The Edgecombe County Board Of Education Has Disrespected The Voters In District 2 By Not Appointing A Candidate Tonight

It is a shame that the board did not appoint a person on tonight to fill the unexpired term of Attorney Teresa D. Bryant.

The board has disrespected the voters in District 2 simply because they voted for a black board member and they deserve to have a black person to fill the unexpired term of Bryant. Fair? Oh heck yeah, if Brownie Edison did all of his homework he would know that this district was created as a majority minority district during the last census report. This means he should understand what is at stake here. Again if he wants to run in 2012 and the voters in the district elects him then so be it.

I finally had the opportunity to meet Brownie Edison tonight and I was not impressed with him. I believe he means well but his mission is reducing classroom size. I believe everyone may agree with that however I do not see that as a reality especially with budget cuts.

I am not a fan of Rev. Roy Gray however I was impressed with him responding to the questions that I do not believe he nor the other candidates had privy to before the meeting. I do want to add that I have been knowing Gray for many years and he knows where I stand.

Quincy Robinson did okay but I was not impressed with him. This is the first time I have seen the political side of him.

My video will give everyone the opportunity to see the candidates interview for themselves and then they can form their own opinion. This is something I provide unlike the local newspapers because you only get what they write. You get both and with The DCN.

See related:

Breaking News – Edgecombe County Board Of Education Did Not Get A Majority Vote For A Candidate Tonight So Will Vote Again At Next Board Meeting

Edgecombe County Public Schools

8 Responses

  1. I do not know who this “wake Up” individual is but I do think that you are quite right. I have a feeling that Bernice Pitt was making a shady reference to the candidates for the vacant position. I thought that so – called intelligent people understood that making sorious allegations or references about or to people was not necessary in an open forum. As far as I am concerned there is not one soul who was present in that room who is so pure and clean that they can afford to smear another person’s name nor their reputation. That was totally uncalled for. If she ever ran for a public office,I would have serious doubts about her ability to operate above board on any issue.To me, that’s the same thing as” yellow dog” journalism. We don’t need to resort to that. I guess if Mrs. Bryant decides to run again, we’ll hear some assumed “dirt” thrown about regarding her abilities,etc. It’s sad that some people cannot have a constructive dialog without resorting to “mud slinging.”


    • I noticed that I made a mistake in the spelling of a word as I was typing rapidly.That happens when your mind works faster than your fingers. Anyway, I use the word…”sorious” when should have spelled it as “spurious.” I apologize for the error in spelling.


  2. Wake up, when I asked the question I received an answer I just didn’t share it. The “Word on the Street” resources are always on the money.

    I don’t share everything.

    The answer you gave is incorrect. You need to stop assuming and get the “Word on the street” answer.


  3. Mr. C. Dancy II,
    I believe Bernice Pitt was talking about our wonderful superintendent. I guess the “Word on the street” was not available to give you this information. Oh Well.


  4. Let me get this straight. Whites should always be appointed to replace whites and blacks should always be appointed to replace blacks? What happened to Dr. King’s dream of judging people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?

    Response: What an ignant response. No need to respond with more ignance because I don’t play.

    This seat is a majority/minority district and the appointment is different from someone filing to run seeking the voters support to elect them. I am not going to continue to repeat myself.

    You don’t need to continue to post here using different codes names. I don’t play so don’t waste my time. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher


  5. After reading this, I see that you and I are on the opposite sides of the fence regarding the selection of a person to fill the vacant seat; however, it’s always good to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. I,too, did not think that Mr. Edison should have entered the selectioin possibility. The fact is that he probably did not understand the history of that particular seat or, perhaps he assumed that the appointment of a black to fill that unexpired term was improtant. Remember, there are those who don’t know history, there are those who attempt to ignore history,and there are those who don’t care about history. I am going to hope that he did not know and was “mentored” by others who want to ignore the tradition regarding that particular seat on the Edgecombe County School Board. Perhaps Attorney Bryant should rescind her earlier resignation and let the general populace of District 2 make the chioce in an election. Also, there should be a series of public forums held during the election period and all candicates should be required to present themselves for public scrutiny. Furthermore,I would require that the moderator of each forum be someone from outsideEdgecombe County to eliminate any appearance of favoritism.


    • I guess you are saying we are on the opposite sides of the fence regarding a selection however neither person has asked for my support so therefore I am staying neutral. Actually it does not matter to me because I would hope that Attorney Teresa D. Bryant would run in the 2012 election.

      However I can not support Brownie Edison for the appointment because of the rule of law for the district being a majority minority district. I spoke to him last night and told him where I stood. He said he was glad I didn’t say anything bad about him. I told him I didn’t know him and that my role is strictly political and that I speak for others whom allow me to speak for them and also that sometimes I say things and I may not be supportive of it but because if the majority of the folks I have spoke with thinks otherwise and I can live with it, then I will rethink my position but after much examining their side.

      You are right on target about Brownie Edison.

      I found Bernice Pitt comments to be quite interesting and I had to ask someone who was she talking about. Oh well.

      Very interesting meeting last night just like I knew it would be.


  6. You know, this is rocket science. No wonder people get fed up with the politics of the system.


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