Tennessee 3 I First Thought They Were All Black

Rep. Gloria Johnson, who is White and wasn’t ousted, slammed the votes removing Jones and Pearson, who are Black, as racist. Asked by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota why she believes she wasn’t expelled, Johnson said the reason is “pretty clear.” “I am a 60-year-old White woman, and they are two young Black men,” Johnson said. She added that Pearson and Jones were questioned in a “demeaning way” by lawmakers before their expulsion. (This was sent to The DCN)

See this is an example of White Privilege by default.

But folk talking about Race ain’t an Issue in 2023, even Ignant Damn Black Folk. Get the hell out of here!

See what happened with the Tennessee 3 by clicking on the following link: “The ‘Tennessee three’ arrive in the Capitol ahead of expulsion vote.”