From The Publisher – Text Messages From Crystal To Me. So Was She Trying To Intimidate Me? I Ain’t The One!!

After I called our cell leader over along with the shop floor specialist the week of September 19 to  make it clear that I have no conversation for Crystal Richardson Whitaker other than work she had the audacity to text me on my phone that I pay the damn telephone bill to try to intimidate me.

Oh hell no, I know she didn’t go there. I have not held a conversation with her since the week of August 28. When she posted on Facebook that I was the one she had to be careful about talking to, I said I will make that happen on Tuesday September 8 when we get to work and I have not held a conversation with her since. Obviously she has a problem because I will not talk to her.

I believe she has me confused with her husband because I be damn if she will intimidate me, tell me who I can talk to, what I can say or other. I ain’t the one and if she don’t understand, she better ask somebody.

See the test messages as follows:

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:33
Subject: (1/3) Just wanted to let u know…
(1/3) Just wanted to let u know that i talked to tammy wolfe yesterday and on monday she is meeting with all the peps that u told stuff bout me about my baby
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:33
Subject:  (2/3) boy not being my husbands…
(2/3) boy not being my husbands baby and other childish things. She said that is a hostile work environment and if all those people that u so called trusted
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:33
Subject:  (3/3) to tell lies bout me speak…
(3/3) to tell lies bout me speak up she will contact u directly. <Humble co 09>
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:44
Subject: (1/4) U go round telling peps my…
(1/4) U go round telling peps my personal business when i hvent done anything to u. U walkedn one day pissed bout something like a teenager and goin round
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:45
Subject:  (2/4) spreadin rumors bout me…
(2/4) spreadin rumors bout me like u r n high school. I dont think u understand but all the peps that u told things to bout me came directly to me afterwards
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:44
Subject:  (3/4) and now r goin to talk to…
(3/4) and now r goin to talk to tammy with me on monday. Sam is aware of the issue and so is monique. Thats all i hve to say. So for everything u do wrong at
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:45
Subject:  (4/4) wrk i will just do my job…
(4/4) wrk i will just do my job <Humble co 09>
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

My response:
—— SMS Text ——
To: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:40
Subject: I thought I told you in front of…
I thought I told you in front of Sam that I had nothing to talk to you about other than work. Now you have the audacity to email me.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

—— SMS Text ——
From: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:45
Subject: Dont worry bout me contacting u.
Dont worry bout me contacting u. I dont hve time for games. I will just let tammy deal with it! <Humble co 09>
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

My response:
—— SMS Text ——
To: 2523142559
Sent: Sep 26, 2009 09:46
Subject: Can’t wait to talk to Tammy done…
Can’t wait to talk to Tammy done with you.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

What I did say when people came to me on Friday September 1 and since that time is that Crystal was telling me that she was telling folks that her husband was gay and I said she is crazy as hell to be talking this mess and her mother-in-law works with us. I said if she disrespects her and husband, she definitely will disrespect me. I said it was time to move on.

Background information on my dealings with Crystal.

After meeting with Tammy today, I found out that she had not had a conversation with Tammy. So that means she flat out lied on her. I told Tammy that I want her to address that and the piece about Crystal talking about my job.

I am going to get with Sam and Monique on tommorrow to see if she had a conversation with them because if she didn’t that means she lied on them as well.

This means she has lied on 4 people.

The following is what I forwarded to Sam on Sunday night to forward to Monique and Tammy Wolfe.

Crystal Richardson Whitaker allegations against Curmilus Dancy II

It began Thursday, September 03, 2009 the Thursday before Labor Day when Crystal came to work and told me that she had went into her husband’s Facebook account and she didn’t know why one of his Masonic Friends that she had told me (would not consider her as a friend) had to respond to everything that her husband posted. I said how did you know what he posted and she said I have my husband’s password and he has hers. I said what is the problem. She said well he deleted his account and she was going to do the same when she got home that Thursday evening. I said good.

This is what she did when she got home. She posted the following:

—– Original Message —–

From: The DCN Blog/Internet TV Curmilus Dancy II (Butch) Publisher Videographer @

To: The DCN Blog/Internet TV Curmilus Dancy II (Butch) Publisher Videographer @

Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 8:13 PM

Subject: Crystal Richardson Whitaker

Crystal Richardson Whitaker for everyone that wished that jordan and i would divorce, well it is in the making so all the haters, u finally have my husband b/c i can’t do it anymore. i am tired. Dismissed.

/ Unlike

Curmilus Dancy II

Curmilus Dancy II

I have told you about sharing too much information here. I will see you in the morning.

4 minutes ago · Delete

Crystal Richardson Whitaker

Crystal Richardson Whitaker

not right now butch.

3 minutes ago

Curmilus Dancy II

Curmilus Dancy II

Go to bed!!

2 minutes ago · Delete

Crystal’s aunt posted come on home baby but atleast 2 of her friends said, "pray about it and everything will be okay." I didn’t save there comments because by this time I was floored.

The next morning Friday Crystal ignored me and I ignored her because anyone that would post this mess on Facebook had some serious issues and I realized it was time for me to quit trying to get her to do the right thing. Something I have been trying to get her to do every since she moved right behind me at the Inspection station. Several people came to me who had read it post on Facebook and said talk to your friend and I said she is ignoring me. These people are friends with her on Facebook but we are not on my friend list.

I waited until I got off work and I posted a comment on her Facebook status that: You ignored me all day but that is because you didn’t want to hear what I had to say. I said you better be careful who you are sharing information with because when you and your husband get back together you are going to be the one that looks (ignant). I said I have tried to talk to you and was there for you when your stepdad died and you were back there crying and I told you that you were covered in the policy for bereavement because the policy had changed. I said I walked you to your car and told you to look at life a little different and I know that I am hard on you but I am there for you.

I had to go to her 3 times about the bereavement. I asked her why was she at work and she said she was not covered in the policy. I went back later after printing the policy off and laid it on her desk. I went back the 3rd time and asked her had she read it and she said she was not covered in a snappy way but I took it that she was upset because she was crying. I said you need to go talk to Faye (nurse) and let her explain it to you. She did and when she came back through the door I could see her whole facial experience change as she met Ernest her father-in-law. She didn’t have to tell me because I could tell Faye had confirmed that I was right.

Back to Facebook, Crystal posted later that Friday evening that I was the one she had to be careful talking to. I responded I can make that happen when we get back to work on Tuesday. And I have made it happen.

It was funny as hell to me when on Monday, September 7 Labor Day when her husband came back on Facebook and said he was back that he and the wifey had worked things out. Crystal’s aunt said something like, oh as if she was not aware of them working things out and she then said welcome back to the family. I laughed to myself and said all this mess she came back to work and told folks.

Later in the week I noticed that Crystal had removed me as a friend on Facebook and I seen her husband had too. I said I wonder what she has told him and this too was another confirmation that I need to cut all ties with her.

I could have made it about work but I was just trying to move on.

You see I did what I did because the majority of the units that I work on she is the final inspector so I don’t want any mess out of her. I was hoping that I had brought some closure to this matter.

Saturday morning September 26 I received a text from Crystal and you can read them for yourself and also my response to her. Obviously she has me confused with her husband because I am not intimidated by her.

See 9 attachments included that are the text messages.

What tickles me is that what she is accusing me of I heard that when I first moved into the cell. When she was moved down to final inspection when she and a former employee were having problems, I learned a lot about her personal business. I have heard her say many of times that folks ought to stay out of her business because several guys always stopped by to talk to her. I would say if you do not give folks anything to talk about you wouldn’t have to make those comments and she would get pissed. I have heard her make comments about other females and she was just as guilty as another female was when an incident was reported.

I want to take a piece from her line on Facebook, "b/c i can’t do it anymore. i am tired. Dismissed." This is what I said and this is what I did. I have dismissed her but obviously she has a problem with it.

So why did she text me? I thank her for that because anyone that knows me, know I like to document things. She wanted to let me know that she had talked to Tammye Wolfe personnel, Sam cell leader and Monique the manager over our cell.

I really like this one, She said that Tammye said, "that is a hostile work environment and if all those people that u so called trusted." I thought I have made it clear to Crystal that I do not say anything that I will not repeat again. But what is funny as heck is that she is the talk of the assembly floor. LOL

Was she trying to intimidate me? I hope not because I fear no one.

NOTE: Sam forward this to Monique and Tammye because I do not have their email address.

See related:

Crystal Richardson Whitaker

Note: Reposted due to an error in the system. Originally posted on October 3, 2009

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