Job-Destroying CEOs Demand Even Bigger Tax Breaks To ‘Fix’ The Debt

Some of America’s most powerful CEOs have banded together to push for solutions to America’s “debt problem.” Generally speaking, when these guys decide to put big money into a political and PR campaign, we should all be sure to look under the hood and see what’s really going on. (More)

Party of Entitled Rich Threatens Economy – Truthout

Republicans, the party of the nation’s entitled rich, are holding a knife to the throat of America’s frail recovery.

The GOP sore losers have America up against a wall. Republicans don’t care that the majority of the country voted for a candidate who promised to raise taxes on the rich. Republicans don’t care that an even larger majority – 60 percent – told election day pollsters they wanted those taxes raised. (More)

President Barack Obama The Economy & The Debt

Only serious responses, keep all ignant responses to yourself, not on my blog.

So tell me what was the state of the economy and the debt when the black President took office.

How many jobs were lost before “our” President took office?

How many jobs were gained since “our” President took the oath of office?

How much money did “our” President have to work with?

What brought on the increase in debt since “our” President has been in office?

How does the economy and the debt correlate?