Herman Cain Accuser Says Gloria Cain “Doesn’t Know Her Man” – Source: Your Black Politics

Former GOP front-runner, Herman Cain’s, campaign continues to implode as his arrogance, ignorance on foreign issues and his alleged tendency to sexually harass blonde women have led him to a significant drop in popularity.

When he trotted out wife of 43 years, Gloria Cain, to calm the rising tide of criticism, she voiced her skepticism that her husband could have possibly groped an unwilling woman. In an interview that aired Monday on Fox News, Mrs. Cain spoke with Greta Van Susteren, explaining that: (Read more)

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Herman Cain

Gloria Cain Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations, But Offers Little Support For Husband (VIDEO)–Source: HuffPost

WASHINGTON — In her first national interview since her husband announced his bid for presidency, Gloria Cain missed a crucial opportunity to wholeheartedly endorse and defend her husband, Herman Cain, as he faces multiple sexual harassment allegations and a faltering campaign.

Speaking with Fox News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren in an interview that aired Monday night, Gloria Cain by turns came across as naively trusting, bitter, and unsure of her husband’s candidacy. (Read more)

Response: Again I wonder did she learn about the settlement charges recently in the news just like we did. Something tells me she didn’t know about the allegations and rightfully so because it was not suppose to be discussed due to the agreement. Oh well time will tell maybe. I will continue to wait and see if the women or “Big Daddy Cain” is lying if the truth is made known. Curmilus Dancy II – The Political Agitator

See related:

Herman Cain

Gloria Cain Fox News Interview: Herman Cain ‘Totally Respects Women’, Claims Don’t Ring True – Source: HuffPost

Herman Cain’s wife says sexual harassment allegations facing her husband don’t ring true because he "totally respects women."

In an interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren that is scheduled to air on Monday evening, Gloria Cain stands by her husband’s side. She said she could not believe the charges levied against him, telling Van Susteren: "I’m thinking he would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said." (Read more)

Response: So my question is did his wife know about the settlements before they came out recently? I would think that since they were supposedly settled out of court that she possibly didn’t know about the allegations. This may explain why she took it harder than he.

Oh well I am going to continue to follow Cain to see who is lying the women or him. Curmilus Dancy II – The Political Agitator

See related:

Herman Cain