Online Interview With Annette Boyd Lee Author of “Attention Obama Haters; What if the bible is true?” See Response When She Visited The Republican Debate In South Carolina at Wofford College

Thank you Annette Boyd Lee for taking time out of your busy schedule to respond to my online interview.

Will you share with me why you felt compelled to write the book about President Barack Obama?

My initial reason for writing the book was frustration. I was frustrated at all the lies that were being said and how the Republicans were constantly telling lies about what the President has done and is trying to do.  I felt a strong sense of personal attack was being channeled towards President Obama.  But then I come to realize there is a much deeper problem that exist in the United States.  I believe the election of Barack Obama has unleashed hatred on a whole different level and my concern is for the people who show this behavior and think there will never be any consequences to their action.

What kind of feedback have you received from people black, white and other about your book?

Mixed in all respect.  I have had black people say they don’t agree with how he is handling things especially when it comes to black people.  I have had black people say that everyone should read this book to put things in perspective from a Biblical standpoint.  I have had white people agree with the fact that President Obama is getting a raw deal.  These people supported him in 2008 and will support him in 2012.  Then there were those who frowned at the mention of his name.  These people cannot see any good in him.  According to them, he is destroying this country and that is all to it.  There is nothing he can do to win these people over.

Do you feel your book is in tune with what is going on with how "our" current President is being treated today?

Yes, it is to the point.  I didn’t mince words in the book to appease people. The situation is heartbreaking because as I said in the book, we, as Americans, should have been proud to have elected our first African-American president.  Instead, the hatred is so strong that the people don’t really care. 

Did you attend the Republican debate that was held in South Carolina at Wofford College on November 12, 2011?

I did go to Spartanburg to Wofford College in hopes of selling my books.  While I was not interested in attending the debate, I was hoping to sell a few books. 

If you did attend, did you attempt to sell your book to anyone attending the debate and/or what kind of response did you receive from the people you approached?

I initially parked on the campus and we walked as close as we could to where the debate was going to be held.  I explained to the kids what was going on as they asked a lot of questions.  We did pass out a few flyers on the campus to the dressed up people who had tickets to attend the debate.  I had my own ‘debate’ with a Ron Paul supporter.  A guy came up to me and asked my why I supported President Obama.  I told him that I believe he really wanted to help all the American people and not just the rich, but the Republicans are blocking everything he tries to do.  He made the comment that President Obama should have done more when the Dems controlled the Senate and the house.  I told him, he was still blocked by Republicans.  They filibustered on everything. Of course we disagreed, but then I said, that’s what’s good about the US, we can disagree with each other without being ugly towards one another.  I sold  a few books, but we passed out over 100 flyers.  With the exception of one person, everyone took the flyers and gave a ‘smile’.  Some may have thrown them away after they passed us, but we did pass them out.  The one person who wasn’t very nice was a representative from the Ron Paul campaign.  Three of my foster children were passing the flyers out.  The oldest girl gave a flyer to a female who balled it up and gave it back to the child.  When my child informed me of this, I asked her who did it.  She pointed to the female.  I went to her and said if you didn’t want to keep the flyer, you could have just given it back to the child, you didn’t have to ball it up.  She said, ‘my bad’.  I proceeded to tell the people in the group, who had given me some Ron Paul literature, that even if I didn’t agree with your candidate, I would never disrespect them by balling it up and giving it back to them.  If the female wasn’t embarrassed, she should have been.

So do you have anything else you would like to add?

I used to think ‘white’ people/republicans were sophisticated people who were upper class with class.  Now, I see many of them as nasty hateful people who would say and do anything for GREED.  In my opinion, the bottom line of all this is that people must own up to the fact that one day we will all have to answer to everything, EVERYTHING we have said and done in this life….well only if the Bible is true.  But, you know, Curmilus, what’s wrong with the principles of the Bible?  Even if a person doesn’t believe in the Bible, what’s wrong with being kind to one another?  What’s wrong with showing respect to one another?  Why can’t we work as hard to love one another as some do to hate one another?  For me, it’s heartbreaking. 

Annette Boyd Lee

Author of 2 books:

    When Words Hurt  –

Attention Obama Haters; What if the bible is true?

    Will your hate of this man be worth the price you may have

    to pay? 

See related:

Annette Boyd Lee

One Response

  1. Excellent work in confronting the political mask over raw hatred rooted in self-preservations of selfish gain.


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