Rocky Mount NC Community Meeting Featuring Edgecombe & Nash County Sheriff Departments & Rocky Mount Police Department

Very interesing meeting. Where was WHIG TV? See the presentations by each law enforcement group and the concerns from the community.

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Congressman G.K. Butterfield Host Bertie County Community Discussion

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Edgecombe County Public Schools Announces Administrative Changes

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Edgecombe County Public Schools

Yesterday at 8:19am · 


The Edgecombe County Public Schools system is making several changes to its lineup of school administrators for the upcoming school year.

“I am enthusiastic about the beginning of a new school year. Our students and teachers return each year with a sense of renewed energy and excitement,” said Edgecombe County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Valerie Bridges. “We have made several administrative changes. All of our administrative transitions are for the benefit of the school district and an effort to continue moving Edgecombe County Public School along a positive trajectory. Our goal is to meet every students’ needs, improve student achievement, and nurture and support our teachers to excellence.”

The following administrative changes will be in effect for the upcoming school year:

• Craig Harris, former SouthWest Edgecombe High School Principal, will now be the Principal for Tarboro High School.

• Kevin Cutler, former Tarboro High School Principal, will take over as Principal of SouthWest Edgecombe High School.

• Rebecca Sugg will now serve as an Assistant Principal of Tarboro High School. She was previously a School Counselor at SouthWest Edgecombe High School.

• Lavetta Roundtree has moved to SouthWest Edgecombe High School. She previously served as an Assistant Principal at Tarboro High School.

• Rashard Curmon will serve as an Assistant Principal at Tarboro High School. He previously served as the W.A. Pattillo Middle School Assistant Principal.

• Julie Simpson will be the Assistant Principal at W.A. Pattillo Middle School. Previously, she served as the Instructional Coach at Pattillo.

• John “Beau” Drake has been named as an Assistant Principal of SouthWest Edgecombe High School. Drake comes to ECPS from Franklin County Schools where he served as an Assistant Principal Intern.

• Leshaun Jenkins will be the Interim Assistant Principal of Phillips Middle School and Princeville Elementary School. He previously served as a History Teacher at Tarboro High School for 16 years.

• Caroline Joyce will transition from the role of Instructional Coach at North Edgecombe High School to Assistant Principal of the school.

The first day of school for students in traditional schools is Monday, August 28, 2017. Open House will be held for all students and their families on Thursday, August 24, 2017 from 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Ex-NFLer Jermichael Finley’s Wife Ethers Him For His Comments On Black Athletes Protesting (TWEET) – Total Pro Sports

The Watch Dog response: See how ignant some folk can get when they think they have arrived. Dude got 4 biracial boys and he don’t get it. His white wife reminded him that he is a black man.

Former Green Bay Packers tight end Jermichael Finley had been on a tirade on social media. First he stated that black athletes are ‘roll models’ to kids, so they should keep their politics to themselves, shut up, and just play.

He then followed that up with a video suggesting Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch and Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett don’t actually care about social injustice. Rather, he thinks their National Anthem protests are publicity stunts.

His comments were so ill-advised and misinformed that his wife, who is white, had to jump on Twitter and serve him up a dose of knowledge on what these athletes are fighting for. (Total Pro Sports)

Our View: Let N.C. cities decide fate of monuments – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Watch Dog response: I totally agree!

City governments and other institutions are dealing with the repercussions of the horrific Charlottesville white supremacist rally in different ways. The city of Baltimore, for example, took down Confederacy monuments with little fanfare on Tuesday night. The University of Florida has denied a request for a September speech by white nationalist Richard Spencer.

Those decisions are being made by thoughtful leaders who are familiar with the climate and the wishes of the communities they serve. (Rocky Mount Telegram)

WWII anti-racism film goes viral after rally – CNN

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WWII anti-racism film goes viral after rally

The 1947 educational film has been viewed more than 10 million times on Facebook and warns against the spread of white nationalism in the US.

Source: CNN

For Our White Friends Desiring To Be Our Allies – Sojourners

The Watch Dog response: Fa bu lous ta stic! Many folk don’t want to hear these truths because they will have to change the way they think. How do you read good writing like this and not want to change? Thank you!

I am not going to do much coddling here; I don’t know that I believe that love requires coddling. Here are six things you can do to be stronger allies.

1. Listen more; talk less. You don’t have to have something to say all of the time. You don’t have to post something on social media that points to how liberal/how aware/how cool/how good you are. You are lovely, human, and amazing. You have also had the microphone for most of the time, for a very long time, and it will be good to give the microphone to someone else who is living a different experience than your own.

2. For one out of every three opinions/insights shared by a person of color in your life, try to resist the need to respond with a better or different insight about something that you read or listened to as it relates to their shared opinion. Try just to listen and sit with someone else’s experience. When you do share in response to what someone has shared with you, it can sometimes (not always) feel like “whitesplaining” — meaning to explain or comment on something in an over-confident or condescending way. This adds to the silencing of the voices of people of color. (Sojourners)

Racism, Confederate Monuments/Statues & Great Grand daddy

I don’t need no damn confederate monuments, statues and symbols to tell me about history when I know my history.

That confederate mess is a symbol that do not stand for all races but one race of folk who want to go back. Remember that talking about going back and make America Great Again. Right! They are losing now like they did back then but they gotta have a damn monument, flags and symbols to make them think they are superior.

Want to save the monuments join with your friends and have them taken down and put in your yards, in a museum or where ever. I think they ought to be auctioned off.

What tickles the hell out of me about folk when they don’t realize what the white man did to the race but we have to specify what race we are. If race didn’t matter then we would not have to specify what we are.

And when folk like myself challenge them asses they call us racist. Well my great grand daddy was a white man so twist that!

Robert E. Lee’s Family Just Gave An Unexpected Response To Trump’s Charlottesville Controversy – Washington Journal

The Watch Dog response: Robert E. Lee’s family has spoken. Now they ain’t ready for these trues. Let’s see how they twist this.

Following Trump’s off the rails, impromptu press conference yesterday in which he again failed to condemn literal white supremacists and neo-Nazis at Saturday’s rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the family of Robert E. Lee, in a surprising move, denounced the white nationalist groups who rallied to preserve the Civil War general’s statue.

“There’s no place for that,” Robert E. Lee V, the great-great-grandson of the Confederate hero, said in an interview with Newsweek. “There’s no place for that hate.” Along with Lee’s sister, Tracy Lee Crittenberger, the two issued a statement condemning the “hateful words and violent actions of white supremacists, the KKK or neo-Nazis.” (Washington Journal)