Can’t Wait To See What Them Preachers And Pastors That Were Posting B.S. Last Week

Can’t wait to see what them preachers and pastors that were posting b.s. last week post this week.

Some are living a lie and the sooner they repent and be true to themselves the better off they will be.

The Coronavirus has exposed some folk. They have been smart and not come for me because I am ready.

Now Run & Tell That! Count your days because I am counting. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Want To Play Games? Know That I Am A Professional! Ready!

I know a hell of a lot more than what some folk think I know.

You can play your little games but everything comes to the light.

I know you and you know me. But I bet you can’t tell anything on me.

While some folk got some down time because of certain things going on with them so they need to think about how they have lived before the Coronavirus. Watching some still saying b.s.

One thing about it I ain’t been about that life.

I have not been out here trying to see how many women/men I could have sex with.

I have never cheated on my wife.

I have not drank in around 34 years.

Now I will pay a bill at the last minute because I don’t like paying bills. I only have bills that are a necessity house, light bill, cars, and insurance. I have not had a credit card in around 15 years.

I have spent a hell of a lot of money providing a service to the community over the years and I am looking at what some folk have done.

I have been doing what I do since the late 80’s out of pocket and I don’t know why some folk think they are exempt that they get a free pass.


I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!

Now Run & Tell That! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Top administration officials said last year threat of pandemic kept them up at night – CNN

Washington (CNN)Two top administration officials last year listed the threat of a pandemic as an issue that greatly worried them, undercutting President Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the coronavirus pandemic was an unforeseen problem.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Tim Morrison, then a special assistant to the President and senior director for weapons of mass destruction and biodefense on the National Security Council, made the comments at the BioDefense Summit in April 2019.

“Of course, the thing that people ask: ‘What keeps you most up at night in the biodefense world?’ Pandemic flu, of course. I think everyone in this room probably shares that concern,” Azar said, before listing off efforts to mitigate the impact of flu outbreaks.

The Trump administration is facing scrutiny over its preparations for the coronavirus pandemic and its slow response to provide states and cities assistance in testing kits and personal protective equipment. The 2019 summit, hosted by the assistant secretary for preparedness and response in the Department of Health and Human Services to “discuss and solicit input on implementing the National Biodefense Strategy,” offers insights into early awareness of the potential for a pandemic threat. (Read more)

Dr. Fauci says all states should be under a stay-at-home order — even as Trump holds back

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, most states in the U.S. have issued statewide stay-at-home orders — and Democratic governors like New York’s Andrew Cuomo and California’s Gavin Newsom have been aggressively promoting social distancing measures. Nonetheless, some states only have stay-at-home orders at the county or local level, and Dr. Anthony Fauci believes that it is a mistake.

The expert immunologist, who is part of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told a CNN  on Thursday night that all U.S. residents should be under a stay-at-home order.

Fauci asserted, “I don’t understand why that’s not happening. The tension between federally-mandated versus states rights to do what they want is something I don’t want to get into, but if you look at what’s going on in this country, I just don’t understand why we’re not doing that. We really should be.”

In other countries, stay-at-home orders are being enforced nationwide. President Emmanuel Macron, for example, has stressed that residents of France should only leave their homes for essential activities — and even required people to carry a form justifying their reasons for being outside. But so far, Trump has resisted issuing a nationwide stay-at-home order for the U.S. or . . .  (Read more)

Somebody Don’t Want To Hear These Trues! Most Of The “Cats” That Y’all Think Are Pastors Are NOT Pastors by Frank Henderson

#MustBeSaid: #WrittenWithLoveAndInLove

Most of the “cats” that y’all think are pastors are NOT pastors. This crisis that we’re going through is proving the point for all of the world to clearly see. There are “3 Things” that STAND OUT when a man/woman is an Ephesians Ch. 5 [doma] teaching pastor…

#1. They FEED the people… No way around it. Pastors ARE
feeders. What they feed the people is God’s word, not their strategies, their idiosyncrasies, their dogma, their protocol and systems. The feed the flock God’s word. [Acts 20:28] [1 Pe5:2]
[Jhn 21:17]

#2. They LOVE people. They can’t wait to see them. They care about your safety. They care about your family. You’re more to them than “tithes and offerings”. They learn your name. They know your interests. They wanna know how you fit in the body and ensure that you do the “work” assigned to you. They love seeing your maturation. They understand that as an undershepherd to Christ they have a job to do with you and take it seriously. They don’t put you on hold for 10-15 years or simply see you as an “accessory” to what they’re doing. LOVE is an action word. [Jhn 3:16] [Jhn 13:35] [1 Cor 16:24]

#3. They SERVE people: They roll up their sleeves and put on a towel and ensure that you’re served. They’re not sitting in a special seat waiting on service. They’re walking up to you and asking you, “How can I serve you?” They’re putting teams in place to serve you. They’re ensuring that everyone passes under the hand of God and is accounted for. We’ve now allowed pastors to replace service with technology. We’ve allowed them to turn in the “servants towel” and replace it with CRM’s, pre-published text messages, generic emails, video screens, and social media soundbites. It didn’t use to be that way. Pastors actually knew who they were talking to. [Matthew 20:26,27]

These are all pastoral qualities that are non-negotiable. Look for these in choosing leaders. Charm is good. Nice-looking is good. Dressing fly is good. Big buildings are good. STILL, none of that compares to being fed the word, loved and served. Pastors must again connect with parishioners so that when a crisis like we’re experiencing now rears its head the scrambling that we see today doesn’t exist anymore. One last question: Answer if you’re bold enough to do so. If the answer is NEVER or a lonnnnnnnnnnnnggggg time ago… You’re NOT being pastored. If you feel the need to make an excuse, you’re not being pastored. Just answer the question honestly and then let your heavenly FATHER talk to you about it. If you’re a pastor and you feel some kind of way, get back to feeding, loving and serving.

When was the last time your pastor stopped by the house?


#BeWiseMyFriends #PastorFrank

#LiveEPIC #BeEPIC #JoinEPIC #ShareWithAFriend

EPIC Fellowship Church

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Wilson NC – Wilson has first death related to COVID-19 Reported In Wilson Daily Times

Wilson County reported its first COVID-19-related death, Wilson County Health Director Teresa Ellen announced Friday.

The woman, in her early 60s with underlying health conditions, died Thursday from complications associated with the virus, Ellen said.

“It is with a heavy heart that we announce our first death associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,” Ellen said. “Our deepest condolences go out to the family and loved ones.”

Ellen said to protect the family’s privacy, no further information will be released. Ellen said Friday’s announcement is a reminder of the dangers of the virus.

“We want citizens to know that their actions now will make a big difference,” she said.

There is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. The best way to prevent illness, Ellen said, is to . . . (Read more)

Chief Justice Beasley Issues Order Postponing Court Proceedings Until June 1, 2020

Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri BeasleySupreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley

Chief Justice Cheri Beasley issued an order on April 2, 2020, containing seven emergency directives. The order:

  • Postpones court proceedings for a second time to June 1, 2020
  • Continues to direct clerks of court to post notices, such as the attached poster, at court facilities discouraging entry by those infected with COVID-19
  • Authorizes court proceedings to be conducted by remote audio and video transmissions
  • Directs attorneys and others without business before the court to avoid court facilities
  • Allows use of a sworn statement under penalty of perjury rather than notarization for court filings and oaths
  • Allows service of court documents by email
  • Extends the deadline for payment of most fines and fees by 90 days and directs clerks not to report failures to pay court debt to the DMV.

“Judicial officials and court personnel statewide are going above and beyond to serve the public during this health emergency,” said Chief Justice Cheri Beasley. “My number one priority is to protect them and the public by limiting gatherings and foot traffic in our county courthouses, while making sure our courts stay available to serve the public.”

The April 2 order follows Governor Roy Cooper issuance of Executive Order 121 on March 27, 2020, directing all individuals in the state to stay in their place of residence subject to limited exceptions. North Carolina’s courts are a critical government function and are therefore exempt from the Order. Nevertheless, the courts are directed, to the extent practicable, to maintain social distancing requirements, including . . . (Read more)

Preachers, Pastors, Christians, Non- Christiains


When one goes to the grocery store what does one bring back?

When one goes to work what do they receive?

When one goes to the church what does one bring back?

Asking for me! I’ll wait! Hurry up caus I need a fix asap!

I am for real for real! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Free! Free! Free! SirrusXM Radio Until May 15, 2020 Tune In To The Joe Madison The Black Eagle Talk Show & Others Daily

You can also access all channels from Gospel to Hip Hop!
Listen all day as these Talk Shows discuss Coronavirus.

Click On Photo


Warning! Preach The Whole Trues

Some folk I don’t want to hear about your religion until you preach the whole trues not just the scriptures to get your point across. You will lose my respect until you get it right. Don’t blame me! Corona has exposed you. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020