Pinetops removed from state financially distressed list

The state Local Government Commission has removed Pinetops from a list of government entities designated as financially distressed.

Pinetops had a total assessment criteria score of 12. It was placed on the list because its score exceeded nine for entities providing both drinking water and wastewater services.

Town officials began working on the town’s standing with the state shortly after being notified of its placement on the list — and brought the effort to fruition when the town board on June 22 adopted its fiscal year 2021-22 budget.

The budget maintained the town’s 46-cents-per-$100 valuation property tax rate, but it put into play some key steps that led the LGC to take action at its August meeting.

“Pinetops officials demonstrated a willingness to find out what’s right, get it right and keep it right, and were able to work their way off of the Unit Assistance List in short order,” said State Treasurer Dale Folwell, who chairs the Local Government Commission. (Read more)

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