Letter to Telegram: Support the better candidate to replace Mary Wells

The Nash County Democratic Party Executive Committee has a deadline to meet to suggest a name to be given to the Nash County commissioners.

The precinct chairs and elected officials must live in the district to be able to vote for the nominee. If I am correct, none of the six Nash County Democratic Party county officers will be eligible to vote.

The Nash County commissioners can accept or deny the nominee chosen by the Nash County Democratic Party Executive Committee.

I really believe that Rosita Wiggins, former Nash County Democratic Women and former Nash County Board of Elections member, would be a great nominee to replace Mary Wells.

I have followed the Nash County Democratic Party for years dating back to the days that William Hobbs, Mary Wells and Dwight Jordan were the chairs. I used to attend some of their meetings along with Rosita Wiggins. I enjoyed working with them because they all were sincere about making Nash County a better place to live, work and play. None of these folk were in it for self-aggrandizement.

I have been told that someone that is seeking the nomination has been campaigning for months. If this is true, that is so disrespectful and speaks volumes about that person. I bet the person has had some folk commit to giving their vote to them while not knowing who would be seeking the appointment.

I have always been amazed how folk commit to folk when they don’t know who will actually be seeking an appointment. Now, I can understand committing to a friend if that be the case, but for folk who do not know all the persons who may be seeking the appointment, you need to do your homework to make sure you support the better candidate.

Curmilus Dancy


See Letter in Rocky Mount Telegram

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