RALEIGH, NC 27615-5041


Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Kristi Bellamy

Date: 9/13/2009 Phone: (919) 518-2792



6:00 PM – 8:00 PM




The public is invited to attend the 11th Annual Banquet hosted by the South Central Wake County Branch of the NAACP. This year, we will be celebrating in accord with the national theme of “Bold Dreams, Bold Victories.” Our keynote speaker will be Carolyn Coleman, who serves on the NAACP National Board of Directors and is the First Vice President for the North Carolina State Conference of NAACP.

Admission to the event is $35.00 for adults, $20.00 for ages 6-18 year olds and seniors 65 or older, and free for youths 5 years of age or younger accompanied by a paying adult. Please make checks payable to “South Central Wake NAACP.” Dinner and entertainment will be provided.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP and secure a ticket with Kristi Bellamy by Monday, October 12, 2009, at or (919) 518-2792. Tickets will also be available at the door.

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to your participation!


Ronald White
Branch President
& Gala Committee Chair Kristi Bellamy

One Response

  1. NC Justus System Controlled by Criminals

    They targeted Ex-Senator Ty Harold because he posited my messages on his website

    They had Senator Vernon Malone Murdered because he began his own investigation why his offices was used with out his knowledge to set me up.

    They falsified FTA warrant against me. Held phony court trials. Ignored the law and rulings of a higher court. Corrupt any Judge they need too. Have all the law enforcement agency turn there heads to their criminal activities. That’s how they get control the Justus System in NC and do as they please. I don’t believe the trial held against’t me on Aug 21, 2009 was a legal official court trial. It was held late on a Friday when no one was around. Held in secrecy and isn’t on record no were except for the Wake Co. Superior Court Clerk’s Offices computer system and the Wake Co. Probation computers. They don’t won’t too many people to know about the illegal court proceedings they held against me.

    Continued Corruption in the Justus System

    North Carolina Court of Appeals

    NO. COA08-527
    Filed; 20 January 2009

    Wake Co. 06 CRS 81156

    —Judgment by the Court of Appeals:

    We find that Defendant admitted only that he had been

    convicted of assault with a deadly weapon. The State did not

    prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Defendant was a

    prior conviction level III for misdemeanor sentencing. We conclude

    that the evidence supports a finding that Defendant was a prior

    conviction level II for misdemeanor sentencing; therefore, it was

    error for the trial court to find that Defendant was a prior

    conviction level III. Accordingly, we remand to the trial court

    for re sentencing.

    Remanded for re sentencing.

    Judges HUNTER and JACKSON concur.
    Report per Rule 30(e).

    On Aug. 21, 2009 an illegal court session was held in Superior Court against me that violated all my civil Rights and judgment order by the Court of Appeals. Superior Court case 06CRS081156 I Milford G. Cooper never stipulated in oped court through counsel that I was a prior level III offender. The three minutes of talking with attorney James Crouch before the trial on Aug. 21, 2009, only covered the findings of the Court of Appeals. The discussion that the trial court did not prove that I was a level III offender , I was only a level II offender. Mr. Crouch conspired with the State’s DA Howard J. Cummings to ignore the Court of Appeals discussion and secretly changed there order for re-sentencing as a level II offender. II only has a maximum of 45 days of jail time. Time that I had already served from July 7, 2009 to Aug. 21. 2009 in Wake County Jail.
    For attorney J. Crouch to say that I agreed to a higher level of offenses in return for early release from jail is a lie.It’s also a violation of my rights to competent legal representation.
    Judge James Harding masks the conspiracy by only asking me in court if I understood and agreed to the terms of my release. He never spoke the terms out loud in court. Terms that were changed with out my knowledge. No one would agree to a higher level of sentencing when the terms of a lower level of sentencing have been completed by the defendant. The Superior Court has imposed two sentences for a lower level offender. Any attorney that would allow this to happen to there client should be sanctioned by the NC BAR association. The Clerk of Superior Court should not ignore the Court of Appeals order to remand to trial court for re sentencing,not to impose the same sentence as imposed by the First Superior Court trial on 8/21/2007 case # 06CRS081156 Apparently Superior Court and Judge Donald Stevens believe Judge Hunter and Judge Jackson of the Court of Appeals do not know the law —

    —Need help filing a ten million dollar law suit against Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and his friend and helper Roy Cooper. There is substantial proof and evidence that they have had others hold phony court sessions against me and held me in jail illegally. Court papers from the Court of Appeals will prove what I have stated. I can also proved substantial cause, resown and evidence of the crimes and possible murder they are involved with.

    I Milford G. Cooper was illegally arrested by the NCCU Campos police on July 7, 2009 for protesting against NCCU employee Jeffery R. Edwards ( School Professor).
    They falsified a warrant and had no jurisdiction to arrest me of Campos. I was illegally incarcerated for nearly seven weeks. They held an illegal court session against me and found me guilty of an FTA in superior court. A charge I went through a complete jury trial for in 2007 before Judge Bullock. Check the records. Milford G. Cooper vs. Francesco Barrat and State of NC.. There is no warrant and my Rights have been violated by NCCU Law School Faculty.

    Ex-A.G. Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and his friend A.G.Roy Cooper should


    Can’t : They would all be exposed as criminals and more Judges, Juries and

    Citizens would have to be corrupted.

    It’s better for them to continue to hide behind others like the corrupt, criminal

    Cowards they are.

    Senator, Vernon Malone didn’t die from NATURAL COURSES

    Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and his Lover Attorney General Roy Cooper, had the Senator taken out! Preventing him from exposing there corrupt and criminal activities.

    Sen. Malone was probably investigating crimes the two lawyers have committed against me and others.

    Sen. Malone was upset at having been corrupted and used by the Attorney General and

    Jeffery R. Edwards.

    In May of 2008, I went to Sen. Malone’s offices to file a complaint and ask for his help.

    He wasn’t there, so I scheduled an appointment with his Secretary Miss Bonnie.

    She set up a meeting time for me to return to covey my complaints. Because the Attorney

    General Offices has illegal tracking device on my car; they knew I was seeking help from

    The Senator.

    The Attorney General then had Miss Bonnie set up a meeting with an impostor, instead of

    Senator Malone. Miss Bonnie did as she was told and the Senator had no knowledge of

    The situation.

    For the majority of the year Senator’s and Representatives are not in there offices.

    I immediately added the crime and deceit to my complaints to the F.B.I.,Raleigh Police

    Internal Affairs.S.B.I.and numerous news organization.

    For years they have been ignoring crimes committed by Ex-Attorney General Lawyer

    Jeffery R.Edwards and Attorney General Roy Cooper.

    A few months later I was able to intercept Senator Malone on his way to Governor Purdue’s Inauguration. I gave him papers directly that described my situation. Some of the same papers I gave to Representative Dabbra Ross and others Senators.

    Senator Malone now had knowledge of crimes being committed by the Attorney General

    and Edwards.

    I believe the Senator became upset when he learned his offices was used in a deceitful way and he became part of there corruption.

    That’s when the Senator began his own investigation of crimes and corruption by lawyers Edwards and Roy Cooper. The Senator found out the truth about the corrupting of state judges, police break-ins, my poisoning, infection and other crimes committed by the Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and Attorney General Roy Cooper.

    That’s when Senator Malone had to be disposed of.

    An investigation is the last thing the Attorney General Offices wants to happen.
    That’s way there so good at covering up there wrong doings.

    President Obama:

    I expect this isn’t a matter you would won’t people calling on you to resolve. However, THE GOOD OLD BOYS: down here in Raleigh North Carolina are experts at covering up there criminal activity.

    A Senator Vernon Malone was MURDERED here in Raleigh by Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards; with help from Attorney General Roy Cooper. The Senator didn’t die from natural courses. The Attorney General instructed the cornier to declare the Senator died of natural cause so there wouldn’t be an autopsy. Which would reveal the chemical used to stop the Senator’s heart but show no effects.

    When you have the top man in the Justus System involved in a murder, you better have definitive proof, which I don’t. That means no law enforcement agency in the state will investigates what I feel to be true.

    These two cowards have committed so many crimes against me even with out a murder charge they would both serve time for there action.

    The Eye Witnesses and evidence are all there and available for the minimal of investigation to reveal. No one is going to stick there neck out on my accusations and completes.

    For years, Edwards has been putting out lies about me. Know he had to commit MURDER to keep a

    Senator quit and stop he’s investigation of Edwards and Cooper.

    Know others are investigating them behind the since. They don’t know who but I can feel a change in the air.

    The Attorney General still has the entire Justus System, Government and GOOD OLD BOY citizens to hide


    Mr. President: a Senator has been MURDER for the dimmest of original reasons. A peace of crap A. G. Lawyer couldn’t get his way and set off a nine year vendetta and one dead SENATOR !

    Please Mr. President… review this file and authorize a full investigation.

    NCCU School of Law
    Dean Raymond C. Pierce

    I would like to bring to your attention a corrupt, criminal Ex-Attorney
    General Lawyer that is employed at NCCU School of Law.
    His name is Jeffery R. Edwards.

    I would like the opportunity to present evidence of the Corruption of Judges and a Police Offices and lies told in court by Edwards.

    To show very good cause and reason why Jeffery R. Edwards could
    Possible be responsible for the MURDER of Senator Vernon Malone!

    All because nine years ago a piece of crap believe he had the position
    and clout to change a neighborhood into what he wanted it to be.
    He didn’t! So know nine years later a man may have been Killed,
    because a prajudust scared, egotistical fool couldn’t;t have his way.

    If a congressman is willing to look into my accusations, then you
    should also.
    Let everyone investigate!
    FBI, SBI Raleigh Police Dept.,Durham Police Dept., News Reporters, etc.
    And the NCCU School of Law/ Dean Raymond C. Pierce

    I’m trying to tell the world about a corrupt Attorney General Offices [A.G.O.], N.C. ex-Attorney General lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards has been committing crimes against me with the help of the [A.G.O..] and A.G.. Roy Cooper. Illegal impersonation of state senator Vernon Mallon. Corruption of 4 state Judges. Judge Raider and Fox in civil court. Judge Jacobs and Bullock in criminal court. Police officer S. Selina lying under oath. Illegal phone bugs. Illegal tracking devices placed in my home. Hidden crammers and bugs placed in my home. I’ve been poisoned and infected with a sinus virus which has destroyed 60% of my nasal breathing ability. N.C. Attorney general Roy cooper will do anything he has too to prevent my 10 million dollar law suit against century 21 from going to an honest court trial. Request case no. 08cvs2245, Wake co. court house N.Câ?¦ Complete file sent to Chief Mark Kappelhoff/ Inspector General Offices/ Crime and Civil Rights Division/U.S. Department of Just!
    us , Washington D.C.., assistant Connie Lee. 202-514-3204 completes filled with ACLU, F.B.I.., NAACP,,Govenorâ?Ts offices, Mayorâ?Ts officesâ?T S.B.I.,.Rrepresantative Debbra,Ross,Congressman Etheridge,Raliegh Police, numerous lawyers and others. I have some physical proof and large amounts of on the record substance evidence. The [A.G.O.] would have wrongfully convicted those duke student athletes if it werenâ?Tt for the support they had. I have no support but I have the truth on my side. Please investigate all that I have claimed. Repeated e-mails sent to assure e-mail reaches everyone and isnâ?Tt stopped. Also to stress urgency of my situation. Extreme concern for my health and welfare. Contact, Milford G. Cooper 919-821-2605, 713 Fitzgerald drive Raleigh N.C. URGENT MASSAGE. I would like to fill formal crimmenal charges against Attorney General Roy Cooper and ex-Attorney General lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards.
    If you recieve this message, please forword it by e-mail or fax to every orginazztion listed below. The [A.G.O.] has illegaly prevanted my e-mails from going out from verious liberies and other terminal locations around the city. Illegaly the A.G.O. has breached my e-mail address, pass word and libery card number. With out a court order the A.G.O. hasnâ?Tt the right to violate federal laws of privicy,nor do they have legal couse.
    Becouse of my efforts to exspose a corrupt A.G.O. and criminal Jeffery R. Efdwords, they have had the police and othersw step up there herrasment of me. They beleave they can intemidate me by placing my name [illegaly with out couse or reason ] ona child mollester or public enemy whach list. This is how they have gotten so many people to commit crimes and harrassment against me ,with out having to showanyone crimes, charges or victums to support there lies.
    Officers, judges,goverment personal and so many others have all been lyed to by the A.G.O. and Jeffery R. Edsords. I wellcome and insist on a complete investigation of my life which has already been done for eight years by a corrupt A.G.O. and a criminal exA.G. lawyer J. R. Edwords. Please forword this message to all the following organizations.
    Govenor Beverly Perdue N.C. , all Legislative members N.C. ,Mayor Raleigh N.C.
    U.S. Attorneys Offices Washinton D.C. , Inspector General Offices Washinton D.C.
    Attorney General Offices Washiton D.C. , all major news orginazations in N.C. and national
    And any one else that can help prosiquit criminals at the Attorney General Offices.

    Continued Corruption in the Justus System

    —Judgment by the Court of Appeals:

    We find that Defendant admitted only that he had been

    convicted of assault with a deadly weapon. The State did not

    prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Defendant was a

    prior conviction level III for misdemeanor sentencing. We conclude

    that the evidence supports a finding that Defendant was a prior

    conviction level II for misdemeanor sentencing; therefore, it was

    error for the trial court to find that Defendant was a prior

    conviction level III. Accordingly, we remand to the trial court

    for re sentencing.

    Remanded for re sentencing.

    Judges HUNTER and JACKSON concur.
    Report per Rule 30(e).

    On Aug. 21, 2009 an illegal court session was held in Superior Court against me that violated all my civil Rights and judgment order by the Court of Appeals. Superior Court case 06CRS081156 I Milford G. Cooper never stipulated in oped court through counsel that I was a prior level III offender. The three minutes of talking with attorney James Crouch before the trial on Aug. 21, 2009, only covered the findings of the Court of Appeals. The discussion that the trial court did not prove that I was a level III offender , I was only a level II offender. Mr. Crouch conspired with the State’s DA Howard J. Cummings to ignore the Court of Appeals discission and secretly changed there order for re-sentencing as a level II offender. II only has a maximum of 45 days of jail time. Time that I had already served from July 7, 2009 to Aug. 21. 2009 in Wake County Jail.
    For attorney J. Crouch to say that I agreed to a higher level of offenses in return for early release from jail is a lie.It’s also a violation of my rights to competent legal representation.
    Judge James Harding masks the conspiracy by only asking me in court if I understood and agreed to the terms of my release. He never spoke the terms out loud in court. Terms that were changed with out my knowledge. No one would agree to a higher level of sentencing when the terms of a lower level of sentencing have been completed by the defendant. The Superior Court has imposed two sentences for a lower level offender. Any attorney that would allow this to happen to there client should be sanctioned by the NC BAR association. The Clerk of Superior Court should not ignore the Court of Appeals order to remand to trial court for re sentencing,not to impose the same sentence as imposed by the First Superior Court trial on 8/21/2007 case # 06CRS081156 Apparently Superior Court and Judge Donald Stevens believe Judge Hunter and Judge Jackson of the Court of Appeals do not know the law —

    —Need help filing a ten million dollar law suit against Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and his friend and helper Roy Cooper. There is substantial proof and evidence that they have had others hold phony court sessions against me and held me in jail illegally. Court papers from the Court of Appeals will prove what I have stated. I can also proved substantial cause, resown and evidence of the crimes and possible murder they are involved with.

    I Milford G. Cooper was illegally arrested by the NCCU Campos police on July 7, 2009 for protesting against NCCU employee Jeffery R. Edwards ( School Professor).
    They falsified a warrant and had no jurisdiction to arrest me of Campos. I was illegally incarcerated for nearly seven weeks. They held an illegal court session against me and found me guilty of an FTA in superior court. A charge I went through a complete jury trial for in 2007 before Judge Bullock. Check the records. Milford G. Cooper vs. Francesco Barrat and State of NC.. There is no warrant and my Rights have been violated by NCCU Law School Faculty.

    Ex-A.G. Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and his friend A.G.Roy Cooper should


    Can’t : They would all be exposed as criminals and more Judges, Juries and

    Citizens would have to be corrupted.

    It’s better for them to continue to hide behind others like the corrupt, criminal

    Cowards they are.

    Senator, Vernon Malone didn’t die from NATURAL COURSES

    Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and his Lover Attorney General Roy Cooper, had the Senator taken out! Preventing him from exposing there corrupt and criminal activities.

    Sen. Malone was probably investigating crimes the two lawyers have committed against me and others.

    Sen. Malone was upset at having been corrupted and used by the Attorney General and

    Jeffery R. Edwards.

    In May of 2008, I went to Sen. Malone’s offices to file a complaint and ask for his help.

    He wasn’t there, so I scheduled an appointment with his Secretary Miss Bonnie.

    She set up a meeting time for me to return to covey my complaints. Because the Attorney

    General Offices has illegal tracking device on my car; they knew I was seeking help from

    The Senator.

    The Attorney General then had Miss Bonnie set up a meeting with an impostor, instead of

    Senator Malone. Miss Bonnie did as she was told and the Senator had no knowledge of

    The situation.

    For the majority of the year Senator’s and Representatives are not in there offices.

    I immediately added the crime and deceit to my complaints to the F.B.I.,Raleigh Police

    Internal Affairs.S.B.I.and numerous news organization.

    For years they have been ignoring crimes committed by Ex-Attorney General Lawyer

    Jeffery R.Edwards and Attorney General Roy Cooper.

    A few months later I was able to intercept Senator Malone on his way to Governor Purdue’s Inauguration. I gave him papers directly that described my situation. Some of the same papers I gave to Representative Dabbra Ross and others Senators.

    Senator Malone now had knowledge of crimes being committed by the Attorney General

    and Edwards.

    I believe the Senator became upset when he learned his offices was used in a deceitful way and he became part of there corruption.

    That’s when the Senator began his own investigation of crimes and corruption by lawyers Edwards and Roy Cooper. The Senator found out the truth about the corrupting of state judges, police break-ins, my poisoning, infection and other crimes committed by the Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards and Attorney General Roy Cooper.

    That’s when Senator Malone had to be disposed of.

    An investigation is the last thing the Attorney General Offices wants to happen.
    That’s way there so good at covering up there wrong doings.

    President Obama:

    I expect this isn’t a matter you would won’t people calling on you to resolve. However, THE GOOD OLD BOYS: down here in Raleigh North Carolina are experts at covering up there criminal activity.

    A Senator Vernon Malone was MURDERED here in Raleigh by Ex-Attorney General Lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards; with help from Attorney General Roy Cooper. The Senator didn’t die from natural courses. The Attorney General instructed the cornier to declare the Senator died of natural cause so there wouldn’t be an autopsy. Which would reveal the chemical used to stop the Senator’s heart but show no effects.

    When you have the top man in the Justus System involved in a murder, you better have definitive proof, which I don’t. That means no law enforcement agency in the state will investigates what I feel to be true.

    These two cowards have committed so many crimes against me even with out a murder charge they would both serve time for there action.

    The Eye Witnesses and evidence are all there and available for the minimal of investigation to reveal. No one is going to stick there neck out on my accusations and completes.

    For years, Edwards has been putting out lies about me. Know he had to commit MURDER to keep a

    Senator quit and stop he’s investigation of Edwards and Cooper.

    Know others are investigating them behind the since. They don’t know who but I can feel a change in the air.

    The Attorney General still has the entire Justus System, Government and GOOD OLD BOY citizens to hide


    Mr. President: a Senator has been MURDER for the dimmest of original reasons. A peace of crap A. G. Lawyer couldn’t get his way and set off a nine year vendetta and one dead SENATOR !

    Please Mr. President… review this file and authorize a full investigation.

    NCCU School of Law
    Dean Raymond C. Pierce

    I would like to bring to your attention a corrupt, criminal Ex-Attorney
    General Lawyer that is employed at NCCU School of Law.
    His name is Jeffery R. Edwards.

    I would like the opportunity to present evidence of the Corruption of Judges and a Police Offices and lies told in court by Edwards.

    To show very good cause and reason why Jeffery R. Edwards could
    Possible be responsible for the MURDER of Senator Vernon Malone!

    All because nine years ago a piece of crap believe he had the position
    and clout to change a neighborhood into what he wanted it to be.
    He didn’t! So know nine years later a man may have been Killed,
    because a prajudust scared, egotistical fool couldn’t;t have his way.

    If a congressman is willing to look into my accusations, then you
    should also.
    Let everyone investigate!
    FBI, SBI Raleigh Police Dept.,Durham Police Dept., News Reporters, etc.
    And the NCCU School of Law/ Dean Raymond C. Pierce

    I’m trying to tell the world about a corrupt Attorney General Offices [A.G.O.], N.C. ex-Attorney General lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards has been committing crimes against me with the help of the [A.G.O..] and A.G.. Roy Cooper. Illegal impersonation of state senator Vernon Mallon. Corruption of 4 state Judges. Judge Raider and Fox in civil court. Judge Jacobs and Bullock in criminal court. Police officer S. Selina lying under oath. Illegal phone bugs. Illegal tracking devices placed in my home. Hidden crammers and bugs placed in my home. I’ve been poisoned and infected with a sinus virus which has destroyed 60% of my nasal breathing ability. N.C. Attorney general Roy cooper will do anything he has too to prevent my 10 million dollar law suit against century 21 from going to an honest court trial. Request case no. 08cvs2245, Wake co. court house N.Câ?¦ Complete file sent to Chief Mark Kappelhoff/ Inspector General Offices/ Crime and Civil Rights Division/U.S. Department of Just!
    us , Washington D.C.., assistant Connie Lee. 202-514-3204 completes filled with ACLU, F.B.I.., NAACP,,Govenorâ?Ts offices, Mayorâ?Ts officesâ?T S.B.I.,.Rrepresantative Debbra,Ross,Congressman Etheridge,Raliegh Police, numerous lawyers and others. I have some physical proof and large amounts of on the record substance evidence. The [A.G.O.] would have wrongfully convicted those duke student athletes if it werenâ?Tt for the support they had. I have no support but I have the truth on my side. Please investigate all that I have claimed. Repeated e-mails sent to assure e-mail reaches everyone and isnâ?Tt stopped. Also to stress urgency of my situation. Extreme concern for my health and welfare. Contact, Milford G. Cooper 919-821-2605, 713 Fitzgerald drive Raleigh N.C. URGENT MASSAGE. I would like to fill formal crimmenal charges against Attorney General Roy Cooper and ex-Attorney General lawyer Jeffery R. Edwards.
    If you recieve this message, please forword it by e-mail or fax to every orginazztion listed below. The [A.G.O.] has illegaly prevanted my e-mails from going out from verious liberies and other terminal locations around the city. Illegaly the A.G.O. has breached my e-mail address, pass word and libery card number. With out a court order the A.G.O. hasnâ?Tt the right to violate federal laws of privicy,nor do they have legal couse.
    Becouse of my efforts to exspose a corrupt A.G.O. and criminal Jeffery R. Efdwords, they have had the police and othersw step up there herrasment of me. They beleave they can intemidate me by placing my name [illegaly with out couse or reason ] ona child mollester or public enemy whach list. This is how they have gotten so many people to commit crimes and harrassment against me ,with out having to showanyone crimes, charges or victums to support there lies.
    Officers, judges,goverment personal and so many others have all been lyed to by the A.G.O. and Jeffery R. Edsords. I wellcome and insist on a complete investigation of my life which has already been done for eight years by a corrupt A.G.O. and a criminal exA.G. lawyer J. R. Edwords. Please forword this message to all the following organizations.
    Govenor Beverly Perdue N.C. , all Legislative members N.C. ,Mayor Raleigh N.C.
    U.S. Attorneys Offices Washinton D.C. , Inspector General Offices Washinton D.C.
    Attorney General Offices Washiton D.C. , all major news orginazations in N.C. and national
    And any one else that can help prosiquit criminals at the Attorney General Offices.




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