Open Letter To Mayor Sandy Roberson Rocky Mount NC

Who gives a damn about how many comments you received from folk about the last city council meeting whereby Councilman Andre Knight responded to the disrespect of Troy Davis who accused the 5 Black Councilmen of an issue he had a problem with? First of all if Troy had picked up the phone and called and asked the 5 he would not have come to the meeting with that mess. But he came with disrespect and then won’t ready for the comeback.

I have not heard one person say that Andre should not have done what he did and that Troy got what he asked for. Now I am just talking about the folk who have contacted me because I was not at the meeting but I have received messages and talked to many folk up until today. Actually somebody just sent me your letter.

Where is the damn lie? Everybody has the opportunity to sign up and address the council and nobody was denied.

How in the hell are you going to point out the so-called personal attack from Andre but you overlooked the attack from Troy? That is double-minded and double-minded folk are dangerous.

You say y’all can do better. Hell yeah it starts with you because you are in control of the meetings the last time I checked because the mayor carries out the meetings. You have allowed mess to go on during public comments and have not addressed the disrespect.

Why in the hell do you feel the citizens are passionate but you and your colleagues can’t be. First y’all are citizens and then elected officials. Just because the disrespect coming from some who address the council, you need to recognize and understand that y’all are citizens and you represent yourself as a citizen then councilmen along with your family and citizens who supports you.

In my closing, all of you are grown ass men and you are in control over the meetings. See the problem is citizens need to understand that when they come up to address the council that the council has the last say. So when the citizens disrespects the council, when the council chooses to respond, now the citizen don’t want to hear them trues.

So when you take control of your meetings then the disrespect should go away but until such time, I will be pissed if the disrespect is not addressed right then and there.

Your apology is not accepted by me because you should have addressed Troy when he cursed and walked away from the podium and said this will not be tolerated. But hell no you did not.

The following is my response to: Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

No description available.

Adrienne Copland Your White Privilege Ends Here Councilman Andre Knight Said

Copland said of Knight’s response to Davis, “I can’t believe none of you interrupted and said, ‘Hey, point of order. Hey, we are businessmen. We are gentlemen — and we’re representing the city.’ No, no. You’re an embarrassment. I cannot believe that was allowed to go on — and it’s not the first time. (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Adrienne how in the hell do you think that the other councilmen have the right to interrupt a grown damn man who was responding to Troy Davis a Developer who came for him? Well since you say they are businessmen then when you and the others disrespect them, then you get what you get. Yes they represent the city however they are citizens of the city and have all rights to represent themselves just like they do for those who elected them. Well since you can’t believe it, get the hell over it.

“Copland said that time and time again, she has come to council meetings and she noted that there is a whole page of rules saying how citizens should conduct themselves, directing citizens not to address any council member in particular and telling citizens they could be removed from the council chambers.” (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Well damn you speak to rules of how the citizens should conduct themselves but you and your friends think you can say anything to the council and they not respond. There is not anything in the rules saying they can’t respond and I ain’t going to state it because the Mayor reads the rules before Public Comments and it does not say they can not respond. The council responds all the time but when they respond to y’all disrespect you don’t want to hear them trues.

Copland Troy Davis set the tone for the response during his comments and when he walked away from the podium he really set the tone. See why Andre Knight responded to Troy Davis by clicking on the following link Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor

I find it quite interesting that Troy Davis began his public comments talking about fair housing and then named some areas in Rocky Mount that is unfair. He talks about there has been a conversation for around 13 years.

Troy goes on to make his case by linking monies to building a new judicial center when money could go towards fair housing instead of investing to lock up Black boys and girls in the city. Well damn just because a judicial center is built does not mean one has to go there. These Black boys and girls have options and that is to not commit crime but if they choose to do so the judicial center is where they end up.

Troy says the council is made up of mostly Black males and this is what they want to invest in a judicial center.

Troy says there need to be focus put on landlords and slumlords. I totally agree but that goes for all and he need to remember that he is a landlord as well. I have heard some rumors about some landlords but I ain’t going there.

When Troy leaves the podium he walks away cursing. But Adrienne Copland (White Female) obvious missed that. I will get back to her later.

Andre Knight said let me correct Troy Davis right here and right now. Andre set the record straight see it for yourself by clicking on the following link “Don’t Blame Me 2!”. Good to me! It has been past time that the council respond to folk coming down disrespecting them. Hell I would been set the record straight so they would know who I am every time they come down with their disrespect.

Now back to Adrienne, she has been the White voice for those who have stopped attending the meetings. She comes monthly with mess.

But Adrienne it ain’t nothing in the policy saying they can’t respond to the citizens and they does it about every meeting on some type of issue but see when they address you and the others disrespect y’all don’t want to hear them trues. It is about like the night I got your …. at Mount Zion First Baptist during a candidates forum.

When Andre told Adrienne her White Privilege ends here I like to have choked.

I challenge the Rocky Mount City Council to start  responding to the disrespect during every meeting. There are some folk that want you to address the mess.

Now if didn’t click on “Don’t Blame Me 2!” earlier now do so and see how Andre Knight preached. What he should have done was stood up and then he should have came down from the podium and ran around the room shouting telling somebody to hold his mule.

It is time out for foolishness and when the citizens act like they got some sense then the council need to act accordingly.

I don’t understand why anyone in their right mind do not understand that the council is in control over their meetings and will have the last say, hell no you don’t get to keep talking.

I hate I was not in the house but I was at the Edgecombe County Commissioner’s meeting where I addressed them.

Rev. Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman Is Up For Re-Election In 2023

Rev. Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman

I hear Andre’s name coming up all the time but that is nothing new because I have heard it for years since he has been on the Rocky Mount City Council and former President of the Rocky Mount NAACP.

I understand that Rev. Rooster Velt Higgs (Roosevelt) brings his name up just about everyday on WNCR TV with host Bronson Williams better known as Little Moses and his co-host Rev. Nehemiah Smith Jr.

I understand Crystal Wimes Anderson who calls herself The Disrupter is running around town talking about Andre however she is mad because she lost against Rocky Mount City Councilman Rev. Richard Joyner. It appears she is pushing the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens White Agenda. She is running around campaigning against Andre.

Andre’s name is really going to be coming up now that this year is a Rocky Mount City Council Election year. I understand Troy Davis and Tarrick Pittman who ran against Andre in the past are both talking about running against Andre this year.

Andre has been in the spotlight heavily because of the NC Auditor Beth Wood findings in an audit that she performed saying that he didn’t pay $47,000 in light bills over the years. Beth who has been in the spotlight for wrecking her State Owned Vehicle and leaving the scene gave her findings last year and she made some recommendations to different agencies. Nothing has come out of the report as it relates to criminal activities and he is still on the council. He was asked to resign his post.

Beth Wood’s incident has been documented on the news and I can see what she did although there are unanswered questions about the accident and why she would leave the scene. However I will wait on the outcome. She has been asked to resign her post.

Folk ask me what do I think about the audit report from around 2 years ago and I say I have not seen the information, Beth gave her findings and until he is charged with something, I have no reason to focus on it. Well I will say is I am for justice no matter who it is for or against.

What I do know is that I strongly believe that when some folk were in office and in the majority I believe they did some things and that is why they didn’t want Black folk at the table. However I have always told Black Elected Officials they can’t do what other folk have done over the years because their Black …. going to jail.

What I do know is that Andre has done some good things because I have been in his presence since he was elected President of the Rocky Mount NAACP and was elected to the Council. He has been a strong voice for the people not only in his Ward because but across the city, Edgecombe County and not limited to.

If you Google Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Council you can see some history of his tenure on the Council.

What I want to leave with you Black Folk you better look at the whole picture and not just the picture that Crystal Wimes Ames who calls herself The Disrupter whom moved here from Florida around 3 years ago is painting. She is pushing the angry White Folk Agenda.

Rev. Rooster Velt Higgs (Roosevelt) has been mad since he challenged Andre’s residency in the early 2000’s and Edgecombe County had to pay out a lawsuit in Andre’s favor. He is still carrying out his ignant agenda along with teaming up with some angry White Folk who was also challenging Andre’s residency.

Folk you better do your own homework. You can start by Googling Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman to learn more about him. Make sure you read the post/s by Main Street Rocky Mount and Knight vs Higgs Case Law. I will help you so click here.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II
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