Open Letter To Crystal Wimes-Anderson Running Against Incumbent Richard Joyner For Rocky Mount City Council Ward 3

When I hear folk talking about young folk getting involved politically I have supported young folk and the reason why is because I feel if young folk get involved just maybe they could bring in more young folk. However just because you are young don’t make you the one.

The last time I checked Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman, Cleveland Atkinson Sheriff Edgecombe County, Robin Williams Braswell just to name a few I have supported over the years so when folk talking about older folk supporting young folk, I just shake my head.

I no longer look at WNCR TV Bronson Williams host/candidate for Ward 3 and Nehemiah Smith Co-host show so I am only going by what I heard. I also heard you were on Independent Thinkers with Tarrick Pittman.

I heard you said that current councilman Richard Joyner encouraged you to run. Well what I do know is that on Election Filing day 1 at 12 noon I was the 1st to arrive. I had been to the Board of Elections Office and captured several folk as they filed. Joyner told me he would be coming in the afternoon. I went down stairs and paid my property taxes and then went to Bojanglos and got me something to eat. I called Joyner and he said they were on the way.

When I came back to the Board of Elections Office you were there. You asked me was I the county photographer and I said no. I said I do this on my own. I told you I had a blog and post photos/videos on my page. You went to my page and immediately sent me a Friend Request. You told me you and your son had worked on Joyner’s farm in Conetoe during the summer. You told me you came to Rocky Mount from Florida on an assignment around a year ago and said you decided to stay. I thought you said you were a member of Concerned Citizens the Facebook page but after I did a post about our conversation you said you were just a concerned citizens.

When Richard Joyner walked in he was shocked to see you there. He asked what were you doing there and you said to file to fun for Ward 3. Later after we left the BOE Office I asked Richard did he know you and he told me how he knew you. I found that to be interesting.

We have been in touch and I have tried to tell you what you needed to do to get involved in politics. We have even met in person on one occasion in Tarboro. We have been communicating via Facebook and via phone. I thought you were listening to me as you would always say thank you for that bit of information especially when I continued to stress that you need to get involved in the party, in the community, learn the people and the culture of politics.

Recently you sent me an Invite to your Campaign page. I sent you a Messenger and told you you know I am supporting Richard Joyner and if you say something that I feel I want to address I am and you said okay.

I have addressed some things you have said publicly like at the Rocky Mount City Council meeting but I called you about your comments too. I have responded on your pages.

I have been receiving messages about your conversations on your page, City Council meeting and this week with your appearance on WNCR TV Independent Thinkers with Tarrick Pittman. Somebody sent me the appearance with Pittman again today. Nope I have not looked at it and don’t plan to. I understand that you were called out on a morning show on WNCR TV. I seen you have done a response on your page about your appearance on WNCR TV but I have not looked at it and don’t plan to.

I am really amazed at how you say one thing and then do another.

I am amazed at all the noise you are keeping and you have not been here but a little over a year. Just because you have volunteered at the recreation center, picked up trash in your neighborhood and have begun to attend meetings especially online don’t make you know what is really going on and definitely do not make folk know anything about you.

I bet you don’t even know who your precinct chair is nor who all of your elected officials that you can vote for during the upcoming election especially since I believe you registered and filed to run for Ward 3 on the same day.

I have told you about the meetings my pastor have the COVID Update and Community Prayer every other Tuesday, Eastern NC Civic Group monthly and other meetings. You have been attending these virtual meetings. I have tried to be nice to you but my patience is wearing thin because I told you if you are going to run just run and stop with the mess about folk told you it ain’t your time, that you need to wait and etc. You keep saying mess half trues and anybody that know me know I have a problem with folk who put out half trues, lies and misleading folk. I believe you said that Richard was not into politics. I told you he has been actively engaged in politics since the early 90’s because we were at political meetings.

I have never told you not to run against Richard Joyner but I remind you that I am supporting him.

It is obvious that you have joined the noise that is telling half trues and misleading folk and I can’t support someone that does that. This is why I have tuned some noise out and will continue to tune out more. However I am going to respond to some of the noise that is important to me that I feel need to be addressed when folk make me aware of it.

Continue on and like I have told many don’t commit political suicide because when folk are keeping a lot of messy noise that ain’t good.

Run Crystal Run!

But again I am supporting Richard Joyner and with that being said, I support my candidates and I hold their opposition accountable for how they come for them.