Thank You Marcus Willoughby For Stepping Up To The Plate And Bringing Edgecombe County Democrats Together

Marcus Willoughby thank you for stepping up to the plate and bringing Edgecombe County Democrats together. You inherited a mess because there has not been a meeting among the Edgecombe County Dems in over a year. However a few of us have been trying to keep hope alive.

Marcus I can say you have been actively engaged in trying to fulfil your duties as the 3rd Vice Chair because I have seen you at several Democratic events videoing them and also with the conversations we have had during the time you have been in office. I along with some others that have been communicating with you know you were ready to step up some time ago. I said but you can’t until the Chair steps down. Sad the Chair stepped down in the last hour.

Marcus thank you for the meeting on Thursday when you had a virtual and option to come to the funeral home beautiful conference room. I chose to come where you were.

Marcus you have done a great job reaching out to Edgecombe County Dems with the lists you had that were questionable but we had about 10 – 12 Precincts organized on Thursday and/or were going to be shortly after. Awesome because you began with only 5 organized Precincts when you stepped up to the plate.

I believe all the Edgecombe County Dems that participated on Thursday were excited about the progress and ready to have our County Convention on May 8 so we can get ready for the 1st Congressional District Convention that is held in Edgecombe County. I believe the Edgecombe County Dems are ready to go to work to make the Edgecombe County Democratic Party great again.

Thank you again Marcus and all the Precincts/Delegates that met on Thursday and those who were in the process of organizing.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II
Chair Precinct 11-1
County Executive Committee Member
State Executive Committee Member

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