Sources Reporting To The DCN About The Noise In The Twin Counties Saturday February 19, 2022

Let me begin by repeating, “I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!” “I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!” “I am Unbought and Unbossed!”

The latest White Racist voice sources say is Adrienne Copeland who attend the Rocky Mount City Council meeting talking about Affordable Housing. Sources say that she lives on the Reservoir and obtained the property for $10 but it is valued at around $300,000. Sources say one house in particular that she has talked about is in the Black community (Berkshire) that the city said they were going to tear a house but they say she want the city to give her the house so she can fix it up. She want the city to build the owner that the house belong to on the property beside their current lot. So why is she all up in the Black community trying to get property talking about fixing it up and then renting it to Black folk? So she want to make a living on backs of Black folk. I am just talking about what sources are saying however I see her in action during council meetings. I also receive information every time she post a new podcast.

I just received Adrienne Copeland latest podcast last night and a few minutes ago from sources where she is talking about Councilman Rev. Richard Joyner and his “Grant Habits.” This is my response to the latest: “I am familiar with that time of events as she has gone back to 2003 but what have Councilman Rev. Richard Joyner Ward 4 been charged with illegally? She is trying to discredit him because she is supporting Crystal that is running against him. Frank Ballance is dead and Black folk ought to be on her a…. because he went to jail and paid the price. I am sick of Black folk allowing these White Racist to come for Black Leadership. So what about Richard being on CNN? That has come after the Ballance saga. SMDH! It is what Black folk allow the problem for me.”

Although I can read Fighting Crime page but can’t comment on it, I don’t read it until someone send me something to check out. I can read but can’t comment. I am blocked on Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens and other Racist pages like Steve Celderberg The Jay Group the Shoe Warehouse on Atlantic Ave in Rocky Mount. I have access to WHIG-TV and WNCR TV but I don’t watch them.

I learned last night that someone called in to WNCR TV around a month ago and said something about they knew Bronson Williams had beef with me and he said he didn’t. But what I do know is he and his co-host Nehemiah Smith talked about a whole week and then some.

This week and over the past couple of weeks I have been receiving a lot of half-trues that Crystal Wimes-Anderson who are running against Councilman Rev. Richard Joyner in Ward 4 is putting out. I have responded to a lot of her mess but this past week she Unfriended me but didn’t block me so that she can still follow my page. She moved here from Florida and has no clue about politics but listening to the noise and responding to the White Racists who are supporting her because they don’t like Rev. Joyner. These Whites don’t even know here, hell folk in the Black Community don’t know her she only been here a little over a year.  Damn fool don’t even get it that they are only liking her now because she is pushing their agenda as she is going after Rev. Joyner. This Chick is dangerous and I am basing that on how she feels comfortable sharing information with Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens.

Steve Celderberg The Jay Group is one of the most vocal trying to discredit Black leadership and Black folk but has got Crystal Wimes-Anderson thinking she is the one and don’t even know her. I look at the Whites who be liking her posts and just Shake My Damn Head. I love it when folk show who they are. I ain’t following her, I ain’t interested in what she has to say, I am interested in who are following her and those who are going after Black leadership.

Recently sources said that Councilman TJ Walker had joined Englewood Baptist Church. Well I know he is no longer at his granddaddy’s church Rev. Dr. Thomas L. Walker’s Church Ebenezer. Sources say they had a fallout when TJ took a stand with the Senate Bill 473 that not only targeted Councilmen Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell but all Blacks across the state in my opinion.

Just this week Walker nominated Councilman Lige Daughtridge for ElectriCities but actually it was suppose to be NCEMPA a board that Knight have been on since he replace former councilwoman Angela Bryant when she was elected to the NC House of Representatives. To watch the nomination and the vote playout was just disgusting. It appeared that the intent was to send a message to the White community that he is the swing voter and that he will go after Black leadership so he will be well liked by the White Racists who will be willing to pump some money his way.

I told Walker on my social media pages and also when I talked to him a couple of days ago that what he did was a slap in the face to not only Rocky Mount but the other 32 counties that make up the NCEMPA board and representation on the ElectriCities. I told him I used to take off work and go to Wilson and video the NCEMPA meetings. I told him he should have nominated himself especially he being the youngest on the council and that since he want to represent young folk. This would have been good for him to be the young voice as it relates utilities issues. But I have some to the conclusion that while he called out Knight saying he didn’t attend the meetings how in the hell can he call somebody out about attending meetings when his tract record when it comes to attendance on the council has been terrible.

Walker Unfriended me around 2 months ago. He told me this week that I was not the only one he Unfriended that he Unfriended Steve Celderberg too because he like to talk to folk face to face. Well when Walker ran I called him and talked to him and he has not called me until this week. But what Walker need to understand is when he do things in the public I am going to respond Publicly. That is the difference between others and myself because I respond Publicly and folk don’t like to be challenged openly. Well obviously he and others have not been paying attention because that is what I have been doing since the late 80’s. Oh but Walker was born around 1993 because my daughter was born in 1991.

Samuel Battle Sam Rock and Gregb podcast “Word On The Street” folk send me that mess. They are the male versions of Diamond and Silk the Trump Supporters.

Who in the hell in their right minds would follow Tarrick Pittman podcast called “Independent Thinkers?”

WNCR TV should be the place for Black folk to be able to have a place to talk about the state of the Black community dealing with Whole Trues but up until I stopped watching it, it was a bunch of half-trues. It appears not much has change from the information that I am receiving from sources.

I tried to talk to Bronson about the format of his show one from having my own talk show host years ago on WNCR TV and on WCPS Radio. Folk were talking about the format and I am the one that will go to folk and don’t care how they receive the information because I have no control over that part.

What I do know is the show should be about making sure the Black community is getting factual information about all folk be it Black leadership and Racist White Folk and Safe Negro Black Folk haters.

Have anyone noticed that the Whites who used to attend the City Council Meetings faithfully don’t attend anymore because they got Black folk that attend the meeting faithfully monthly calling out Black leadership. How many Whites have attended the meetings and called out the White leadership? They are not going to do it publicly. All they got to do is to put out half trues on their social media pages where they got Black folk ears and these Black folk not only read it and believe it without getting all of the facts, but they share it too.

When some folk talk to me about the noise and say we need to do something, I ask them what are they going to do? The problem is that Black folk who are allowing the noise to go unchallenged are who I have a problem with. When Black stop being afraid to speak out publicly about the half-trues, nothing is going to change.

It is amazing to me that the Ministerial Alliance and other Black Organizations are quiet and not addressing issues in the Black community from School Issues, Crime, Black leadership and the noise that is coming from White folk and Black folk that are damaging the Black Community.

Some of these same Black folk that claim they are concerned about the state of the Black Community are the same ones that want to celebrate Dr. King and Black History Month.

Anyone who are allowing the noise and not speaking out publicly you are a part of the problem. If you Black folk like the noise, I love it! But I am going to speak out against the noise be it coming from Safe Negro Black Folk and/or Racist White Folk. If you are scared say it and get out of the way.

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Breaking News! Inside Noise (Elected Officials) vs Outside Noise (Haters, Want A Be Elected Officials)

Stop listening to the noise on the outside (Haters, Want A Be Elected Officials) and focus on the noise on the inside (Elected Officials) at the table. Look at the progress. See the haters will say what progress? They know they just big mad.

The outside noise look at what they bring to the table. Noise! Without a purpose.

While the outside noise has been a distraction, the inside noise (Elected Officials) continue to make progress.

The Community Academy (A Real Noise With A Purpose) is a force to be reckon with.