Just Because You See Me By Myself

Just because you see me by myself don’t mean I am by myself! Somebody ain’t going to get that! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/7/2021

Which Is Worst! Posting Half-Trues And/Or Sharing Half-Trues

Black folk tickles the hell out of me sharing half-trues from someone who consistently post half-trues. Oh but y’all promote their mess so they think they are doing a great service. But y’all don’t share their mess and majority of the time it is about Black folk. Now that ain’t the issue because if Black folk are doing it then that is one thing but to share half-trues is another. But I am just making this up because y’all don’t know who I am talking about. However if you believe I am telling a half-truth but you know the truth then just raise your hand. I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Larger Raleigh council, raises for members among recommendations in city report

The Political Agitator’s response: Damn they will be making more money as a council member than some working folk that works everyday. So will the council start meeting daily and for 8 hours? If these recommendations are put in place, it would be worth running for election because that would be some good money to get elected to a council and not meet but once a month and/or as needed.

RALEIGH, N.C. — The faces and issues change with the times and politics, but how Raleigh City Council are elected has remained the same since 1973. That could soon change, however, if recommendations in a city report are adopted.

A 10-member study group looked at ways to bring city elections up to speed with the growth Raleigh has seen in recent years, and the City Council will consider the 1 on Tuesday.

1. Council members should have four-year terms of office instead of two-year terms.
The report says it gives more time for voters to judge the effectiveness of their representatives, as it often takes more than a year for proposed ordinances to make it through the city’s drafting and review process.

2. Elections should be staggered, with district representatives elected at once and the mayor and the two at-large council members elected in another election.

3. Give the mayor and council members raises.
The report recommends a 66 percent raise for the mayor, from $27,550 in annual compensation to $45,911, and an 88 percent raise for council members, from $19,725 to $37,248. The compensation includes allowances for expenses, vehicle use and technology. (Read more)

Be True To Yourself! You Can Post All You Want But Folk Know You

We can post all we want on Social Media but folk know who we are so we better be true to ourselves. We can’t be true to others before we are true to ourselves! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! Eating Out

I am asking for me. So why are you worrying about someone coming into a restaurant not wearing a mask but ain’t they going to take it off to eat? So you think COVID is going to take a break while you eat and then kick back in when you walk out of the restaurant? I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! Edgecombe County School Board Is Majority Black, Black Superintendent

So none of the Edgecombe County School Board members have children in the system nor grandchildren I don’t think but I stand to be corrected. Students in the classrooms, students playing sports and etc. COVID can be a problem. But I guess it ain’t a problem in the school system. So who cares? Parents, school board members, staff and whoever? I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Relationships, Dating, Marriage! COVID

When AIDS hit I thought that was something but with the COVID to me that is a more alarming than AIDS. Well it appears AIDS is controllable these days but this COVID is something serious because it is out of control. I sure would not want to be dating outside of marriage especially if both partners are not loyal however I know there are some married couples who ain’t loyal as well. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Your Thoughts! If You Work Closely With Folk Do You Think Vaccination Should Be Mandatory

My problem with not getting vaccinated is I don’t work closely with folk and keep my mask on at all times at work. I don’t be close around folk after work. I don’t visit folk and when I go to my dad’s house I take the stuff in and we come back out on the porch and talk. If I just happen to stop by somebody’s house I ain’t going in. My problem was never about the vaccine itself and being made to take it. Your thoughts? Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! No Vaccine For Children Under 16

So since there are vaccines for children before they can begin school, how long will it be before there is a vaccine for children under 16 because this should be a top priority. I’ll wait!  Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! Stats On Edgecombe/Nash County Students Testing Positive For COVID/Quarantined

I want to know how many students have tested positive for COVID-19 and how many have been sent home to be quarantined since the 2021-2022 school year began? I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Letter to Editor: Vaccine joke reflects poorly on commissioners’ chair

Source: Spring Hope Enterprise

It is sad that Nash County Board of Commissioners Chairman Robbie B. Davis posted a comment on the Nash County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page in response to Sheriff Keith Stone’s office arresting Elaine Fields Finkley after she absconded from its Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking system.

Robbie’s comment was, “They were able to find her because of the Vaccine Shot.”

It is a damn shame that he would make that statement when folks are finding all kinds of excuses to not take the vaccine shot. But on top of being a public official, he oversees the sheriff’s office. Well, we all know it is a fact that he gave Sheriff Keith Stone hell when he was trying to get more funding to repair the Nash County Detention Center. He went as far as to temporarily limit the sheriff’s spending power.

The Facebook post states, “The Nash County Sheriff’s Office tracked Finkley to Charlotte, NC where she fled after she cut off her ankle monitor. Deputies of the NCSO found Finkley and a companion walking down the street and approached Finkley and her companion.”

The post goes on to say, “A special thank you to Wake County Sheriff Gerald M. Baker and the tremendous assistance by the Wake County Sheriff’s Office CAAT Team.”

I believe Robbie could have spoken to Sheriff Stone and asked him for more specifics instead of putting out information that may not be true as to how they found her.

Because I know Robbie, it is my ignant opinion that Robbie’s response is racist because during this time, some places are giving out vaccine shots and one could receive a cash reward.

Some folks took Robbie’s response as a joke, but I find it offensive since she is a Black female and also as a jab at Sheriff Keith Stone. Sheriff Stone and his office shouldn’t have to continue to put up with this guy’s unwarranted and definitely not needed criticism.

How much more are the citizens of Nash County going to allow Robbie B. Davis to get away with? I’ll wait!

Curmilus (Butch) Dancy II


Note: This is in response to: On August 26, 2021, the Nash County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) arrested Elaine Fields Finkley after she had absconded from our E.M.P.A.C.T. (Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking) system.

Robbie responded to me and I responded back but I see his response has been removed.

Who Was The Real Uncle Tom?

May be an image of 1 personUncle Tom was a man who refused to beat black women.

Uncle Tom was a man who refused to tell on other slaves.

Uncle tom was a man who would put cotton in other slaves’ bags at night, so that they wouldn’t get beat!

Uncle Tom was a man who helped 100 slaves get free long before the underground railroad.

Uncle Tom was a man, that once free, established the 1st Laborers school for other fugitive slaves!

His name? Josiah Henson! Josiah Henson was an author, abolitionist, and minister. Born into slavery, in Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland, he escaped to Upper Canada in 1830, and founded a settlement and laborer’s school for other fugitive slaves at Dawn, near Dresden, in Kent County, Upper Canada, of British Canada.

So stop calling these sell-outs Uncle tom! That’s a compliment! Its Sambo that was the sell-out, who would do anything for his slave masters’ approval!

Thanks Cykelian Ross for sharing.