When Issues Are Local These Vocal Folk Don’t Talk About That! Rocky Mount/Edgecombe/Nash

Funny how issues like the most recent incident pertaining to a former Rocky Mount City Employee is in the news talking about sexual harassment against a Rocky Mount assistant city manager and the city manager and folk are silent other than a very few who are forming an opinion based on one side of the issue. It is funny to me how these folk who are talking are talking off emotions and not the facts as presented by the former employee. And then some that are talking are talking about what next if the assistant manager is guilty. Really! Damn!

It is obvious that many of these folk who are talking has a personal issue against the city just like the former city employee so therefore they are going to side with her and trying to create a narrative based on her talk. That is a dangerous thing.

And then you have racist White folk who using the Black folk in this issue with the sexual harassment all being Black. These racist don’t give a damn about the former city employee, the assistant city manager, the city manager nor you Black folk. These folk are taking the advantage of this Black fight to try to remove the city manager, Black staff and take back the city council because it is a Black majority.

Another issue is how many of these folk have gone to an Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners meeting to help the Edgecombe County Sheriff Office fight for more money?

How many has gone to a Nash County Commissioners meeting to help Nash County Sheriff Office fight for more money and a new jail?

How many has gone to the Nash & Edgecombe County School Boards about the teachers and students having to deal with the COVID-19 conditions in the schools?

I just shake my damn head how folk talk about issues making ignant comments because they are ignant to the facts. This goes for some of these talk show hosts as well. It is obvious how they respond making comments and you can see where they stand on the issue. Funny how one show this morning all the hosts were supportive of the accuser in the sexual harassment issue and nobody never said well what if the accused is found not guilty. Well they don’t give a damn because they have been and still will continue on their mission to get rid of Black folk in high places.

The other show I didn’t heard only 1 or 2 who talked with some sense about how you going to agree with the accuser and you have not heard the other side.

I notice when folk call in to the shows and make some great comments but since that ain’t where the hosts stand on the issue they don’t elaborate and go on to another subject. That is a problem for me.

Yesterday it was said wonder if the accuser was a White blonde haired female that the conversation would be different. I would love to been able to ask her for more clarity. But for me if she want to make the accuser a White blonde haired female then I would say that if the assistant city manager and the city manager were white, that means all were white, hell yeah the conversation would be different. First of all hell they would not put their business out there and Black folk would not know about it. Also they would not have Black folk talking about protesting and asking for those involved to resign.

Folk you need to 1st know what is in the policy and procedures about filing a complaint with the city. If they followed their policy and procedures then I agree it was deemed inappropriate behavior. If they did not then that does not automatically make the accused guilty because now you don’t know what an outside investigation findings would have been.

There are things I don’t take lightly and that is messing with my family but I am going to deal with it legally. And when folk try to discredit or come for me in the workplace I am going to fight like hell to set the record straight.

In this case the accuser has retired so if I was the accused I would fight like hell to keep my job.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against! I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I am going see how all this unfold. I am going to wait for the silent to speak after the finding and I am going to see what the talkers have to say.

I’ll wait!