U.S. Senate Candidate Chris Rey Has a Stellar Résumé. Why Isn’t Anyone Taking Him Seriously? Indy Weekly

The Watch Dog response: Because there is a problem with the makeup of the NC State Democratic Party but black folk continue to be ignant! They need to go in and make some DEMANDS! I have been waiting for them to say when but until then why attend the state meetings? I refuse to be silent!

On paper, there aren’t many stronger political résumés than Chris Rey’s.

He’s young, smart, energetic, good-looking, a Signal Corps officer who was deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan, a major in the National Guard, the executive director of a health care nonprofit that assists thousands of uninsured people each year, a cybersecurity expert who spent four years writing policy for the Department of Defense, and a graduate of William & Mary Law School. For the last four years, he’s been the mayor of Spring Lake, a town of just over 13,000 situated right outside the gates of Fort Bragg. He’s also African-American, a constituency Democrats need to prevail in this state.

In person, the 38-year-old has a knack for charming voters; when he filed to run for U.S. Senate in December, Rey was accompanied by his wife and baby daughter, inciting awws from employees at the Board of Elections. Rey also impressed likely voters at a December meet-and-greet at N.C. Central. “I think he has a lot of great ideas and a lot of energy,” one of them told the INDY. “He’s suggesting changes that can be made, and I think a majority of folks in North Carolina agree with.” (Source: Read more)

Edgecombe County Public Schools Community Breakfast Superintendent John Farrelly Edgecombe Community College Tarboro NC Tuesday February 2, 2016

Thank you Superintendent/ECPS for hosting the community breakfast. The presentation was awesome especially learning more about the Superintendent from a childhood age until now. All the children need to hear his story.

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Melissa Harris-Perry narrowly escaped being attacked last night at an #IowaCaucus site

MSNBC host and Wake Forest University professor Melissa Harris-Perry recounts a story on why she survived an attempted attack from a White Nationalist at a caucus site in Des Moines, Iowa last night.

Her take on last night’s near-brush with possible death: 

I don’t know if he was there to kill me.

Monday night I was sitting in a hotel lobby in downtown Des Moines with my back to a wall of windows, my eyes fixed on the TV, my attention wholly focused on early caucus results. I didn’t notice until he was standing right next to me, much closer than is ordinary or comfortable. When he started he speaking it was like he was picking up in the middle of sentence, finishing a conversation we had begun earlier, but I couldn’t remember ever meeting him. (Source: Read more)