I am Just As Black As They Come But I Am Not So Black That I Am Ignant, A Message To Black Candidates

It takes money for me to do what I do with The DCN News Blog/Online TV but folks act as if I owe them something. It tickles the hell out of me when folks don’t value my work but when they want my support I am the computer guru and all of that when they want my resources. And they think I am going to just stop what I am doing and help them work to get themselves in office, oh hell no. Now if they don’t support me now, why in the hell would I be ignant enough to help them because if they don’t support me now, why in the hell should I expect them to help me when they arrive.

Now I am just as damn black as it comes but I am not so damn black that I am ignant to the facts of where folks stand and what is going on around me. Some black folks lie and do all kinds of things during election time when they are running for office but talk about what the white man ain’t doing. Well sir and ma’am you ain’t no damn better than those whom you talk about.

This week I have purchased $180.00 worth of gas, $50.00 daughter’s car, $50.00 my car and $80.00 in a vehicle I borrowed while having daughter’s car repaired.

I have purchased one part for $250.00 and one for $119.00 and this is not counting labor for the person doing the repairs.

I run into folks who want me to help them by buying tickets for banquets, raffles and etc. but again they have never donated to The DCN TV/Online TV and these same folks in the Democratic Party have not supported me when I was nominated for office on the county level. Trust me it did not matter if they supported me because if I wanted a position I would have campaigned for it but what tickles the hell out of me is to watch how they vote. And then those same folks when they need me they want me to support them. You see that shows you how inferior they are of me because I know I am damn good at holding folks accountable in meetings and etc. because I am very much politically inclined and very, very knowledgeable of the process because I do my homework.

I have been very, very busy over the past couple of weeks attending workshops and other across the state and attending some local meetings in the county. I work a real job and then work at home downloading pictures and videos almost daily because it is so time consuming. I have 2 computers running and that still is not enough. I take my equipment everywhere I go so I can do a little work wherever I am if I am going to be at place 1 hour or more.

Well I am going to continue to educate folks about what is going on around them and at the same time I am not going to promote nor support folks who want to represent me and others when I know they are all about themselves and really don’t give a damn about the people. If you do you would tell us why you are running against another person, what they have not done and why you feel you are going to do more.

Well in my closing you don’t have to respond to me but remember I do not have to respond to you either. But what you need to remember is that I am an active black man and you are not going to just represent me in any kind of fashion. Since you say you are going to do more than those you are running against then I am going to hold you accountable.

Okay let the showdown begin. Are you ready? I am. I know why it is a good thing to have good people in office but I also know what I feel I can expect out of those who are running and want my support. And those who have not asked for my support I know what to expect from them also.

In my closing I am just a nobody but I do have The DCN TV/Online TV and I can be your friend or your worst nightmare. When you go messing with my future and my children’s future then you will hear from me. So if you have not heard from me, know that you will be hearing from me in the near future.

Note: Original March 15, 2012.

Quote Of The Week – "If the people of Princeville keep the right, and honest, . . . Princeville Mayor Said. LMBAO!!

"If the people of Princeville keep the right, and honest, people in this position (as mayor), who has the heart for them to move forward, this town would become a town where people all over the world would set vacation time to tour the town," she said. (Source)

Note: So there you have it, folks of Princeville the mayor has spoken so you know what you need to do. Now that is too damn funny.

What time is it? Audit time! C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

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Princeville NC