I Am Trying To Figure Out Why Rocky Mount Homegrown Folk Allow Outsiders To Attack Black Leadership

The Rocky Mount City Council monthly meeting on Monday July 10, it was the Public Comments for me.

But hold up wait a minute, the new City Manager was funny. He was trying to announce the new Fire Chief and called him the Police Chief twice.

Then it was time for Public Comments and here comes Crystal Wimes-Anderson who is confused about Rocky Mount Politics as she speak to half-trues because she don’t know the history before the current council. She said she lives in Ward 1 however her Voters Registration shows she still lives in Ward 3. She ran and lost against Rev. Richard Joyner in the last Ward 3 Election which was just a waste of energy. She has toned down here lately with her ignant comments however yesterday it appears she is trying to use education as a way to attempt to win folk with children support for whatever she has in mind politically. She ran as a Democrat but now she has changed her party affiliation to Unaffiliated.

Next it was a new person (can’t spell his name) who addressed the council saying he was there not as a citizen of Rocky Mount but as concerned citizen with a lot of friends in Rocky Mount. It appears he came to attack Black Leadership. He talked about the low turnout of voters in Rocky Mount. Damn he talked about transparency, really! The previous council and this council has been the most transparent councils dating back to 2003. I understand he may be a member of the Urban Conservative that is suppose to release a video about Rocky Mount.

Next it was Adrienne Copeland who wants to get properties in the Black Community for a little to nothing. She has come time and time again attacking Black Leadership.

Next it was Mr. Jones from the Rocky Mount City Environmental Services. He is back again talking about the City Manager didn’t do anything for them when it comes to getting a wage increase. He said nobody will not come and talk to their department to just talk to them. He said TJ Walker said they were going to get something and Jones said that didn’t happen but you put your name on it. He said they had to fight for everything even the COVID money.

What tickles the hell out of me is last week the City Manager went to the WNCR TV Station to do an interview. I normally don’t look at the show but somebody alerted me that the City Manager was on and that it was probably because I had posted his photo and talked about him looking like he don’t give a damn during the council meetings.

Next it was Natalie Ohree a faithful longtime citizen who approached the podium crying because she was hurting from the way the Environmental Department is being treated. She talked about how she worked with them cleaning up during the Juneteenth Celebration. She talked about how they worked on the 4th of July while other departments were closed. I tried to tell folk that they were working on the 4th but they thought I didn’t know what I was talking about. I said the City Manager said it at the meeting before the Juneteenth.

Several folk mentioned to me about it was interesting how the City Manager only responded to the last speaker during the Public Comments that spoke about Sick a Cell Anemia.

It is clear that there is a movement of some young folk who have changed their Party Affiliation from Democrat to Unaffiliated to push the Republicans and White Citizens many from outside of the City Limits AGENDA. What tickles the hell out of me is that the Republicans have not become Unaffiliated because they know the importance of not changing.

The actions of these folk pushing the Republican Agenda has some folk thinking that the White Powers That Be are PAYING these Black Folk.

So as I close, when will the Rocky Mount Homegrown folk stop allowing outsiders to come in and attempt mislead folk? When will they address these young Unaffiliated Voters sit in your meetings when they could possible be working against you? I know some are.

Click on the 28 minute Rocky Mount City Council Meeting on YouTube to see the Public Comments. Then tell me where is the lie in my post? The DCN July 11, 2023

Rocky Mount City Council It Is The Public Comments For Me

Rocky Mount City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting was quite interesting.

One of the things that was interesting to me is about bringing businesses on the Edgecombe County side of Rocky Mount. I have been attending the Council meetings since the late 80’s and the only person that has been there longer is the city attorney.

The fight for businesses on the Edgecombe side was an issue back in the day and still an issue today. Crossing at 64 Project Joyce Dickens (Black Female) and her organization Rocky Mount Edgecombe CDC fought to bring businesses retail and a grocery store. Bojangles came there in 2014. A Dialysis Center is there and a Checkers is coming. Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman tried to get a Sheets to come however they chose to put another one in Nash County.

I find it quite interesting that some folk are fighting against a Dollar General coming to Cokey Road on the Edgecombe County side. The naysayers say they want a Harris Teeter or basically anybody except a Dollar General. So where is the alternative that these folk are bringing to the table. Have they met with Harris Teeter and other that they say they want to come to the area.

Some have a problem with Dollar General because they say they are Republican owned. Well hell how many businesses are there that ain’t ran by Republicans? What I do believe is more than likely the manager will be Black, assistant manager will probably be Black, Black folk will shop there however I strongly believe White Folk will shop there too.

It is the comments for me during the meetings. It is the same folk going after the same councilmembers meeting after meeting. Wow! Adrienne Copeland and Crystal Wimes-Anderson were not present so didn’t get my laugh in when it comes to them.

What it looks like is the Council get blame for a lot of things that is not a part of their duty.

I always love the response when the Council respond to the comments because for me it makes some look ignant. Watch the Comments for yourself.

But some of those who comment have a personal agenda and if you can’t see it now, wait until election time.

And to the top the meeting off the Mayor don’t want folk to clap during Public Comments. Wow! Remind me of schools don’t want folk to express themselves during graduation.

Damn Those Who Are Trying To Disrespect The Black Rocky Mount City Councilmen, Look At How They See What The Problem Is But Still Misleading The Citizens

The disrespect and the lies needs to end. I have no problem with trues but these Special C’s and Ignant Black Folk need to be responded to not only from the real Black Councilmen but also real Black Community leaders and real everyday Citizens.

Read the following comments and see how damn contradictory they are and ignant to the facts. They are double-minded and double-minded folk are dangerous.

Some highlights:

Melissa says, “The problem begins with the people & will end with the people.” So you are talking about Black People.

The True Rocky says, “Rocky Mount will become a slum! If 7-11 can get robbed within SIX MONTHS of being here, and on a very busy road” What in the hell have the council got to do with that? I have not seen one crime committed in Rocky Mount where a councilmember has been charged.

If recollection serves me correctly, it has been in a downward spiral since probably 1999 & it’s just getting worse. Hell no your recollection ain’t right. I have been attending the meetings long before any of the current councilmembers have been on the council. The only person who have been there longer is the Attorney Jeb Rose. I have seen the progress from dealing with the damn light bills (ElectriCities) because just before Andre Knight got on the council myself along with Lewis Turner, Carol Batchelor, Amanda Taylor and a couple of others were having meetings about the light bills and during a meeting at Truth Tabernacle Church it came out about the (ElectriCities). Andre got on the council he got on the (ElectriCities) Board and he fought to get changes and was successful. The previous council before the Mayor Sandy Claus, Lige Daughtridge, TJ Walker, JKelly Walker and Tom Harris came on board had been more transparent than any council. They have been working on housing, downtown development and other.

Adrienne sums up what the real problem is but blaming the council. The council do not own these folk property so damn they can’t do anything with it until they go through the lengthy process to take the property. 

Melissa Weaver

The problem begins with the people & will end with the people, and in the middle is the city & its representation. There are ordinances & building codes in place that have not been properly enforced for MANY years. IMHO, that is why the blight has continued to increase in RM for years & will only get worse. I was born & raised in RM; lived in RM all of my life until about 20 years ago when my mother (also born & raised in RM) & I moved out into Edgecombe County. I still care, but I see RM rapidly turning into a ghost town. I appreciate & admire people like you & Adrienne who have the wherewithal & ability to get out there & try to make a difference. I will support you the best way that I can.

The True Rocky Mount

Melissa Weaver Thank you so much Melissa! As in one of my other videos, I am predicting that at it’s current rate, Rocky Mount will become a slum! If 7-11 can get robbed within SIX MONTHS of being here, and on a very busy road, we are in serious troubl

Melissa Weaver

The True Rocky Mount I absolutely agree, but to my eye & thinking, RM has basically already turned into a slum compared to what it WAS. In 1978 when I graduated from RMSH, RM was a thriving, growing small city. If recollection serves me correctly, it has been in a downward spiral since probably 1999 & it’s just getting worse. Again, I thank you. I will follow & support you however I can. I am interested in knowing how long you have been in the area. It’s quite refreshing to hear & see your perspective here on your page.

Adrienne Loves Rocky Mount ·

This house is beautiful inside and could be restored. But there’s also a mortgage lien on the house for around $50,000. I contacted the owner a few years ago and he wouldn’t sell it unless he could get some money oot of it. He wanted 10 grand. But taxes and assessments were almist 14k at that point. Add in the vmortgage, and someone would have to pay an impossible amount–way more than the property is worth. This is the problem. The owners have no incentive to fix the house or pay the liens. They can let the property rot and the city won’t foreclose. The house deteriorates and attracts crime. So the whole neighborhood suffers.

The True Rocky Mount

Adrienne Loves Rocky Mount WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I got the exact same response to the property right next to me, get this…Taxes, grass cutting fees, and house demolition totals $20,000, and to top that off, the IRS has a $975,000 lien on it. I was able to work something out with the IRS, but i would have to pay all the other fees and taxes, AND the owner don’t want to sell it because they want something out of it, SICK!

Folk do your homework and if you don’t know ask somebody because you are being mislead by the disrespectors and the liars and I know they are lying and they know they are lying.

Rev. Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman Is Up For Re-Election In 2023

Rev. Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman

I hear Andre’s name coming up all the time but that is nothing new because I have heard it for years since he has been on the Rocky Mount City Council and former President of the Rocky Mount NAACP.

I understand that Rev. Rooster Velt Higgs (Roosevelt) brings his name up just about everyday on WNCR TV with host Bronson Williams better known as Little Moses and his co-host Rev. Nehemiah Smith Jr.

I understand Crystal Wimes Anderson who calls herself The Disrupter is running around town talking about Andre however she is mad because she lost against Rocky Mount City Councilman Rev. Richard Joyner. It appears she is pushing the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens White Agenda. She is running around campaigning against Andre.

Andre’s name is really going to be coming up now that this year is a Rocky Mount City Council Election year. I understand Troy Davis and Tarrick Pittman who ran against Andre in the past are both talking about running against Andre this year.

Andre has been in the spotlight heavily because of the NC Auditor Beth Wood findings in an audit that she performed saying that he didn’t pay $47,000 in light bills over the years. Beth who has been in the spotlight for wrecking her State Owned Vehicle and leaving the scene gave her findings last year and she made some recommendations to different agencies. Nothing has come out of the report as it relates to criminal activities and he is still on the council. He was asked to resign his post.

Beth Wood’s incident has been documented on the news and I can see what she did although there are unanswered questions about the accident and why she would leave the scene. However I will wait on the outcome. She has been asked to resign her post.

Folk ask me what do I think about the audit report from around 2 years ago and I say I have not seen the information, Beth gave her findings and until he is charged with something, I have no reason to focus on it. Well I will say is I am for justice no matter who it is for or against.

What I do know is that I strongly believe that when some folk were in office and in the majority I believe they did some things and that is why they didn’t want Black folk at the table. However I have always told Black Elected Officials they can’t do what other folk have done over the years because their Black …. going to jail.

What I do know is that Andre has done some good things because I have been in his presence since he was elected President of the Rocky Mount NAACP and was elected to the Council. He has been a strong voice for the people not only in his Ward because but across the city, Edgecombe County and not limited to.

If you Google Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Council you can see some history of his tenure on the Council.

What I want to leave with you Black Folk you better look at the whole picture and not just the picture that Crystal Wimes Ames who calls herself The Disrupter whom moved here from Florida around 3 years ago is painting. She is pushing the angry White Folk Agenda.

Rev. Rooster Velt Higgs (Roosevelt) has been mad since he challenged Andre’s residency in the early 2000’s and Edgecombe County had to pay out a lawsuit in Andre’s favor. He is still carrying out his ignant agenda along with teaming up with some angry White Folk who was also challenging Andre’s residency.

Folk you better do your own homework. You can start by Googling Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman to learn more about him. Make sure you read the post/s by Main Street Rocky Mount and Knight vs Higgs Case Law. I will help you so click here.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II
The Political Agitator
The DCN Your Alternative News Source

Press Release: New program seeks to spur major investments in downtown Rocky Mount

Rocky Mount, N.C. – Continuing the pace of downtown revitalization, the City Council this week approved an incentive program that will award grants of up to $500,000 for large-scale building renovations.

The Downtown Major Investment Incentive Program will encourage development of downtown properties for a growing number of new and expanding businesses, including restaurants, retail stores and residential space.

To be eligible, development restoration must be $1 million or more and include at least 5,000 square feet or create a minimum of 10 units for occupancy. The maximum grant amount under this program is $500,000 and cannot exceed 20% of the development cost. Other existing downtown incentives may be coupled with the Downtown Major Investment Incentive Program.

Downtown Major Investment Incentive Program grant requests will be subject to public hearings. The City Council will be responsible for final approval.

“This new incentive program is another key step in transforming downtown Rocky Mount into a thriving center of dining, entertainment, retail business and residential activity,” said Interim City Manager Peter Varney.

The City Council already has created five smaller grant programs to encourage investment in rehabilitating buildings downtown and attracting new business. Those programs include:

        · Accelerated Façade Improvement Grant

        · Roof replacement/repair

        · Downtown Building Assistance Program

        · Downtown Rocky Mount Development Incentive Grant

        · Downtown Residential Production Grant

The approval of the Downtown Major Investment Incentive Program comes as momentum surges in the city’s ongoing effort to revitalize downtown Rocky Mount. Last month, city officials learned that they will receive $3.8 million in federal and state funding for a pedestrian bridge spanning the downtown railroad tracks and streetscape improvements.

For more information on the Downtown Major Investment Incentive Program, contact the Downtown Development Office by calling 252-972-1101.

About Rocky Mount

The city of Rocky Mount, located in the Coastal Plains of North Carolina, was incorporated in 1867 and lies in Edgecombe and Nash Counties. Rocky Mount is a two-time All-America City on the Tar River. The city was recognized as one of 10 winners nationwide of the 2020-21 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. Serving as the Gateway to Eastern North Carolina, the city’s 875 employees serve approximately 54,000 residents daily.

The city’s mission is to advance community well-being, safety and quality of life by delivering excellent public services and actively collaborating with the community toward a fulfilling and inspired future for its citizens. As a publicly owned utility, the city of Rocky Mount is committed to safe, reliable service for its customers and operates in Nash and Edgecombe counties, providing customers with electricity, natural gas, water, wastewater (sewer), refuse, recycling and/or stormwater services. To learn more, visit www.rockymountnc.gov for news and updates.

Do Your Homework, Rocky Mount Comprehensive Plan, Do Not Mislead And Be Mislead Folk

I received a call on Saturday asking me did I see Rocky Mount Councilman TJ Walker post saying Congressman GK Butterfield gave Rocky Mount crumbs and how much he gave Wilson and other places. The person said it was on Bronson Williams page and I think she said Bronson shared it.

I told the person I was sent TJ comment however the problem I had with it was he tried to link it to the Comprehensive Plan that Rocky Mount and town councils does that are most of the time on a 10 year timeframe if I am correct.

The lady said the council had some explaining to do and did I think TJ was going to bring it up at the next meeting. I said they been talking about it was time to re-do the Comprehensive Plan before Butterfield gave the money. But again Butterfield had nothing to do with the city comprehensive plan.

I don’t know everything but I have been actively engaged in Rocky Mount politics dating back to the 80’s long before any of the councilmen who are serving now and also for many years. So when the ignants talk about yeah old folk need to get out of the way and throwing off responding to me saying I been engaged since the 80’s trying to make me look ignant but you see they are the ignant ones because they don’t know what the hell they are talking about TJ, JKelly Walker and their young friends. I could be a resource to them because I know what the hell I am talking about and when I do I do my homework unlike some folk. I could be a resource because I know folk on the local, state and national level that could help them along the way but you see they act live they done figured something out.

Because some councilmembers are playing the us against them mess, TJ, JKelly, Elijah Lige Daughtridge, and Tom Harris and Mayor Sandy Roberson, Rocky Mount City Council is going to experience some attempted slow growth. Because these guys have a problem with Andre Knight, Reuben Blackwell and Richard Joyner, these guys are want them off the council. They say they are old but damn I guess the Whites meet their age requirement. But when they recognize and understand that age is only a factor when it comes to qualifications once on the board age is no longer a factor.

It is my opinion that there is a movement with some Black folk who are aligning themselves with Mayor Sandy Robinson and some more Whites to put them in elected places such as Congress and other. TJ said GK gave Rocky Mount crumbs but I have never taken any money from folk but I have been at the table and seen some folk take money from Whites.

Nash County is getting a lot of resources from Rocky Mount side while Edgecombe County side has been getting crumbs for years and these young Black folk are teaming up with Nash County folk. Well TJ and JKelly live on Nash side so I guess they don’t give a damn about Black folk on the Edgecombe side.

I could go on but I am going to stop here so you can learn about what a Comprehensive Plan is and how it does not have a damn thing to do with GK Butterfield nor now Congressman Don Davis.

Now yes Rocky Mount should go after and receive State Funding but you need to know how the process works.

The following is what a Comprehensive Plan is and who can participate in the process. I highlighted the following because some folk are too damn lazy to click on the link to read it for themselves but for those who want to know more, click on Comprehensive Plan.

The Comprehensive Plan serves as the City’s official policy document for the City Council, Planning Board, other Boards and the Administration when addressing growth. There are three key components of any comprehensive planning process: gathering and analyzing data on existing conditions; developing goals, objectives, and strategies and preparing the plan. When developing the comprehensive planning process, the City made a strong commitment to conduct a completely open and inclusive planning process. Throughout the comprehensive planning process, everyone who lived or worked in Rocky Mount had an opportunity to participate. All Steering Committee meetings were posted and open to the public and held on a regular basis. This open comprehensive planning process has resulted in a Comprehensive Plan that, as it is implemented, will result in an improved quality of life for all residents.