Folk Don’t Appreciate Trues And Therefore They Don’t Appreciate Me

You know it is sickening when folk try to give you good advice and they say they are listening but they do ignant mess anyway. Folk like that are dangerous.

It is sad when politics makes folk ignant especially when they have no clue about what they are doing but want to sound intelligent. Folk let their book sense get in the way of common sense. But at the end of the day when the party is over common sense will kick in and they will see that they should have listened to the voices of truth and wisdom versus the noise.

See they like the noise because they think it is popular but popularity is not always where the focus need to be. When folk know the whole trues and know the culture of the people and politics, they will understand they ran on the noise and not because of what they really bring to the table. It is a difference when one run and has no opposition versus when their is opposition especially when the opposition is the incumbent.

We are living in a time when Black folk are winning more offices and you have some Black haters who are joining with some White haters who have a problem with many boards, commissions, department heads and others in high places being a majority Black. The White haters are sitting back watching Black haters go after their own because they support them over the incumbent.

It is sad that some young folk think they are doing something when they have not done anything to deserve a seat at the table. They are running off trying to discredit the incumbent with half-trues because they are following the noise.

Well while Black haters are turning up the White haters noise, I am going to add some bass. I been around and I know the candidates and I refuse to be silent. I have put in the time and resources dating back to the late 80’s serving the county as a community and political activist and I will not stop now.

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

Continue to turn up the volume the noise is loud and clear but when the music stops.

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