FreedomWorks attacks Charlotte NC for hosting Obama’s renomination

[KEY INFO 5]  FreedomWorks attacks Charlotte NC for hosting Obama’s renomination
In a classic right-wing Rethuglican side-swipe, hit-and-run maneuver financed by billionaires, FreedomWorks has launched a campaign to fire the head of Charlotte-based Duke Energy, CEO Jim Rogers.

Attached below is a nationwide Email sent out March 31st by Matt Kibbe, President of the Dick Armey fake grassroots organization funded by the billionaire Oilrich Nazi Koch Bros Empire, determined to wreck and enslave the Middle Class in America.

It is the Koch Bros Fascist Empire that is funding re-segregation of Public Schools in America, begun in Wake County NC last Municipal Election, and is scheduled to push thru many more Municipal Elections across America this Fall, financed thru the Rethug’s Americans for Prosperity (but only for the Rich).  Currently, having elected Rethug Governors in November by mobilizing Teabagger Stormtroopers infected with the FOXpox, Unions that built the Middle Class in America are being attacked, beginning in Wisconsin and now rapidly moving into a dozen other State Governments.

In North Carolina, the Koch Nazi Empire bought the State Legislature, which is now moving forward with pledges to dismantle citizen support and protection in NC, as the Koch Bros’ fake tea party goal nationwide is to destroy democracy, replacing it with Corporate Fascism.  By freeing Corporations of taxation*, the Koch’s Corporate Fascists fully intend to return citizens to a status of tax-slaves similar to feudal serfs, serving at the will of the Aristocracy of the uber-Rich.

* Despite reporting over $5 billion in US profits from its domestic operations ($14.2 billion more worldwide), the American multinational conglomerate General Electric —headquartered in Fairfield, CT  paid nothing in income taxes. "In fact, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion." G.E. — America’s largest corporation and a primary Global Military Contractor — owns Mainstream Media NBC & CNBC, and built the design deficient nuclear reactors currently bordering on meltdown in Japan, polluting the Pacific Ocean with radiation, with two dozen of the same 50-year old models installed here in the US.

Below is a copy of the first Rethug attack on NC for the new electoral season. They plan to come back often, from now until September 2012, targeting the DNC Convention where Obama will be nominated again as President.

At the end of their FreedomSmirks Newsletter, you can see future AttackPlans financed by the billionaire Carpetbagger Koch Bros Empire that plans to stomp North Carolina into the ground for daring to accept the Democratic National Convention into Charlotte.


Join Our Petition Drive to Oust the Head of Duke Energy for his Support of the Obama Agenda!
Dear Tea Party Patriot,

The head of Duke Energy, Jim Rogers, recently grabbed headlines when he scandalously offered the Democratic National Committee (DNC) a $10 million "line of credit" to ensure the success of their 2012 National Convention to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Rogers has long flirted with President Obama (who we all know was not born in America), and his radical Leftist agenda, using his position as Chief Operating Officer at Duke Energy, a power company that provides gas and electricity services for homes and businesses in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, and South Carolina, in order to advance controversial partisan policies such as cap and trade to deal with non-existent Global Warming. 

In doing so, Rogers’ drive to appease his own political appetites has led to gross mismanagement of Duke Energy projects, greatly threatening the company’s shareholders. Customers of Duke Energy (energy ratepayers) are also being put at significant risk due to Rogers’ pursuit of heavy-handed gov ernment regulations that would cause energy costs to sky-rocket across the board.

That is why FreedomWorks has launched FireJimRogers, an effort that will raise awareness for Rogers’ irresponsible and dangerous behavior and ultimately lead to his ouster.

I hope I can count on you to help FreedomWorks make this project a success. As ultra Right-wing limited government conservatives, we have fought the Democrat’s big-government agenda in Washington, D.C. as well as in state capitols all over the country. Services to the Middle Class in America must be reduced to a trickle, and then shut off entirely.

But we can’t ignore the irresponsible actions of corporate America when they decide to dip their toe into the public policy arena.

Please ignore the fact that we are financed by the billionaire Corporate Koch Brothers, and our Corporations, freed by our cronies on the US Supreme Court, spent over $300 million lying our operatives into Public Office last November.


Kibbe Signature
Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks

P.S. Join us in additional highly financed activities as part of the FireJimRogers campaign including: real grassroots protests, interactive online videos, very expensive TV ads, and an effort to actively engage Duke Energy shareholders to support a Resolution that would indeed remove Rogers from his post.

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BOYCOTT General Electric until they pay back 30 years of tax dodging.

SCOTUS Betrays America:  Click to watch video and spread the word.


Facing what must be faced to rebuild NCDP

© 2011  Gene Messick, not from his garden in Eden

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