Don Lemon Hits Trump Where It Hurts With Seething Obama Comparisons

The Political Agitator’s response: For those who say President Obama did not do anything while President, well Trump continues to prove that to be not true almost daily. If President Obama has not done anything why do he need to talk about him?

Don Lemon wants to know why President Donald Trump is still obsessed with former President Barack Obama.

Over the weekend, in what Lemon called “a new low from a president who goes low all the time,” Trump retweeted a conspiracy theory about Obama. Lemon said it was a “shameless attempt” to distract Americans from the administration’s continued failures in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

“In a time when we need leadership, when we need compassion, this is the crap that you’re peddling? Conspiracy theories?” Lemon asked.

Lemon also praised former President George W. Bush, who sent a message urging unity among Americans. Trump responded by attacking Bush on Twitter.

Then, Lemon ― himself a target of some recent Trump rants ― returned to the topic of Obama with a message aimed directly at Trump:  (Read more)

LeBron: Trump is using sports to divide us – CNN

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(CNN)LeBron James thinks the President is using athletics, and athletes, to split up the country. And he’s rejecting the premise like an opponent’s ill-advised layup.

“What I’ve noticed over the past few months,” James shared with CNN’s Don Lemon during a sit-down interview on Monday. “(Is) he’s kinda used sports to kinda divide us, and that’s something that I can’t relate to.”

Referencing Colin Kaepernick, whose kneeling protests during the pre-game national anthem launched an NFL movement, and more recently, Stephen Curry, who honored his promise of skipping a visit to Donald Trump’s White House, James bemoaned a myriad of instances in which the President has twisted peaceful displays of dissent into an indictment of a decaying American value system. (Read more)

This is much, much bigger than Roseanne’s dumb, racist tweets.

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