It is not uncommon that the persons who criticize your speech most harshly are those who wish that they had spoken it first … by Quincy W. Robinson

It is not uncommon that the persons who criticize your speech most harshly are those who wish that they had spoken it first; they hate your actions because they regret that they lacked the courage to make such a move; they mock you for your use of "big" words because they don’t understand what they mean; they have a lowly opinion of you because they don’t know, or don’t want to know the facts about how similar you are.

Yet, despite it all, we love them anyway.

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Quincy W. Robinson

A key element of incompetence is identical to a key factor associated with addiction (drugs, alcohol, etc.). It is "DENIAL". by Quincy Robinson

A key element of incompetence is identical to a key factor associated with addiction (drugs, alcohol, etc.). It is "DENIAL".

Similarly, just as we prolong the addiction of a lover or a friend by allowing ourselves to become "enablers", we perpetuate the devastation of our community by resorting to apathy and complacency and allowing incompetence to exist without scrutiny and correction.

Do not worry about airing the dirty laundry in public, because the dirty laundry was never a secret.

Do what the addict must do. Admit the problem and then treat it.

Response: Right on! Right on!! Right on!!! I’ll drink to that!

Thank you my friend for setting the record straight. Although I know this message was not meant for me I am going to still it because The DCN is not airing the dirty laundry in public, because the dirty laundry was never a secret. Yes!

As I always say I don’t make the news I just report it.

Folks when it comes to you, if you don’t make the news I will not have anything to report. Now run tell that!

You see I know so many folks across eastern NC so therefore it is hard for me to report on folks and not know them. I am North Carolina most talked about, hated by some and loved by some but guess what? “I love all of you and it ain’t nothing you can do about it!” But just because I love you don’t think I ain’t gonna hold you accountable for your actions and I ask you to hold me accountable as well.

Always remember “I have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies only permanent interest!”

Dickens, Robinson vie for ECPS District 2 seat – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — A town council member from Speed and a former Princeville town manager are vying for the District 2 seat on the Edgecombe County Public Schools board.

Olga Dickens, 57, of Speed, and Quincy Robinson, 62, of Tarboro, are seeking the seat currently held by Teresa Deloatch Bryant. Bryant chose not to seek reelection, citing personal reasons. (More)

Princeville mayor challenged to debate – Source: The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — I am issuing a public challenge to Princeville Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and the Board of Commissioners of that town to justify, in a public forum and without her gavel, the financial decisions that they have made and the perverted moral compass and tone that they have set in motion over the past several months. (Read more)

See related:

Princeville NC

Edgecombe County Public Schools Board Only 2 Black Votes During The Appointment So I Wonder How Each Board Member Voted

The ECPS board vote on Monday night to appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired term of Attorney Teresa D. Bryant shows that anyone who voted for Brownie Edison strictly voted for him just because he was white.

It is clear that Edison’s reason for wanting to join the board is to reduce class size and that is not realistic.

I am going to assume that in round 3, the 2 black votes went to Roy Gray along with 1 white vote. This leaves 3 white votes for Edison.

So since the 3 rounds of votes went like they did, Attorney Bryant may need to vote in the July meeting in order to get an appointment. I know Bryant wants to be neutral by abstaining from voting but she may have to do the damn thing.

It is sad that the board didn’t do the right thing and appoint 1 of the black candidates and then let the voters in the district elect who they want to represent them in 2012. The board showed they don’t give a damn about the district being created as a majority/minority district. Damn if they wanted to have a reason to justify how they voted, all they had to say is they took in consideration the census 10 years ago which created the makeup of the district.

Since Bryant has announced that her child will be transitioning back into the public school system from private school, I wish she would just stay on the board until May 2012 and let the voters in district 2 vote for whom they want to represent them.

See related:

Edgecombe County Public Schools

The Edgecombe County Board Of Education Has Disrespected The Voters In District 2 By Not Appointing A Candidate Tonight

It is a shame that the board did not appoint a person on tonight to fill the unexpired term of Attorney Teresa D. Bryant.

The board has disrespected the voters in District 2 simply because they voted for a black board member and they deserve to have a black person to fill the unexpired term of Bryant. Fair? Oh heck yeah, if Brownie Edison did all of his homework he would know that this district was created as a majority minority district during the last census report. This means he should understand what is at stake here. Again if he wants to run in 2012 and the voters in the district elects him then so be it.

I finally had the opportunity to meet Brownie Edison tonight and I was not impressed with him. I believe he means well but his mission is reducing classroom size. I believe everyone may agree with that however I do not see that as a reality especially with budget cuts.

I am not a fan of Rev. Roy Gray however I was impressed with him responding to the questions that I do not believe he nor the other candidates had privy to before the meeting. I do want to add that I have been knowing Gray for many years and he knows where I stand.

Quincy Robinson did okay but I was not impressed with him. This is the first time I have seen the political side of him.

My video will give everyone the opportunity to see the candidates interview for themselves and then they can form their own opinion. This is something I provide unlike the local newspapers because you only get what they write. You get both and with The DCN.

See related:

Breaking News – Edgecombe County Board Of Education Did Not Get A Majority Vote For A Candidate Tonight So Will Vote Again At Next Board Meeting

Edgecombe County Public Schools

Why I Disagree With The Edgecombe County Public Schools Candidates Forum

I read “Will forum help the candidates” on the Opinion Page of the Daily Southerner’s Friday June 3, 2011 with much interest.

“The article states the forum is meant to inform the citizens of our community and to create an opportunity for building,” said Rudolph Knight. I like that concept however I feel that in this situation the timing is a bit off.

I concur with Terry Smith editor in saluting Knight and his group for having a forum but my problem is different from Smith. This forum should have been held before the deadline to file with the Edgecombe County Public Schools System to become a candidate for consideration to be appointed by the Edgecombe County Public Schools board members. In my opinion it is no need to have such forum. I believe the forum could have been a process of elimination.

So what do I mean by process of elimination? A forum should have been held earlier and all those in attendance should have voted on all persons interested in the appointment and ranked them. However keeping in mind this is not the final answer and that lies with the board but I think this would have been a good process.

Unlike Smith I have not spoken to Brownie Edison however I am quite sure he is impressive. Impressive or not he is qualified just like Rev. Roy Gray and Quincy Robinson.  I believe all of them meet the qualifications.

I have made it clear as a longtime advocate of education for Edgecombe County Public Schools since the early 90’s that I strongly feel that a black person should be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Attorney Teresa D. Bryant.

I do not live in district 2 however I recognize and understand whomever is appointed will represent me as well so I am very much concerned about who will be appointed.

I must say I agree with Smith that since the Concerned Citizens of Edgecombe County sent a letter of endorsement of Robinson that I too wonder why would Edison and Gray attend the forum. I think sometimes some things should be left unsaid and/or undone and just let the process flow. I believe in this situation this is not good for Robinson because it adds a negative flavor to the process.

However I understand how politics works and people do things in order to get their candidate appointed and/or elected but it must be done in such a fashion that it does not create negative vibes.

I tried to get Attorney Teresa D. Bryant to withdraw her resignation however I respect her stand on resigning and possibly running for the seat again in 2012 on the grounds of if she has a child in the Edgecombe County Public Schools or in a private school. She said she wants the people to decide.

On next Monday, June 13, 2011 6:30 PM the board will allow all of the candidates to address them. They will vote to appoint a replacement on the same night so this will behind us.

See related:

Edgecombe County Public Schools

Edgecombe-Tarboro Times featuring Robinson Candidate for Board of Education


Note: Forwarded Publication to The DCN. Can’t wait to see what will be in the next publication.

See related:

Quincy W. Robinson Letter of Interest to Edgecombe County BOE

Quincy W. Robinson Letter of Interest to Edgecombe County BOE

May 19, 2011


Board of Education

Edgecombe County Public Schools

412 Pearl Street

Tarboro, North Carolina 27886


Dear Board Members:


In keeping with the recent declaration of your distinguished board chair regarding the colossal budget challenges and the enormous institutional expectations, I am “hopeful” and confident that I might offer a Letter of Interest in filling the pending vacancy on your board, which is both fitting and appealing to you for consideration.


It is indeed an honor to have the privilege to seek membership on the Edgecombe County Public Schools Board of Education.  Additionally, it is a call to service for which you might determine that I am most well-suited.


As a potential member of this board, I pledge as my only agenda, at this time, to repeatedly ask of myself and of others, “What is the question?”, so as not to be distracted from the already well-established mission of this important institution.


I ask that you give my application a thoughtful reading to determine my certifications and qualifications to serve alongside you to guarantee a qualitative and measurable education, by any standard, for all of our children.


My faith and my hope are now, and shall forever be, alive and well.


Respectfully submitted,




Quincy W. Robinson         

1005 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Tarboro, North Carolina 27886


Resume enclosed


Princeville NC: ‘Call a truce, sit down and do the peoples work’ – Source: The Daily Southerner

PRINCEVILLE — There was one thing that really made sense in the article about the so-called suspension of Princeville Commissioner Gwen Knight. It was her apology to the residents of Ward 1.  Although long overdue, it was most welcomed. (Read more)

Note: I totally agree with my friend on this one. He said some things that I was thinking but since working 7 days a week I had forgot to go back to the article of the meeting and respond. However I wanted to see some people of Princeville respond to the ignance that is being displayed over there and being influenced by the ignant lawyer Charles Watts that is representing the town. The residents of Princeville all ought to be asking for this joker resignation. Who in the hell do he think he is speaking so proudly about the character of Gwen Knight when it is all irrelevant. Obviously she met the criteria to run for office so if she has a past obviously it is not legally binding.

So lawyer Watts, do you not represent all of the commissioners or do you just represent a select few? I have never heard of a lawyer that is hired by an individual or a group of folks such as the commissioners whereby he or she will make such comments about those whom he represent.

Oh I know what the problem is, lawyer Watts you were hired by the mayor so that is where your loyalty is. Well I don’t think so.

I used to attend the meetings faithfully over the years but why should I waste my time when I can not speak at the meetings. The citizens of Princeville need to hold all the commissioners accountable for their actions and not allow this ignant lawyer and the mayor to continue to do ignant mess.

I wish the mayor would just follow the law and carry out the meetings on a professional note and although I do not think she is the one, I respect that the people spoke and voted her in. But I knew it was going to be much drama once she took the seat. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

See related:

Princeville Commissioner Suspended

Princeville NC: Can mayor suspend commissioner? – Source: Daily Southerner

Princeville NC