White Activists March On Charleston Confederate Museum, Chant ‘Black Lives Matter’ – Addicting Info

In the wake of the horrific tragedy of the killing of nine black churchgoers at the historical Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC, an amazing amount of strength is being shown. Mother Emanuel, as the church is known, held its first church service since the shooting this morning, despite the fact that they have not even buried their dead, and that they are still very much in mourning. As incredible as that is, perhaps the truly miraculous and unifying event happened Saturday night.

Hundreds of activists protested racism and domestic racial terrorism by marching on Charleston’s Confederate museum. Their chant was the now-iconic “Black Lives Matter.” Also, it is very much worth noting that most of the marchers were white. The following slogans on signs were from white marchers showing their unity with their black brothers and sisters: (Source: Read more)

See related: Protesters Vandalize Charleston Confederate Statue With ‘Black Lives Matter’