Rev. Roosevelt Higgs On News You Can Use Talking About His Altercation With His Son

Wow! Roosevelt Higgs shows up at News You Can Use and gives his testimony about how thankful it is to be alive.

I found it interesting that Higgs gave Bronson Williams 2 owner and host of News You Can Use copies of his family ties one being the Cofield side and the other the Higgs.

The Cofield side of Higgs family is my family by marriage.

I am glad that Higgs is acknowledging his family especially his siblings and children and that is all I am going to say about that.

It is sad that Higgs continue to want to talk about the situation with the Edgecombe County Sheriff Office that had to take a life because of a suspect that had a mental breakdown. Higgs mentioned on the show about 2 weeks ago that the Sheriff needed to come on the show and talk about the incident to explain why he office acted as they did. But the Sheriff and the family are united with trying to bring awareness to what need to be done about the lack of resources for people who suffer from mental illness.

Wow! So Higgs admits that he has been living in the Nash County for about 4 years. That is about right because I remember when Bronson told me where he was living and I thought it was on the Edgecombe County side until Higgs brother told me where the house was and that is when I found out it was on the Nash County side of Rocky Mount.

Higgs has had plenty of time to read the bible because I have not known him to work a real job since I became politically active in the late 80’s. That was one of the reasons that some folk in the Democratic Party said he had the time to be actively engaged as the Chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party because he had a lot of free time. Gladys Shelton always said that. Well I came in and I have challenged him since that time because I too had time to read and served on the Democratic Party Plan of Organization Committee so I know the Plan of Organization well.

Talking about division and the conversation around unforgiveness and other, yep Higgs has been calling in to the show causing division for over a year. I love these scriptures and all of this church stuff attempting to justify mess. But I am so glad I know folk and I watch them closely especially those who are into politics.

Wow when asked is he, Higgs say he is on a level and other folk need to come to his level.

Higgs’ son may have been on drugs but what was his problem because he has acted as if he was on something all of these years as I have watched him manipulate the Edgecombe County Democratic Party until he was removed last year for 2 years which should have been for life.

Higgs challenged Andre Knight residency when he was seeking a seat on the Rocky Mount Council which ended up with Knight suing Higgs and Edgecombe County.

Higgs’ son is a grown man and has to make the decision to get help. So Higgs I understand you want him to get some help but I think you need to begin with getting yourself some help. Like I say all the time until we are true to ourselves we can’t be true to others.

I disagree to a certain degree that having resources in place when it comes to mental health that it is up to the individual to try to deal with their issues. People are trained to deal with folk who have mental illness and other so therefore having resources in place is a tool to help folk deal with issues. To say they may be going through something that they have experienced may be the reason why they turn to drugs and etc. may be true but again their are people who are trained to help them. The trained folk will help them identify issues and to talk about the issues that affect them.

I am not wrestling with unforgiveness so I can’t relate to this show to that degree. I ain’t mad with nobody no matter what some have done to me.

Wow! How in the hell did the conversation get to dealing with Black and White folk as it relates to forgiveness? Higgs you lost me on that part.

So glad I know folk for myself and how they operate.

I hate that Higgs had to endure the altercation with his son and I hope not only his son get help but I strongly feel that Higgs need to get some help himself and that may encourage his son to follow.

I will be watching to see how Higgs move forward as he call in and/or come on News You Can Use because talking about unforgiveness, Higgs in my opinion has some things he need to get right when it comes to how he has treated some folk including myself because I have never done anything to him but challenge him when it comes to politics. Because I have challenged him he let Satan come out of him as he disrespected women Black and White in the Democratic Party and also to leave vulgar voicemails on my phone not only for me but addressed to other folk Black and White as well. After asking him not to call my phone and blocking him so his calls would go straight to my voicemail, he called until I had to take him to court twice. About 2 weeks ago since the court orders have expired, he has called me twice and I was waiting on the 3rd voicemail and I was gong to take out another order because I ain’t got time to deal with Satan.

I hope Higgs fully recover from this altercation and again I hope he change his mindset because he need to get it right with some folk. I’ll wait!

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

Note: I sure hope he didn’t drive himself to the TV Station.

News You Can Use Monday November 1, 2021

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