Attention Obama Haters: What If The Bible Is True? by Annette Boyd Lee

Will your hate of this man be worth the price you may have to pay?

I am reading this book by Annette Boyd Lee and it is very interesting. I even called her and spoke to her on the phone about a month or 2 ago. Very sweet person.

I concur with the writer that, “Contrary to what the title may cause you to think, the book isn’t an attack on anyone. Rather it is called to self-evaluation of the heart with regards to this President. The hatred that has been exhibited by so many against this President is personal, not political.”

The author is a native of Clinton, South Carolina and is a graduate of Presbyterian College in Clinton and a Gulf War Army Veteran.

Visit Annette Boyd Lee at

One Response

  1. This is just too funny. Every time a president (Republican or Democrat) is in office, his supporters act as though he is the first to suffer attacks from the opposition. They make silly statements like, “In the past, people stuck to politics, but with THIS President it has turned personal.” People who make comments like this have no grasp of history. This has been going on since the founding of our country. Here are but a few examples:

    — 1800: Jefferson hired a writer named James Callender to attack President Adams. He wrote that John Adams is “a repulsive pedant,” a “gross hypocrite,” and “a hideous hermaphroditical character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensiblity of a woman.”

    — 1876 the opponents of Rutherford B. Hayes spread around a rumor that he had shot his own mother in a fit of rage.

    — A Democratic newspaper told voters that Lincoln should not be elected president because he only changed his socks once every 10 days.

    — 1828: a Republican pamphlet said Democrat Andrew Jackson was “a gambler, a cock fighter, a slave trader and the husband of a really fat wife.”

    Stop whining about President Obama being treated any differently than the previous 43 presidents. This is par for the course. You know what they say — If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the White House.

    I just hate ignance. You did not mention not one time about a person on the House Floor stand up and call a President a liar and I am not going to go into the other. Hell people write ignance all the time but that is not comparable to the face to face disrespect. But your ignance and hate for “Our” current President has you ignant to the real facts that are a concern to folks who respect the President whether they like him or not. Curmilus Dancy II – The Political Agitator


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