Tar River Times Staff Writer Patsy Miller Under Fire For Publishing A Racist Article

The Political Agitator’s response: This is what I think about this paper https://curmilus.wordpress.com/?s=Van+Holland 

Read the Comments on the following page

Caty Gray Urquhart 

July 7 at 8:51 PM ·

Tarboro – We have to do better.

In the July 2, 2020 edition of the Tar River Times, staff writer, Patsy Miller, published the following article in lieu of an article of her own –
https://247sports.com/…/sent-to-me-by-a-military-friend-14…/. Because she provides no context or evidence to the contrary, I’m left to assume that the racist opinions shared in this article align with her personal opinions and belief system.

If you feel as strongly as I do about being an antiracist and ally, please write to Tar River Times editor Van Holland at tarrivertimes@gmail.com . Express to him that Edgecombe County residents do not accept racism and hatred of our friends and neighbors of color, nor do we support staff writers who hold such views.

We have to know better, do better, believe better to support our neighbors of color.


Image may contain: text that says 'BLACK LIVES MATTER'

91Demetrius C. Hill, Wilma Rosser and 89 others

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Ab so damn lute ly!

Now CD2 That!

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