NAACP National – The NAACP 880 Campaign for Real Health Care Reform Now

The NAACP 880 Campaign for Real Health Care Reform Now 

How $8.80 can help save 880,000

Donate now

Dear Curmilus,

Give $8.80 or more
and help us save
880,000 lives

Donate now

Zikia Jones-Martin’s mother died after a hard-fought battle with breast cancer. She had applied for health care insurance with many companies, but they all turned her down… so she had to stop taking her medications.
If Zikia’s mother had been able to obtain health care insurance, she would have been able to afford her medications… and she would have had a fighting chance to live!
Zikia told her story at our National Town Hall Meeting last week and it further inspired us to send a message to Congress: We need real health care reform now. To make our 880 Campaign successful,
we need your support.
We are calling our campaign "880" because, according to the American Journal of Public Health, the deaths of 880,000 black people would have been prevented if the mortality rate of blacks had been the same as that of whites over a 10-year period.
Now I am asking you to donate at least $8.80 — more if you can — to help the NAACP make sure our elected representatives support real health care reform with real results … and help solve the health problems that plague our parents, children, friends, and communities.
Please, make a donation today and help us win the fight for equal access to quality, affordable health care coverage for all Americans.

Ben Jealous
Benjamin Todd Jealous
President and CEO


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