For My Haters Get This!

The difference in you and I is I say what I mean and mean what I say! But the most important part of that is I say it publicly and sometimes in an open letter directly to you so don’t act like you don’t know.

You talk to me and you talk about me but see I don’t have a problem with that because I talk about you so that makes us equal. But for me it is what other folk say and I know if what they are saying is true, then it ain’t just talk.

Some of my haters have been trying to discredit me since the late 80’s but you see I will not give them the glory. I tell folk all the time that when I leave home a red flag goes up. I have 3 major rules but not limited to and that is to stay away from money, sex and drugs. See I know folk would love to see me in the news so they can say, I know he is crazy. I am ignant but a special kind of ignant and that is ignant about the truth and facts.

So haters you don’t have to call folk, send folk messages about what I say because I try to include folk that I talk to that know me and I know them. But if what I say do not go directly to some folk, I do ask that you Share what I say. I like documentation and when I say something publicly I try to go back and document it for the record.

When you see me, I am by myself when I go to meetings and events and be about the business and keep it moving.

Folk credit me for a lot of things I say but I have said time and time again I am just ignant so I don’t come with all of the things I say. I talk to lots of folk and when I hear them say something, I say it. So many don’t say it publicly because they have seen how they try to bully folk like myself. When you come for me, I got a word and it has been working since the late 80’s.

And last for now, don’t get caught up on where I live and who I represent because you don’t tell me where I can go and what I can say. But now I do accept constructive criticism because that is why I am a Professional Agitator.

In 2022, I am going to put my Ignant Degree to work more. I have put in too much time and resources for my haters to think they have figured something out. I don’t know it all but I know what I know and that is a damn lot.

If you want some real news you can use, you better follow The DCN News Blog Online TV your alternative news source.

NRTT– Now Run & Tell That!

Member: Unless Specified I Am Not Speaking On Behalf Of The Following

Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Chair/African American Caucus/
County & NC Democratic Party State Executive Committee

Rocky Mount NC Branch NAACP
Life Fully Paid Member 1st Vice President/Legal Redress Chair

Eastern NC Civic Group (ENCCG)
Edgecombe County Animal Services Advisory Council

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