 99. Duh!
      One thing you are no one tell me how to vote. I control who I vote for and that ain’t up for discussion. Now changing the narrative of the conversation again.
      I am not going to discuss Religion with you either.
      I am living my best life and that comes with being a 57 year old grown man.
      Yep going to vote Democratic because Republicans are some mean folk just look at this post and all of their comments.
      Again you prove me right because I asked some questions about what Brenda F Ward and another person said and look where the post has gone. And then came you.
      Continue on!

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    • Peggy L Winstead

      Peggy L Winstead Curmilus Butch Dancy II Good luck!!! Gods truth will set you Free, from a Devils Hell! God Bless!

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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Peggy L Winstead I am free but don’t worry about me worry about yourself. I am good!

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    Curmilus Butch Dancy II

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  • Joan Brown

    Joan Brown She is one evil woman


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  • Debra Keel Vincent

    Debra Keel Vincent I have not spent a penny of that money. It just appeared in my account. How do you know they won’t take it back

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