January 6, 2021 Upcoming Anniversary

It is a shame that we have to look forward to much attention being put on the upcoming January 6 anniversary from the Trump Riot on the White House. This was an insurrection but they don’t want to call it what it was.

It is sad that Trump supporters took the 2020 Elections to a whole new level when they didn’t want to accept that Trump lost. It was sad that he had won 4 years before that and he didn’t want to go home. He didn’t have to go home but he had to go from the People’s House.

The election of Trump was a wake up call to let folk know what the state of America was in. Trump becoming President was the best thing that could have happened in a sense because it showed some folk who they worked with, who their neighbors were and even where some family members stood.

I wanted Trump to win because I said that it would wake up some folk and that he would take us to the bottom. Well in my opinion he took America below the bottom.

I don’t hear folk talking about the good that Trump did while in office whatever that was, but all I hear is what did happen under his Presidential term. The Pandemic and the January 6, 2021 has been in the news and will continue to be for a long time. But the sad part is after all of that some of his supporters still support him. Well I guess to change now would show they supported a fool and that it would make them look foolish so may as well continue to support him. Or does it speak highly of his supporters that they are showing just who they are.

It is good to see those who participated in the January 6 Trump Insurrection being charged. I hope that don’t stop until they charge all that were involved. It makes no sense a bunch of grown folk carrying out such a mess. But the sad part folk don’t want to talk about that but they want to talk about crime locally. Well let’s talk about crime at every level.

So anybody that don’t want to talk about the January 6 Insurrection don’t talk to me about crime on the local and state level.

I will continue to see how the January 6 Trump Riot on the White House unfold and will be waiting to see when he will be charged. I’ll wait!

Jan. 6 PowerPoint: What we know and what we don’t about a pro-Trump election plot

The Political Agitator’s response: All of the head gang leaders in this need to be charged and made to name all who were involved that were not captured on video on this ignant day in history. If this was lead by Black gang leaders we would be at war on Black folk. Mark Meadows NC imagine that.

A conspiratorial PowerPoint presentation that offered suggestions for how the Trump administration could move to overturn the 2020 election results is getting new attention after former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows submitted similar slides to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

The exact origins of the 36-page PowerPoint document are unknown. It appears to have first surfaced online in full in early January. Ahead of Jan. 6 — when a mob of pro-Trump supporters tried to disrupt the electoral vote count formalizing Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election before a joint session of Congress — the presentation was one of a handful of documents that outlined a rationale for overturning the election or disregarding the results that were written and circulated by allies of President Donald Trump or by people sympathetic to his baseless claims of fraud.

The PowerPoint presentation and its allegations and assertions were promoted by ardent supporters of Trump who have repeatedly spread falsehoods about the election.

Here’s what we know — and what we don’t know — about the presentation, its contributors and who may have seen it.

There are two PowerPoints?

Most likely yes, but the material appears similar.

In a letter to Meadows on Wednesday, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the chair of the Jan. 6 committee, referred to an email on Jan. 5 about a 38-page PowerPoint briefing titled "Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for JAN 6." (Read more)

See related:

Jan. 6 Committee Recommends Contempt Charge for Meadows

Pentagon clears out advisory boards, citing concerns over last-minute Trump picks

The Political Agitator’s response: Thank you make it make sense! This is what good leadership is all about handling your business. The right thing to do to send them packing.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has dismissed every member of the Pentagon’s advisory boards in a sweeping move fueled by concern that the Trump administration had rushed through a series of last-minute appointments, defense officials said Tuesday.

The move affects several hundred members of about 40 advisory boards, including dozens of people who had been named to the posts in the closing days of former President Donald Trump’s tenure.

Among those who were dismissed are highly partisan figures such as Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign manager; David Bossie, a former Trump deputy campaign manager; Republican former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; and retired Army Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata. Instead of singling out Trump appointees, the move applies to all board members, including those appointed before Trump’s presidency.

“I am directing the immediate suspension of all advisory committee operations until the review is completed unless otherwise

directed by myself or the deputy secretary of defense,” Austin said in a memo released Tuesday.

The advisory boards, whose members are not paid, offer guidance to the Defense Department about policy, science, business and numerous other topics. To make way for new pro-Trump loyalists, the Trump White House in some cases removed longtime board members.

“There is no question that the frenetic activity that occurred to the composition of so many boards, . . . (Read more)