State rehires probation officer after alleged affair with probationer

Between sips of his milkshake at the McDonald's in Nashville last week, Jamey Wilkins talks about representing himself in his lawsuit against the Nash County jail and his extortion charge involving an allegation against a state probation officer.

Between sips of his milkshake at the McDonald’s in Nashville last week, Jamey Wilkins talks about representing himself in his lawsuit against the Nash County jail and his extortion charge involving an allegation against a state probation officer.

By Lindell J. Kay | | 252-265-8117

NASHVILLE — A Rocky Mount man charged with extortion for confronting a female probation officer over a purported tryst with one of her probationers is upset the state quietly rehired her to work in another county after her separation last year.

Jamey Lamont Wilkins, 39, was serving probation in June 2019 when he handed a note to his probation officer during a home visit. The note describes an alleged sexual encounter between Probation Officer Meredith Boyd and a probationer related to Wilkins.

Boyd immediately reported the note to her supervisor and officers revoked Wilkins’ probation and charged him with extortion. He was placed in the Nash County Detention Center.

Boyd, hired in Nash County in 2016, was separated from employment Oct. 7. The N.C. Department of Public Safety rehired her Jan. 27 at the same salary to serve as a probation officer in Wayne County. (Read more)

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