I Am Damn Good At What I Do And I Knew That Bronson Williams WNCR TV Was Playing Games About Supporting Me For Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair

Bronson Williams turned in a precinct package today to the Natalie Watson Bess saying his precinct met on March 9, 2023 but damn just turned it in 1 month and 2 days later when it is supposed to be turned in around 5 days after the precinct met.

I received a couple of messages this morning during my break that they were talking about me on WNCR TV. They didn’t tell me what they were saying.

I found out during my lunch break that they said on the show they were going to nominate me for the Democratic Party Chair at the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Convention. But why they didn’t talk to me 1st? Because that was a set up so that Rev. Roosevelt Higgs could call in and try to discredit me. I told my sources that. He didn’t do it today but trust me he will do it tomorrow and they will let him call in with his lies. This is why I cut ties with these guys around 2 years ago when I told them they need to stop allowing Higgs and others to call in and to try to discredit Black leadership and they know they be lying. But that is because they are all liars.

Bronson Williams I am not seeking your support for anything so Run The Hell & Tell That!

Open Letter To Attorney Natalie Watson Bess In Response To The Edgecombe County Democratic Party Convention

First of all I along with some other die hard Democrats reached out to you early last year trying to offer my resources when Leshaun Jenkins stepped down as the County Chair. You stepped into the seat by default because you were a Vice Chair.

Madame Chair you were suppose to call a meeting within 30 days to hold a meeting to have and election to fill the unexpired term of Jenkins. For what ever reason you never called a meeting so obviously you wanted to stay in the seat.

Madame Chair you had no meetings while sitting the seat and we even had a crucial election during the Primary and General Election in 2022. I along with some other die hard Democrats reached out to you.

Madame Chair I along with some others reached out to you leading up to Precinct meetings scheduled for March 2023.

Madame Chair I along with some others reached out to you about the upcoming County Convention and you have told us time and time again you were going to give us information that we asked for and we received nothing concrete.

Over the last several months I have been reaching out to you and you said information coming. A couple of days ago you responded to my texts and Sara Peveler was included by you because she had commented on my page.

Just yesterday you responded to my initial text that I sent and you included Deborah Dew-Jordan. While you were responding to my texts that you kept responding to, you could have just sent information that we had been requesting especially when you said you were going to send out Sunday after you got out of church. You said that you were going to send information out time and time again. You said you were going to send it from Texas about 2 weeks ago. Then you said you were going to send it when you got back and as I stated the most recent you said you were going to send information this past Sunday.

Today you sent the following to  me and cc:’ed Marcus Willoughby.

Good morning Mr. Dancy. Please see attached. Once you talk to Attorney Phelps and set up your meeting with him and confirm that the Convention can be moved to the 22nd, let me know and I’ll change the date and send this out. Marcus has prepared outreach materials and will just need to change the date before he posts them.

Natalie W. Bess

I called Attorney D. Cole Phelps The First Congressional District Chair on last night he was not accepting calls. I told you this evening I was not going to call him again however I said in our earlier text conversations that I was requesting that the meeting be changed. I am just a Precinct Chair however I am on the NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee I don’t have the authority to override you and Marcus who is Vice Chair. I told you I wanted to have a meeting with you, Attorney Phelps and all the Precincts who had met along with any and all interested Democrats so we could have smooth County Convention.

I dare you try to make it all about me.

I am just prepared for whatever happens with the County Convention going is going to be a mess and I told you I didn’t want it to be a mess like it has been the past 2 Conventions.

Madame Chair I have not opened the Agenda and do not plan to until later because obviously you just sent it to me.

I’ll wait!

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II Precinct Chair 11-1, a die hard Political Activist.

Attorney at Law