Sam Roc & Gregb Let Me Set The Record Straight About Not Living In A Town, Ward, District Or Etc.

I love it when folk like the male version of Diamond & Silk “Word On The Street With Sam Roc and Gregb” say I can’t vote for anyone in Rocky Mount. Hell they can’t vote for all the Rocky Mount City Council members either. So what are they doing but keeping a bunch of noise about all of the Black council members because they are trying to discredit them.

Hell I can’t vote for everybody in Edgecombe County.

I live in the county and my physical address is Tarboro NC.

I can only vote for 1 school board member out of 7 and 1 county commissioner out of 7. However I can support and campaign for all of those whom I want to.

My point is I can’t vote for any Rocky Mount City Council members however I can support all of those whom I want to. I have done that for years. I have supported other candidates from other towns as well.

I am a Democratic Party Precinct Chair and that covers some folk in the county that has a Tarboro and Rocky Mount address. However I am on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee which is a make up of Rocky Mount and all towns in Edgecombe County so I represent the county at-large. I also serve on the State Democratic Party Executive Committee.

I have supported statewide candidates across the state but even some in neighboring towns but not limited to.

I am the Vice President of the Rocky Mount NAACP which covers all of Edgecombe County which is a non-partisan organization.

I am The Political Agitator, The Watch Dog of the East, founder of Dancy Communications Network The DCN News Blog Online TV and I have been a longtime Community and Political Activist since the 80’s.

Word On The Street is based on half-trues and lies and mislead folk regularly. They are right I can’t vote for any Rocky Mount City Council members but I damn sure can support the ones I choose to. I support all of the current Black Councilmen and if I could vote in the upcoming election I would vote for Reuben Blackwell and Richard Joyner. I support them based on their record as I know it and not based on the noise from folk who are jealous, mad and got their own personal agenda and not looking at what they are doing. Oh hell no I don’t agree with them on every issue but I agree with them on more than I disagree with them.

Sam Roc & Gregb because I am actively engaged in Rocky Mount Politics I will challenge you when it comes to politics. I have been actively engaged since the 80’s and will continue to be engaged til the end.

Play the entire audio of the conversation that we had at Bojangols that you played what you wanted to play on your podcast last week. I own up to what I say so own up to what you said. Oh that ain’t how y’all operate, y’all operate on half-trues and lies. That is that Trump mentality and that is the reason y’all are registered Unaffiliated. So Democrats don’t allow these guys in your meetings.


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