COVID vaccines’ effectiveness against infections ebbs over time, but they still protect against death, study finds

As the delta variant became the dominant strain of coronavirus across the United States, all three COVID-19 vaccines available to Americans lost some of their protective power, according to a new study.

Researchers who scoured the records of nearly 800,000 U.S. veterans found that in early March, just as the delta variant was gaining a toehold across American communities, the three vaccines were roughly equal in their ability to prevent infections.

But over the next six months, that changed dramatically.

By the end of September, Moderna’s two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, measured as 89% effective in March, was only 58% effective.

The effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine, which also employs two doses, fell from 87% to 45% in the same period.

And most strikingly, the protective power of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine plunged from 86% to just 13% over those six months.

Nevertheless, the vaccines remained protective against death in people infected during the delta surge and the risk of death was highest among unvaccinated people, the study found. (Read more)

Polio And Smallpox Were Eradicated By Vaccines

May be an image of text that says 'I don't know who needs to hear this but Polio and smallpox never reached natural herd immunity. They were eradicated by vaccines.'
Author Unknown

I Guess We Will Have To Rely On National Guard/Military

Since some nurses and police do not want to take the shot, I guess we will have to rely on the military to do their jobs. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 10/22/2021

Vaccinated people dying of Covid have average age of 85 and five underlying illnesses

People who are vaccinated against Covid are highly unlikely to die of the virus unless they are very old and already ill, a study in Italy has shown.

The data adds more pressure on the UK Government to speed up the booster programme for protecting double jabbed older and vulnerable people who will be beginning to lose immunity.

Analysis by the Italian National Health Institute, which looked at deaths in the country between Feb 1 and Oct 5, showed major disparities in people who were dying from Covid after being fully jabbed.

It found the average age of death in the vaccinated was 85, and that on average each person had five underlying illnesses when they caught Covid. In contrast, the average age of death among the unvaccinated was 78, with those people having four pre-existing conditions on average.

Cases of heart problems, dementia and cancer were all found to be higher in the sample of deaths among those vaccinated.

During the study period, there were 38,096 Covid deaths in Italy, among which 33,620 were unvaccinated, 2,130 had received only a single dose or were infected shortly after inoculation before antibodies had formed, and 1,440 were fully vaccinated. (Read more)

Now Since You Got Yo Whiskey, Have You Got Yo Shot?

Now! Since you got yo Whiskey!

Have you got yo Shot?

Mel Waiters - Got My Whiskey


Mel Waiters – Got My Whiskey

MEL WAITERS:25 June 1956, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Waiters sang i

Help Me Understand! Taking A Chance Of Getting It Or Giving It To Someone Else Is A 50–50 Call

Help Me Understand! I just don’t understand why folk who come into contact with folk on a day to day basis and it requires them to be within 6 feet will not get the shot. So you take a chance of getting it from someone else or giving it to someone vs taking a chance of having side effects from the shot. For me it is a 50 – 50 call. But just my ignant opinion. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/26/2021

9 Vaccinated Nursing Home Residents Die After Montana Lets Healthcare Workers Go Unvaccinated

The Political Agitator’s response: I just don’t understand why folk who come into contact with folk on a day to day basis and it requires them to be within 6 feet will not get the shot. So you take a chance of getting it from someone else or giving it to someone vs taking a chance of having side effects from the shot. For me it is a 50 – 50 call. But just my ignant opinion.

The deceased individuals lived in the Libby Care Center of Lincoln County. They died as a result of a COVID-19 outbreak in the center. A tenth unvaccinated resident also died.

The outbreak began due to an unvaccinated Certified Nursing Assistant who worked in the center, Cascadia Healthcare, the company that operates the center, told KPAX.

An additional 16 staff members also tested positive for the virus, according to Cascadia Healthcare Director of Corporate Affairs Steve LaForte.

Approximately 88 percent of the center’s residents are vaccinated against COVID-19. However, only 54 percent of the center’s staff is also vaccinated.

Earlier this year, the state’s Republican-led legislature passed a bill banning employers from requiring vaccination for their workers. The law, signed by Republican Governor Greg Gianforte, considers such requirements a form of "discrimination" in violation of the state’s human rights laws.

Montana is the only U.S. state to have passed such a law.

The law also requires health care facilities to make "reasonable accommodations" for unvaccinated workers to keep working, such as by wearing masks and taking other precautions.

"While the governor continues to encourage Montanans to receive safe and effective vaccines, doing so is voluntary and no individual should face discrimination based on vaccination status," Brooke Stroyke, Gianforte’s spokesperson, told the Associated Press.

On September 22, the Montana Medical Association, a Missoula hospital, medical clinics and individuals with . . . (Read more)

Voter ID vs Vaccination Is Trumpidity!

Kemp Edwards said the following, “Also, if you think showing an ID to vote is “Jim Crow” and racist then be sure to show your proof of vaccination instead.”

First of all there has been no proof that there has been Voter Fraud to put in place one should have to show ID to vote. Hell yeah it is racist because it is all about targeting Black Folk. Who has been sick, hospitalized and died because they didn’t have to show a Voter ID to vote?

Second some folk have had COVID, recovered, recovering and have died. And it can be spread to others.

It is time for those who suffer from Trumpidity to get some help and to stop being in denial about what is real and what is perceived.

Chris Rock says he has Covid. ‘Trust me you don’t want this,’ comedian tweets

(CNN)Comedian and actor Chris Rock revealed Sunday that he has tested positive for Covid-19, and he is using the opportunity to urge others to get vaccinated against the virus.

On his verified Twitter account, Rock posted, "Hey guys I just found out I have COVID, trust me you don’t want this. Get vaccinated."

The former "Saturday Night Live" cast member didn’t comment on his condition, and his representatives did not immediately return a request from CNN for further comment.

Rock told Jimmy Fallon on an episode of "The Tonight Show" in May that he received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and joked that he used his star status and "skipped the line" in getting it.

"I used my celebrity, Jimmy," Rock said. "I didn’t care. I was like, ‘Hey, step aside Betty White, step aside old people, Judge Judy.’" (Read more)


I have figured it out they are suffering from Trumpidity and they need some help. Help is available but they must admit they have drank the Orange Koo Laid, Clorox and rather take invectom for horses than take the Vaccine. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/17/2021

Make It Make Sense: Vaccine & Black Folk

Make It Make Sense. I have heard some folk say that the vaccine was created to kill Black folk. So is it something in the vaccine that it know that it is inside a Black person versus inside a White person? I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/14/2021

Fact! Percentages Show The Majority of The Folk & COVID-19

Fact percentages show me that the majority of the folk that have worn masks and have taken the shots since the COVID are ALIVE and that outweighs those who did not wear masks and did not take the shots that have DIED. Fact Check That! I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/12/2021

Vaccine Mandate! Comply

Hell yeah it is a problem when it is a mandate because it is your right until to choose. Once mandated then you need to comply. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/10/2021

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! No Vaccine For Children Under 16

So since there are vaccines for children before they can begin school, how long will it be before there is a vaccine for children under 16 because this should be a top priority. I’ll wait!  Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! What Is Racial Make Up Of The COVID Patients In The Hospital

I would like to know what is the racial make up of the COVID-19 patients that are in the hospital and how many have been vaccinated? So if the majority are vaccinated then that should tell you something especially if they survive. I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/5/2021