Press Release: Rocky Mount Chamber Singers Set to Deliver Valentine’s Concert and Dinner

Rocky Mount, N. C. – The Rocky Mount Chamber Singers (RMCS) will provide musical entertainment for lovers and guests on Saturday, February 13, 2016, at the ballroom of Benvenue Country Club in Rocky Mount at 6:00 p.m.  Music will include songs about love, while dinner will consist of a choice of prime rib or chicken marsala. 

Sharing his sentiments about the group’s debut concert at First Presbyterian Church in June 2015, Director Jim Smith stated that the “audience included not only folks from Rocky Mount, but also Wilson, Tarboro, Raleigh, and Cary.”  At the first and a second performance (given at White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh in August), the ensemble was rewarded with standing ovations. 

“We want to be known regionally as an excellent small chorus that represents Rocky Mount and the surrounding area,” said Smith.  “We also want to promote a positive image of Rocky Mount and all the good things that it has to offer.” 

The February 13th concert will begin with a half-hour concert of love songs based on the poetry of well-known writers, including Shakespeare, Alexander Pushkin, Emily Dickinson, and Sara Teasdale.

“Guests will then be served a three-course dinner prepared and served by the excellent chef and staff of Benvenue Country Club,” explained Smith.  “Following dinner, the singers will perform another half-hour of love songs, beginning with the very appropriate My Funny Valentine.” 

The remaining selections will include arrangements of popular tunes from the last several decades. Instrumental accompaniment for the group will be piano, bass, and percussion.

“Tickets are $60 per person and include a meal and a full length concert featuring the area’s finest singers,” shared Smith.
Attendants may also dedicate a song to their sweethearts on the evening of the performance. For tickets, visit by February 7th. 

RMCS was formed in March 2015 by Smith and accompanist Virginia Vance.  Comprised of twenty auditioned singers, half of whom are educators, the group also includes attorneys and computer analysts.  In addition to presenting concerts in Rocky Mount, the singers have been invited to perform on 2016-2017 concert series in Raleigh and in Wilmington. 

RMCS will also host its spring concert on Tuesday, May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.

Contact: Kristian A. Herring (252) 314-4522 

Judge Vonda Evans gives a 21 minutes speech when sentencing a racist cop who unarmed black man, Floyd Dent. This is totally worth watching.

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